host country

Chapter 468 An Ant Under the Sky


After making simple adjustments and reassuring the army again, Dong Bai waved away the crowd.

Only Yu Xian and Dong Bai were left in the tent.

Dong Bai looked at the silent Yu Xian without blinking his gaze, "Master, do you have anything to say to me?"

Yu Xian was at a loss for words for a while.

I don't know where to start.

The beginning of the incident was that Meili made a trick, and Yu Xian was induced to send Dong Bai into the gourd for his own thoughts.

It was also that opportunity that allowed Ban Lan and Dong Bai to establish a relationship and become Ban Lan's backer.

In these things, Dong Bai completely became a victim.

From any standpoint, Yu Xian is not qualified to raise a teacher.

However, the problem is not so simple now.

Meili chose Dong Bai as the carrier of the divine descent. From a certain point of view, Dong Bai has become an extension of Meili.

Before the problem of the beautiful descendant is completely solved, Dong Bai can no longer simply be regarded as Dong Bai.

Dong Bai is the person he likes, and Ban Lan is the evil god that he respects and keeps at a distance.

At this moment, Yu Xian was full of uncertainty even about his own feelings for Dong Bai.

——If my feeling for Dong Bai comes from a well-designed, then do I still like it?

Yu Xian didn't know how to speak, thought for a while, and asked, "Then what do you want to know?"

A trace of sadness flashed across Dong Bai's face.

She bit her lip and said in a low voice, "Master is omnipotent and has planned so many retreats for my disciple. I can only feel grateful."

Yu Xian sighed slightly.

How could he fail to understand Dong Bai's thoughts.

Yu Xian stared at Dong Bai, and said softly, "Do you want to ask, since I already knew about this calamity, why didn't I act earlier to save your grandfather?"

Hearing this, Dong Bai raised his head and glanced at Yu Xian, then averted his eyes again.

Yu Xian was silent for a while, with a wry smile on his face.

He didn't hide anything, looked at Dong Bai and said helplessly, "The general trend of the world is vast, and those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish. My name is the national teacher, and I have endless means. After all, I am just a little monk. It's just an ant in the sky."

"Although your grandfather was a hero for a while, he was destined to be a ray of ashes under the destiny. I can't do anything about it. I can only increase your chances of surviving. How dare you think about it for your grandfather? Such a hero changed his fate against the sky. It's not that Yu didn't want to, but I couldn't do it at all."

After Yu Xian finished speaking, Dong Bai's heart lightened, as if all the things he had suppressed for a long time had been taken away.

There is some regret in my heart, but more relief.

Dong Bai exhaled lightly, looked at Yu Xian and asked suspiciously, "Who is she?"

When the God of Beauty descended, Dong Bai's mind was not ignorant, and he even knew something vaguely.

When the matter reached this point, there was no need for Yu Xian to hide anything.

He started slowly talking about being captured by Li Su in a gourd with fame, and then talked about all kinds of things in the gourd.

"After I got out of the silver gourd, I couldn't let you go, so I wanted to see you. I just took the opportunity to go with Li Su and went to Luoyang together."

"When I saw you, I remembered Mu Ai's thoughts back then. I tossed and turned, and refused to let go. So, I went to beg the god silkworm to let you also enter the gourd and understand my thoughts."

Yu Xian had a thick skin, and he said these things calmly, as if he was talking about someone else.

Dong Bai didn't feel so well.

Listening to the master who I admired, talking nonsense, my ears were flushed with shame, and I was at a loss.

The little head kept lowering.

"Who would have thought that God Silkworm set up this game just to lure me into the gourd. After you enter the gourd, Meili will transform you into a witch that she can descend from. In the final analysis... I was the one who killed you." .”

When Yu Xian said this, his feelings became more and more complicated.

He looked at Dong Bai seriously, and solemnly promised, "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to get rid of that evil god."

Dong Bai didn't know if he listened or not, he just lowered his head and hummed like a mosquito.

Yu Xian's heart was heavy.

Only he himself understands that this matter is easy to say, but not so easy to do.

It turned out that Yu Xian provoked Meili by accident, and he regarded this as an opportunity.Unexpectedly, as he knew more and more about this world, Yu Xian had already abandoned his previous childishness.

If it was a normal god, Yu Xian still had some expectations.

But even though the beautiful silkworm has great benefits to human beings, its essence is a demon!

According to Chongxuanzi's old way, these powerful monsters with names and surnames are elves herded by the heavens, and they all appear in the world with important missions.

Then..., what about after this mission is completed?

For example, in ancient times when the floods were flooding and Yu Dayu was controlling the floods, there was "the yellow dragon dragging its tail in front, and the black tortoise carrying green mud behind it."

Where did the Huanglong and Xuangui go afterward?

There is also "the mysterious bird of destiny, descending to give birth to shang".

Where did this mysterious bird go?

In the legends of the ancestors of mankind, many big monsters seem to appear suddenly, and disappear out of thin air after completing a certain mission.

Where are these disappearing monsters?

Others may not know it, but Yu Xian has seen two examples with his own eyes.

——Su Daji, the fox demon who troubled the Yin and Shang Dynasties, was sealed with runes and buried silently in the wilderness on the outskirts of Luoyi.

——The beauty that guides human beings to raise silkworms and make clothes, was exiled in the past after the battle for the deer.

Yu Xian only knew two examples, none of which had a good result.

This made Yu Xian have to seriously think about whether the beautiful exile was due to a mistake in the battle for the deer or fate.

Ruo Yuxian's guess came true.

Once he chooses to stand on Meili's side and help her break free from bondage and return to the world, it will be against God's will.

Going against the sky, there is only one dead end!

Yu Xian thought about it, and comforted Dong Bai, "Don't worry, the situation of the god silkworm is very bad, and it may not be able to make trouble. However, I have to confirm one thing first."

Before Dong Bai could respond, Yu Xian conjectured, "In order to increase your luck, I hid the Chuanguo Yuxi in the acupoint of your spleen. I also used your blood to draw amulets on it. Wen, I suspect that it was this jade seal and runes that suppressed Molan's spiritual thoughts today. She finally mentioned the Yongzhou tripod... Could it be that the runes on it have something to do with the Yongzhou tripod? I want to take out the Chuanguo jade seal and see what's there Variety."

"Hmm." Dong Bai lowered his head and answered indiscriminately.

Yu Xian won Dong Bai's promise, took out a small knife from his sleeve, and gesticulated on the top of Dong Bai's abdomen.

"I'm going to make a small incision here later and take out the jade seal. It may hurt a little, don't be afraid, I will use mystic techniques to hypnotize you first. ... After you practice the relevant methods in the future, you don't have to be so troublesome gone."

While Yu Xian was talking, Duke Zhou's dream-entry technique had been activated quietly.

Dong Bai fell into a faint and leaned against Yu Xian.

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