host country

Chapter 477 Escape

Diao Chan laughed, and a fiery red fox tail flashed silently behind her.

Although her figure is not petite, but under the foxtail that is more than ten feet long, she also reveals an asymmetrical charm.

The shiny red fox tail is flexible and powerful, like a swimming fish, flexibly stirring the vitality of the surrounding world.

With the stirring of the fox's tail, the originally rich and active power of the five elements quickly faded away and became lifeless.

Daoist Yeji watched coldly, the vitality of the world around Diao Chan was easily dispersed and extinguished, but he still indifferently burned it with flames.

The flame entered the area around Diao Chan's body, and it should have been extinguished silently.

Unexpectedly, the flames that were constantly collapsing and collapsing around the burning area ignored the lifeless area and still rolled up.

Diao Chan couldn't help being taken aback when the virtual fire came.

It's just that it's too late to deal with it now.

She hurriedly shouted, and the fiery red fox tail quickly wrapped herself up.

Diao Chan didn't realize the problem until the flame fell on her body.

Not only did the flame not feel like it was burning, but it also seemed to have no temperature.But under the licking of this flame, some weak blood vessels in her body are slowly drying up.Some subtle places of demon power also began to slowly disintegrate.

Diao Chan's face turned black, and she said angrily, "The fire of water virtue?"

Saying that, the soul power was released, wrapping itself.

Taoist Pheasant was not surprised when he saw that Xuhuo could not get in, he drove Datuan's inner fire to burn Diaochan.

Seeing this, Diao Chan couldn't help gnashing her teeth.

The fire of water and virtue and the fire of the heart are designed to burn the kidneys, bladder and heart of a person, which can dry up the fluids in the body, consume the source of life, and burn people like dead wood.

The flames that specialize in these three places are especially useful for monsters. Later generations also have a famous name called Samadhi True Fire.

Relying on talent and instinct alone has no effect in suppressing these flames, only the power of the demon soul can be used.

But the power of the demon soul can certainly expel the fire of the five virtues in the body, but if it cannot be relieved, it can only be tempered to death in the end.

But compared with this dangerous situation, Diao Chan's heart was not at all shocked.

Now that the human nature is flourishing, even if the monsters dominate the catastrophe, they can only add fuel to the flames and awaken the way.

Why is this monster so powerful?

At this time, Diao Chan suddenly realized something.

His eyes narrowed down.

She chuckled softly, "So that's it. It is said that chickens have five virtues. I never imagined that this talent attribute could be used so wonderfully by you."

Hearing this, Taoist Yeji glanced at her with those fiery eyes.

Then he exhaled a breath of fresh air, making the flame more vigorous.

Seeing that the pheasant Taoist should not respond, Diao Chan couldn't help being furious.

She shouted loudly, "Isn't it?!"

As Diao Chan yelled, her flowery face suddenly turned into a fiery red fox head.The long and pointed mouth of the fox's head was opened, and it made a shrill chirp like a baby laughing.

Daoist Pheasant was caught off guard and was taken aback, the flame was slightly suffocated, Diao Chan had already turned into a woman, she laughed triumphantly, rushed out of the encirclement of the flame, and went nowhere.

Daoist Yeji immediately reacted.

Then, as if he had been humiliated, his face flushed red.

Even though he has practiced for many years, the chicken's fear of the fox is still deeply rooted in his blood.Diao Chan suddenly showed his original shape, taking advantage of the short-term shock of his rank, he took the opportunity to find a chance to escape from the flames.

Daoist Pheasant's fiery eyes looked wildly around, gnashing his teeth and said, "Bold demon fox, when the poor Taoist catches you, he will turn you into ashes."

After finishing speaking, he flicked the seven-color Taoist robe, and suddenly turned into seven Taoists.

Angrily, the seven Taoists each chose a direction and chased forward.


At night, the three bastards in Baishishan, who were looking around for news, rushed back to the post house.

These three people have their own means, and the information they inquired is varied, and many of them are useful.

Liu Yan's two sons, Zuo Zhonglang General Liu Fan and Zhishu Yushi Liu Dan, were originally under house arrest as Dong Zhuo's hostages, but after Dong Zhuo's death, they regained their freedom.

Not only that, but recently they have been frequently active in various yamen of the imperial court, planning something.

Yu Xian was a little puzzled when he heard this, "Liu Yan is also a shepherd uncle, so don't the people in the court have no defense?"

These three princes of the imperial court are not a fuel-efficient lamp.

As long as their interests are involved, even a strongman like Dong Zhuo can be hacked to death in a coup.

What's more, Liu Yan's identity is more sensitive.

If Liu Yan opened up the main road in Hanzhong, took Xichuan soldiers into Chang'an, and then returned to Luoyang with the support of the emperor.

In the entire court, who can restrain Liu Yan, who has the identity of the clan of the Han family and successfully went to Luo?

After hearing this, Feng Ming said, "I've also inquired about this matter. The scholar Sun Rui who presides over the overall situation of the court is gentle and not strong enough. On the contrary, Huang Wan, the captain of Sili, has a bigger voice in the court. Liu Yan His mother’s surname is Huang, who is Huang Wan’s biological aunt, and these two are serious cousins. Even if Liu Fan and Liu Dan do some small tricks in private, no one dares to say anything.”

Yu Xian nodded when he heard the words, "So that's the case."

Thinking about it this way, Yu Xian felt more and more inappropriate.

In the original history, the willful Wang Yun was in power at this time, so the Liu brothers naturally did not dare to make such a jump.After Li Jue and Guo Si captured Chang'an, although they colluded with Han Sui to rebel, they were quickly wiped out in front of the powerful Feixiong army.

Now the situation has undergone many changes, and the Xiliang army has just experienced an annihilation, which is the time when its vitality is greatly weakened.If something goes wrong, maybe it will really save these two guys.

In the early morning of the second day, Yu Xian was hesitating how to solve this problem, when He Xuan came in nervously and said, "Senior brother Yu, there are a lot of soldiers and horses in ambush outside the posthouse, I don't know if they came for us .”

"Huh?" Yu Xian became vigilant.

He got up and was about to go out to wait and see, when he saw someone in the distance of the corridor, as if someone was watching from here.

Yu Xian frowned, gave up his mind, and returned to the hall.

Then he told He Xuan calmly, "There is no reason for the imperial court to tear their faces at this time, let's not startle the snake, you go out secretly to inquire and see if there is any change?"

After He Xuan left, Yu Xian slowly got up and went to look at Chang Le who was suffering from backlash.

Chang Le's situation was even worse than Yu Xian expected. Not only did it not improve at all, but it showed signs of deterioration.

Yu Xian sighed softly, his expression became extremely complicated.

From the time when he was in the gourd, Yu Xian knew one thing.

Dong Bai is a very decisive girl...

It wasn't until it was dark that He Xuan got some news and hurried back.

The upset Feng Ming who had been waiting for a long time asked hurriedly, "What's going on outside?"

Before sitting down, He Xuan said with an angry face, "I still can't find anything during the day, but in the evening, there are rumors outside. It is said that Li Jue and Hu Zhen led troops to break through Chi Yang's Guanzhong soldiers camp, They have already begun to march towards Chang'an. Xu Huang also suddenly abandoned Tongguan yesterday, and launched a fierce attack on Xu Rong and Duan Yan..."

"What?" Feng Liang heard this, his face flushed with anger, "We are still in Chang'an, why did we start fighting! Then what should we do?!"

He Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "What else can we do? We were sold by that girl Dong Bai! Look at this, when we left the barracks, the messengers followed us!"

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