host country

Chapter 479 Fang Lan

Surrounded by mighty soldiers and horses, Yu Xian walked all the way to the home of Liu Dan, the censor who ruled the book.

In the past few days, the news of Dong Bai's resurgence caused quite a stir in Chang'an City.

There is quite a sense of panic on the street.

Faced with this change in the situation, the two brothers Liu Fan and Liu Dan were very excited.

Although Hanzhong has not yet been breached, and Liu Yan's way to Shangluo has not been opened up, this does not prevent the Liu brothers from displaying their power and tactics.

They actively visited the ministers of the DPRK and China, and kept sending messengers to lure Han Sui.

It was different from what Yu Xian thought.

The two brothers didn't naively think that Han Sui would really come to help their father and son control the court, but they hoped to use Han Sui and the Qiang people behind Han Sui to put a heavy pressure on the Chang'an court.

Now that Dong Bai is on the rise again, not only Li Jue and Zhang Ji have joined him, but I heard that even the surrendered generals from Xiliang headed by Hu Zhen have defected again.

Now the court is relying on the Guanzhong generals, how much loyalty, I am afraid that even the ruler Sun Rui has no idea.

If there is another news of Han Sui's massive entry into the customs, the only thing the Chang'an court can count on is Liu Yan, a Han family clan member who sits in one side.

As long as he tried to get the emperor to issue an edict to order Su Gu, who was loyal to the Han Dynasty, to surrender, then Liu Yan would be able to take Hanzhong without bloodshed, and then send troops out of the Qinling Mountains to take control of Chang'an.

The two brothers were planning secretly in the mansion, when they heard the report from their family members that there was a person in front of the mansion asking to see him.

After asking the name, I heard it was Yu Xian.

Couldn't help but be surprised.

Liu Fan couldn't believe it and discussed with Liu Dan, "This Taoist was worshiped by Dong Zhuo as a national teacher, and he went to Chang'an for Dong Bai. Why are you looking for us now?"

Liu Dan thought of the previous rumors, and lowered his voice and said, "I just remembered something. I heard that this monster voted for our father and assisted him in attacking Hanzhong. Su Gu also sent someone to the court because of this matter. It is precisely because of this that Dong Bai led his troops to leave Chang'an, and became a fish that slipped through the net of the Chang'an rebellion. Could it be that he came to look for us this time because he had news from the middle of Sichuan?"

The two thought together for a while, and asked the servant, "Did that Taoist come here by himself?"

The servant quickly said, "There are still many soldiers in the post."

Liu Dan felt confident when he heard this, "Since this is the case, there must be nothing important. Then open the middle door wide and welcome people in, so as not to arouse the court's suspicion."

Yu Xian waited for a while, and saw the upper and middle doors of Liu Dan's mansion opened wide, and a man who looked like a butler came out with a smile.

"Master, my master is waiting in front of the hall."

Yu Xian nodded and said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he looked back at the official at the posthouse and said indifferently, "What about you, do you want to come with me?"

That Yicheng did not avoid suspicion, and said with a smile, "Since the national teacher invited me, I would rather obey orders than to be respectful."

After speaking, he gestured left and right.

Yu Xian and Yi Cheng just entered the middle gate.

The soldiers on both sides were divided into two teams, set up bows and crossbows at key positions, and besieged the mansion.

A military marquis leading the team stepped forward, pulled out a long knife, pried the door knocker with the blade, and pulled the door knocker off.

Then two more military officers stepped forward and fastened two tiger-shaped bronze beast heads on the door knocker.Then, he cut his finger and dripped blood on the animal head.

Stimulated by the blood, the two animal heads quickly came to life, their eyes rolled, and they silently watched all the movements in the house.

Seeing such a situation, the servants of Liu's mansion dared not stop them, they only thought about how they could secretly inform the master later.

Yu Xian naturally also noticed the two eyes that had been staring at him.His expression remained unchanged, and he still walked slowly behind the butler towards the central hall.

After a while, I saw a tall main room, and there were two young men standing under the steps with high spirits.

They scrutinized Yu Xian who came over.

Although the posture was deliberately respectful, it didn't mean to speak first.

Yu Xian didn't care too much, walked forward, and asked with a smile, "But Zhishu Yushi?"

Hearing this, Liu Dan nodded with a smile, "That's right. The national teacher came here to work hard."

Yu Xian didn't answer, but looked at another person, "But General Zuo Zhonglang?"

Liu Fan was a little surprised, but he still responded.

"It's me, why is the national teacher looking for our brother?"

Yu Xian took a look at the two of them, and couldn't help but praise, "As expected of Liu Yizhou's son, he is indeed very handsome."

be honest.

Liu Yan himself was good-looking, and these two sons inherited some of Liu Yan's strengths, and they were also young, with good looks.

Moreover, these two people are ambitious people, which adds a bit of self-confidence to them.

Seeing Yu Xian's politeness, Liu Fan and Liu Dan looked at each other, feeling a little puzzled.

I don't know what is the purpose of this person?

I was puzzled in my heart, but said humbly in my mouth, "How dare you kid. The national teacher praised you absurdly."

Yu Xian walked forward slowly, shook his head, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that Fang Lan was born and had to hoe."


Liu Fan and Liu Dan were astonished when they heard the words.

Before the two of them realized what it meant, Yu Xian flipped his hand, revealing a tightly held dagger from the Taoist robe.

What? !this!

Liu Fan and Liu Dan's expressions changed drastically, and they turned around to run away.

It's a pity that Yu Xian had premeditated, how could they allow them to slip away like this?

Yu Xian's body suddenly swelled, giving birth to a burst of divine power!

Then he took a step forward, and without any resistance from the two of them, they first cut Liu Dan's throat with a knife, and then slapped the dagger hard into Liu Fan's heart with a backhand.

Seeing Liu Dan and Liu Fan throwing themselves down like wooden stakes, a big rock in Yu Xian's heart finally fell to the ground.

Only by personally solving the worries of the future, can Yu Xian embark on the road of escape without any worries!

Yicheng, who was following Yu Xian closely, watched Yu Xian suddenly violently in disbelief, killing two people in a short time.

When Liu Yan's two sons were all dead, Yi Cheng shook his head violently, shaking like chaff, and shouted, "Come here! Come! Come and take down this demon way!"

Yu Xian turned around and looked over with a half-smile.

It was only then that Yicheng realized that he was the closest to that murderous person Yu Xian at this moment.

He was so frightened that he went limp and couldn't stand up anymore.Tears flowed down his face, "National teacher! National teacher! The lower officials are also obeying orders! The lower officials are obeying orders!"

Yu Xian pursed his lips, and as soon as his eyes fell on this person, he heard the sound of whistling outside, and I don't know how many crossbows were shooting towards this side.

Yu Xian's trip, in addition to solving the hidden danger of the Liu brothers, was also to attract the attention of the Chang'an defenders and create opportunities for the little ghosts in Baishi Mountain.

He immediately laughed out loud, "Good job!"

As soon as the words fell, a long wind blew from his mouth, blowing towards the incoming crossbow.

These powerful crossbows are fired at such a short distance. In terms of lethality alone, even tough cowhide will be riddled with holes.

However, these crossbow arrows fell into Yu Xian's wind, but they seemed to have fallen into a muddy swamp, involved in a swirling deep undercurrent, and fell to the ground one after another before they approached!

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