host country

Chapter 488 Ambush

Yu Xian fled for a while, deeply feeling a bit pained.

Although it's very cool to get rid of Mr. Jia, but has the situation in front of him changed?

not at all!

Whether facing 100 million or 80, Yu Xian still only has those methods.

Even if the killing power in the Tiger Talisman is fully charged, it is nothing more than repeating the previous process.

What Yu Xian faced was still the result of being consumed alive.

Moreover, if he offended the insidious and black-bellied Mr. Jia, it is hard to say whether he will end well.

Maybe Mr. Jia's ferociousness would be so fierce that he would eat sashimi while it was fresh.

At this time, Yu Xian's excitement of pitting Jia Xu was over, and the feeling of sleepiness struck again.

Even if he still has infinite physical strength, the consumption of this energy is terrible.

Taking advantage of his breathing time, Yu Xian looked around and quickly made up his mind.

You can't go to the west.

Wang Yun, a villain, has long since rebelled.

Dong Bai's trumpet has been secretly used by Meili many times, and it seems that it has been practiced in vain.

Now only Xu Huang can take care of himself.

It's just that I don't know where he went after leaving Tongguan. If it doesn't work, he has to flee to Guandong.

There are all heroes standing side by side, and it is the time when heroes and heroes take advantage of the momentum, and they will not be able to get rid of this big trouble.

After thinking about it, Yu Xian immediately ran to the east.

On the way, there was a big river rushing, Yu Xian saw that the water was rushing, so he jumped into the river without any hesitation.

The water was turbid and surging, and Yu Xian was tilted left and right.

Yu Xian turned his body around, spread out his hands, and looked up to the sky.

Then immediately opened the shield of mental retardation.

Between ups and downs, heavy exhaustion struck, and Yu Xian quickly fell asleep.

The torrential river washes away, dragging Yu Xian down the river.

When he woke up again, Yu Xian only felt that his eyes were bright, which made him dizzy for a moment.

Taking a closer look, the surroundings are narrow and oppressive, as if they are surrounded by red-hot copper vessels.

The protection of the retarded shield on the body is still there, but there are eight openings on the bronze vessel in the direction of the Eight Diagrams, and there are also holes on the top and bottom.Surrounding formations emerged, and someone was using the killing formation of ambush from all sides to wear down the crystal scales on his body little by little.

Yu Xian was taken aback, and hurriedly struggled.

It's just that I don't know what material the chains on my body are made of. Although they are a little loose, I can't break free for a while.

Yu Xian failed to break free, and felt a little bad.

If I knew this was the case, I should have waited for the opportunity to move, but now it is a surprise.

Thinking in my heart, I quickly looked out from the small hole in the copper vessel.

I saw Jia Xu was guarding the side, playing with a piece of firewood in his hand, lost in thought.

Yu Xian looked at the flames shining on Jia Xu's face, and felt that the copperware was hotter and hotter.

Even if he couldn't bear it through the crystal scales, if he forged the shield of mental retardation, how would he survive?

Seemingly aware of Yu Xian's gaze, Jia Xu came back to his senses, looked at the little hole, and said expressionlessly, "You little thief, you ruined my art of war and ruined my hard work for several years. How dare you Sleeping soundly in the water, is there no way to deceive me, Jia Wenhe?"

Yu Xian complained secretly.

At that time, I was already extremely exhausted, so I didn't care much, and everything was left to fate.

Yu Xian hadn't figured out how to deal with it yet, and remained silent in the copper furnace.

Seeing that Yu Xian did not respond, Jia Xu immediately sneered.

"Could it be that you think that the crystal barrier on your body can protect you? This copper furnace of mine was forged by Zhang Zifang himself, and the art of ambush from ten sides is hidden on it. This art of war is so mysterious that even Xiang Yu, the overlord back then, couldn't break free. Trapped under Gaixia, he was forced to kill himself."

Yu Xian didn't answer after listening.

When he was in line with Guo Jia before, he used the turtle talisman to provoke Guo Julu to beheaded.When the Zhanjiangtai was born, there was an image of an ambush on the nearby Jieyun. Yu Xian can still vividly remember the power at that time.

Jia Xu's words are not false.

Yu Xian looked at the ten small holes on the copper stove, and seeing the looming power of war on it, he gave up his thoughts of rushing directly.

Seeing that Yu Xian was still silent, Jia Xu smiled and knocked the firewood on the copper stove.

"What? Still not giving up?"

"Do you think the old man has not seen through your hidden methods? You have a weak divinity, and you must have dealt with some evil god. I used this copper furnace to refine you, except to destroy your body protection. I want to use human fireworks to slowly burn away the divinity in you. Although this fire is just an ordinary stove fire, it is the most capable of obliterating the divinity."

"When your inexhaustible divine power dissipates, I'll see how long you can last."

Yu Xian was shocked when he heard this.

For a long time, he has been longing to use the wood attribute power of the mysterious wooden box to replace the power of the colorful mother.

It's a pity that Diao Chan is not strong enough, after a few times of smoking, there are still remnants.

It is precisely because of this that Yu Xian came up with the idea of ​​"cutting corpses and substitutes", wanting to cut a corpse out of his body and completely break the fetters from Molan.

Unexpectedly, after suffering such a crime, Jia Xu got unexpected joy.

It's just that the hearts of those who play the art of war are very dirty, and Yu Xian can't distinguish between the false and the real.

Rather than rashly playing this deadly game with Jia Xu, it's better to wait until you get rid of him completely and try it yourself.

Yu Xian calmed down and concentrated on thinking about the chains that bound him.

It took a lot of time to finally untie the chains on his body.

Jia Xu seemed to be a little aware of it, but he glanced at it with a half-smile, obviously he had great confidence in his copper furnace.

Yu Xian originally planned to wait for Jia Xu to relax before resorting to tactics, but now that both sides have shown their cards, they simply started to break the battle with great fanfare.

Yu Xian once walked through Wu Qi's growth path in the gourd of fame and fame. After he got out of the gourd, he even watched him train soldiers in his dream in the dream of Guo Ju. How many have some insights.

Yu Xian observed carefully, chose the hole in the southeast, flicked his sleeves, and plunged into it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he fell into the formation, Yu Xian felt something was wrong.

The ten-sided ambush formation was activated immediately, and the ten-sided killing formation flickered at the same time, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to shatter, turning into mountains of knives and sea of ​​fire, and rushed towards Yu Xian.

Yu Xian was horrified and had no means to resist.

Fortunately, those tactics of war couldn't do anything about the crystal barrier on Yu Xian's body.

Then the flat ground turned into huge waves again, and the huge waves were swept into the abyss. The sea was boiled by the fire, and Yu Xian was turned upside down.

Immediately, a mountain of knives soared into the sky in the abyss.

Although Yu Xian couldn't be hurt, but seeing the sharp knife stabbing at his body like a mess of spears, it still couldn't avoid the chrysanthemum tightening.

At this moment, the mountain of swords collapsed.

The halo is surging, the wine pond is fragrant.Fantastic, beauties singing and dancing.

Then the wine pool turned into a wave of blood, and the beauty turned into a tiger and wolf.


After being ravaged by various military techniques, once the formation was opened, he was thrown back into the copper furnace to slowly wear him down.

Originally, Yu Xian relied on enough sleep and wanted to fight Jia Xu with high spirits. Even if he didn't get a chance to win, he was still sure of escaping again.

As a result, when he was thrown back into the copper furnace by the formation, he collapsed on the ground powerlessly, his eyes were empty for a long time, and he still didn't come back to his senses.

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