host country

Chapter 486

Yu Xian is a decisive person. Now that he has made up his mind, he no longer cares about harming the peace of heaven.

He identified the direction and quickly ran to the place where he was stationed before.

Sensing Yu Xian's movements, the soldiers who were besieging the hillside hurriedly blew their horns.

The fastest-moving cavalry immediately began to commotion.Then the cavalry of the brigade began to turn around and galloped forward, trying to invite Yu Xian to attack halfway.

The farthest infantry also moved with the drums and horns, while judging Yu Xian's intentions, they formed a new encirclement network around the periphery.

Yu Xian was a little surprised, and now he was in the mood to seriously examine the soldiers and horses below.

Before, he only paid attention to the combat power of the soldiers, but now it seems that the command actions of these Taoist soldiers are even more extraordinary.

Yu Xian's own "scattering beans into soldiers" can almost only execute the most dull orders, and instinctively go into battle.

If you want to give full play to your strength, you must have a commander like Left Vanguard as the center.

However, the Taoist soldiers summoned by Jia Xu were obviously not commanded by a general.

They seem to have buried countless countermeasures deep in their bones.

In the face of the enemy's changes, they can spontaneously flow, gather, and attack like water!

This is almost the most perfect Taoist soldier Yu Xian knows.

Unfortunately, I just don't know the trick.

Yu Xian was a little shocked after reading it.

Mr. Jia wouldn't just type codes for these Taoist soldiers at home when he had nothing to do!

But in this way, it also gave Yu Xian a reminder.

Jia Xu seemed to be indifferent to the fight, but there was no way she could be behind.

Don't be too explicit about your own intentions.

Yu Xian rushed left and right, still pretending to be a trapped beast, and after a lot of fighting, he returned to the place where he spent the night yesterday.

It is now midday.

Yu Xian stayed up all night and fought for half a day. Even if he had inexhaustible strength, his spirit was exhausted to the extreme.

If it weren't for the idea of ​​revenge against Jia Xu to support him, Yu Xian might have already planned to admit defeat and wait for death.

Yu Xian looked around and finally found what he was looking for.

——The few drops of blood shed by Jia Xu when he performed the art of war last night!

The few drops of blood that fell on the ground had already turned into hard black-brown stones.

Yu Xian held it in his hand, spit out vigorously, and the hard black-brown blood clot immediately showed signs of softening.

As more and more life forms were soaked in, the dark brown stone finally turned dark red again.

These few drops of blood did not disperse, but spontaneously congealed into slightly flexible blood beads.

Yu Xian held the few drops of blood in his palm, and without any scruples, he ran towards the valley where the deer was found.

Perhaps it was because Yu Xian's attacking trajectory was so direct, Jia Xu, who had been resting with his eyes closed in the sedan chair, suddenly noticed something.

He came out to take a look, a little surprised, "Why did this little Taoist go back there?"

Jia Xu frowned and thought about it for a while, then looked away, stopping at the deer for a while, and then looked into the distance.

Jia Xu didn't find any clues, and was a little confused about what this little Taoist priest was going to do.

He thought for a while, separated the soldiers and horses, and made way for a path.

"Heh, the old man wants to see what skills you have available."

The pressure on Yu Xian's charge suddenly decreased, he suddenly looked up and saw Jia Xu looking at him on a high ground.

Yu Xian felt a little uneasy.

Although it was expected that Jia Xu might have to fight against Jia Xu, but the giant just looked at it like this, which still put a lot of pressure on Yu Xian.

However, Yu Xian's current state can't last long, his energy is on the verge of exhaustion, and his killing power will be exhausted at any time.

Yu Xian simply rushed straight to the valley.

Jia Xu watched silently from a high place, and those densely packed soldiers surrounded Yu Xian like a swarm of ants while making way for Yu Xian.

It took Yu Xian a very short time to rush to the valley.

He didn't beat around the bush, he went straight to the herd of deer, and killed a deer with a knife in his hand.

The fawn groaned and fell to the ground.

Yu Xian was stunned.

He looked at the deer blood gurgling from the deer's neck, swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and almost forgot the original purpose for a moment.

Day and night of hard work exhausted him a lot.

Although Yu Xian could transform the vitality in the mysterious wooden box to maintain his vitality, his spiritual hunger became more intense.

Seeing Yu Xian standing there in a daze, Jia Xu on the hillside also frowned slightly.

Does this little Taoist want to eat blood?

It's a desperate rhythm.

Fortunately, Yu Xian struggled for a while, but still resisted the desire to swallow.

"Left Pioneer!"

With a low shout, Yu Xian called out the left vanguard, and then used a small amount of killing power to spread beans into soldiers, and summoned some soldiers and horses.

As soon as these soldiers and horses appeared, they did not fight trapped beasts as Jia Xu thought.

Instead, he quickly ran towards the herd of deer and began to kill wantonly.

The deer seemed petrified, just standing there docilely.

Thousands of wild deer stared at Yu Xian, their eyes were a little empty, and seemed to be looking at a remote distance.

It's just that Yu Xian only cares about struggling to survive at this time, so he doesn't care about it.

Jia Xu looked at the left vanguard who turned into a witch and ghost, and then at Yu Xian's actions.

Suddenly he understood, "This little Taoist priest still understands ghost witchcraft. Could it be that this is a blood sacrifice? It's just that there are not many evil gods who can respond in this day and age."

Jia Xu thought about it, and simply made a hexagram in his sleeve.

It's a pity that there is no yin and yang copper coin to help.

After Jia Xu finished his calculations, he didn't understand Yu Xian's purpose, but got an extremely ominous omen.

"This little Taoist is trying to die."

Jia Xu frowned.

His gaze repeatedly went back and forth between Yu Xian and the herd of deer.

Although there are large herds of wild deer in the Qinling Mountains, they seldom enter Guanzhong. It is strange that there are so many wild deer lingering in this valley.

Is it?

Thinking of the extremely ominous omen just now, Jia Xu thought of retreating.

"Kill this little Taoist priest and leave as soon as possible. Only by avoiding all calamities can we protect ourselves."

Jia Xu made a decision and immediately turned back to the sedan chair.

As soon as the sedan chair curtain fell, those Taoist soldiers who had been on the offensive immediately became violent.

The random arrows landed densely and clangingly near Yu Xian.

The Taoist soldiers summoned by Yu Xian almost collapsed on the spot under the conflict of the cavalry.

Although the left vanguard was brave, he was powerless in the face of this wave of people.After barely resisting for a while, it was quickly beaten into black smoke and dissipated.

Yu Xian turned pale with shock.

The left forward is the most important part of his plan.

He hurriedly called again.

With a black smoke rising, the left vanguard appeared again.It's just that his state is already extremely unstable, and he is on the verge of collapse at any time.

Yu Xian hurriedly asked the remaining Taoist soldiers to protect the left vanguard.

But in the blink of an eye, those Dao soldiers transformed from beans were killed in pieces.

Fortunately, taking advantage of this chaotic fight, Yu Xian also arranged the materials and made final preparations.

Yu Xian took a deep breath, twisted his arms and exhausted all his strength, as if lifting something extremely heavy from the ground.

——"Eight-door Golden Lock Formation! Let me open it!"

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