host country

Chapter 482 Breaking out of the city

Even in Luoyang, the eastern capital, Tang Zhou did not dare to be so unscrupulous.

But after Guanzhong experienced a long Qiang rebellion, Chang'an Xiongcheng, which was originally located in the northwest, has fallen into disrepair.

In the entire city of Chang'an, except for the large formation that Empress Lv killed Han Xin in Weiyang Palace, which could barely be activated, the formations in other places had long been destroyed and almost became undefended.

——Li Ru, who poisoned the emperor and betrayed the demon king Dong Zhuo.

——followed Taoist Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turban to cause chaos, betrayed his fellow disciples, and took refuge in Tang Zhou of the Southern Huns.

——and Yuxian, a demon who is in troubled times.

These three lawless people met suddenly in the city of Chang'an.

The moment Tang Zhou found Yu Xian, he turned into a water dragon and rushed over with its teeth and claws.

Yu Xian was quite troubled by this Taoist's method, so he turned his mind and ran to the nearest city gate with all his strength.

Seeing this, Tang Zhou laughed and said, "Are you leaving?"

The water dragon exploded in the air and fell like raindrops.

Soon the raindrops rolled and condensed into water figures in front of Yu Xian.

Yu Xian was furious, and opened his mouth fiercely to blow out a strong wind.

The gust of wind whizzed forward, blowing up those water men, and the waves sparkled like a thin film.

Those water figures could barely stand, like a piece of cloth caught in the wind.

Tang Zhou's face changed, and he increased his mana output.

Yu Xian yelled violently, "Go away!"

Following Yu Xian's words, the extremely thin water curtain that was already blown shattered and flowed all over the ground.

However, Tang Zhou's laughter still came from nowhere.

"Overestimate your own strength, let me see how much killing power you have."

Then the scattered water men gathered again, and water men quickly crawled out of the wells in the alleys by the roadside.

Yu Xian frowned.

Although Tang Zhou's methods were not enough to kill, they were weird and difficult to guard against.

Yu Xian had harvested a lot from Guo Jia before, although the killing power was sufficient, it is definitely not an option to consume it like this.

Yu Xian was thinking about a strategy to defeat the enemy, and Li Ru had already rushed over with anger.

Seeing that Yu Xian was trapped, he sneered, "What a monster, today is your death day!"

Saying that, he raised his hand mercilessly and released a red light.

Yu Xian didn't know whether his half-baked Momen identity would work, he didn't dare to take it hard, and after hastily avoiding it, he spit out a big cloud of smoke to cover his figure.

Li Ru sneered when he saw this.

He raised the bronze mirror in his hand and looked at it. When the appearance changed, he immediately used the "flying sand and moving stone" art of war.

For a time, the loess was flying everywhere, rolling with the wind.

Yu Xian called out the smoke that concealed his whereabouts and was blown away.

Yu Xian didn't care too much.

Without waiting for the deadly gravel tornado to take shape, taking advantage of the last smoke, he broke open the door and hid in the roadside shop.

Before the owner of the store could cry out in surprise, he broke through the wall and fled to another house.

Li Ru quickly noticed Yu Xian's movements, and he shouted without hesitation, "Come out!"

The sand and stone rolled by the strong wind immediately poured into the broken door.

Then, there were short screams from the shop, and the torrent of sand and gravel rolled with fragments of flesh and blood rose into the sky, engulfing all the bricks, tiles and thatch of the roof.

Li Ru glanced left and right with flickering eyes, and soon followed, directing the torrent of gravel into another house.

The water figures on the street collapsed silently, and then turned into streams, following the two of them.

Yu devoted himself to the enemy camp and dared not love to fight.

The "power of one mother" and "man and horse like a dragon" on his body were fully used, and he fled desperately to the distance.

Taking advantage of Li Ru and Tang Zhou's unpreparedness, Yu Xian also called for the wind and rain from time to time to cause trouble for them.

The three fought and walked, and the large urban areas along the road turned into ruins as if they had been trampled by ferocious beasts.

The people in the vicinity scattered and cried, and those who couldn't escape were beaten to a bloody mess under Li Ru's whirlwind of sand and gravel.

Although Yu Xian had a free card to use, if he took it out at this moment, it would destroy his most effective means.

The chaos in the city was quickly reported to everyone in the court by Tanma.

In particular, Sima Fang ran to report back, saying that many Xiliang soldiers brought by Li Ru went out to plunder and prostitute while taking advantage of the chaos.

In a rage, Huang Wan sent someone to send a letter to Lu Bu, ordering him to lead troops into the city to quell the chaos.

Yu Xian led the two of them near the city gate.

He didn't take the initiative to rush to the city, but stood firm and fought Li Ru and Tang Zhou again.

Yu Xian was lucky this time, a young boy came out of the random call.

With a young boy by his side, Li Ru did not dare to use Confucianism lightly, which saved Yu Xian a lot of pressure.

Moreover, in the scuffle, Yu Xian accidentally hit the seal of the national teacher, which had a considerable suppressive effect on Tang Zhou's water-type spells.

Yu Xian suddenly got this gap, and under the flash of his thoughts, he rushed directly to the gate of the city guarded by heavy soldiers.

The gust of wind was blowing, and the guards couldn't open their eyes.

The captain of Chengmen simply closed his eyes and shouted, "Shoot me with random arrows!"

The bows and arrows that the soldiers had been aiming at before were fired in an instant.

Yu Xian swam in the wind like a dragon, avoiding the arrows that were blown away by the strong wind.

Yu Xian laughed, slapped the helmet of the school captain who closed his eyes and swung his saber indiscriminately, and then quickly rushed towards the city gate.

The school captain of the city gate was so frightened that his hair stood on end.

When he opened his eyes involuntarily, the gust of wind had subsided, and two figures rushed towards him again.

The captain of the city gate almost shouted with trembling voice, "Kill the thief! Kill the thief!"

A figure was in the lead, ignoring the school lieutenant and chasing towards the city gate.

The other figure chuckled, caught a random arrow with his backhand, and stuffed it fiercely into the throat of the city gate captain.

Yu Xian rushed into the gate of the city, and immediately activated the magic power of "spring birth and all things birth".

The wooden door, which had been felled and planed and nailed in the city gate for an unknown period of time, suddenly became full of life.

New shoots are constantly growing on the door axis and decaying.In this decay, mushrooms grow again.

Yu Xian slammed his fist heavily on the city gate.

The city gate, which could have resisted the impact of the giant tree rushing into the city, was knocked down heavily by Yu Xian's punch, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky!

Yu Xian looked back, a trick came into his mind, he immediately laughed and said, "Poverty Dao is an internal response, and Li Ru has made great achievements in taking care of him, no less than Hu Zhen. When Lord Weiyang enters the city, he will not lose the reward of Jiuqing! Li Qing, why not Come back with me?"

After Yu Xian finished speaking, he walked away directly.

When Li Ru heard the words later, he became even more angry.

He came wrapped in wind and sand, and stretched out his hand to cover Yu Xian from a distance.

Yu Xian looked back at the dust covering the sky, a little unwilling to fight.

At this time, they had already left the city, and it was time to run away. If Lu Bu came back, it wouldn't matter who wins.

Yu Xian quickly inspected his body, wanting to see if there was anything that could meet the enemy.

Flipping through it, he suddenly found a jasper-like tortoise shell in his sleeve.


this is.

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