host country

Chapter 465 Guo Si's Decision

Dong Bai said decisively to Cai Yan, "We can't delay, we will go too!"

According to the original plan, after Fan Chou pierced through the front line, Dong Bai would break into the Xiliang barracks to recruit the old troops, but if this continues, all Xiliang soldiers will lose is their strength.

Cai Yan heard Dong Bai's words, and quickly threw the Kui Niu battle drum that had been tightly held in the palm of his hand into the air.

The Kui Niu battle drum grows in the wind and gradually becomes bigger.As the shape of the war drum changed, the exquisite patterns on it became ferocious.

Simple shape, vaguely solemn.

It wasn't until the drum was six or seven feet tall that the changes of the Kui Niu war drum stopped, and it floated flat in front of Cai Yan.

As soon as the real body of the Kui Niu battle drum was revealed, the fierce intent on it was quickly released.

Not only was the surrounding army affected, but even Cai Yan, a quiet and intellectual woman, felt the restlessness in her heart want to jump out of her chest.

Almost instinctively, she raised the drumstick high and smashed it hard on the war drum.

With a loud "dong", the entire battlefield that was fighting fiercely was startled.

The sound of the drum was like the hoof of a giant beast falling, as if the king of war appeared and patrolled the battlefield.

The morale of Dong Bai's side was immediately boosted.

The Xiliang soldiers also quickly realized what it was.

It's the drums of war!

This is a war drum made of the skin of a mighty beast!

Cai Yan is closest to the Kui Niu war drum.

The still humming and vibrating drumhead and the slight reverberation from the drumsticks made her feel even more agitated.

The melody of the song of great martial arts emerged in Cai Yan's mind, and he beat the war drum almost subconsciously.

The sound of the drum is simple and wild, with an unyielding and will to win.

The soldiers under Dong Bai's command couldn't help their blood surging up, and their courage doubled.

They are like being in the battlefield of Muye, marching on the song of great martial arts, conquering Zhou of Shang!

The Xiliang soldiers, who had never expected such a situation, inevitably became a little confused under the frustration.

Many Xiliang army waiting school lieutenants looked left and right, hoping to get a clear response order.

However, at this time Guo Bang was being beaten by Fan Chou, Li Xian, the second-in-command of the car, did not make any decisions.

This short opportunity to withdraw and regroup is fleeting.

Once the Kui Niu war drum was awakened by Cai Yan, it immediately demonstrated its powerful power as the ruler of the battlefield.

Every time Cai Yan tapped, a dazzling white light brushed towards the Xiliang soldiers camp.

Although this white light can't do any harm, it is extremely dazzling, especially when attacking at night, the effect is even better.

Many Xiliang soldiers were already familiar with the sight at night. When the dazzling white light shined on them, not only was their eyes completely white, but they even felt slightly dizzy.

The situation on the side of Xiliang soldiers is completely opposite.

They were in a backlit position, and the enemies in front of them were illuminated by white light, even if there was a slight reflection, they were within the range of their eyesight.On the contrary, it made them see the enemy more clearly.

In a short period of time, the strong defense line of Xiliang soldiers was washed away.

To make matters worse, there were also a large number of Xiliang cavalry who came out of the camp to rob and kill, and those horses couldn't control them when they were frightened.Many cavalrymen were directly thrown off the horses that raised their hooves and neighed. Some of the cavalry who were lucky enough not to fall off their horses were also taken by the horses to flee backwards.

In this way, with the impact of the retreating cavalry, even the defense line of the Xiliang soldiers who had less influence in the rear was destroyed and scattered in all directions.

Cai Yan kept beating the Kui Niu war drum, and the Kui Niu war drum seemed to have a strange appeal, which made Cai Yan immersed in it.

She can't see, she can't hear.

While beating wildly, he sang and danced like a witch, showing his madness.

With Cai Yan's continuous beating and white light bursting out, the lines on the Kui Niu battle drum were gradually lit up.

It was another slamming hammer.

Suddenly, a small amount of dirty blood splashed out from the Kui leather drum.

As the hammer fell, more and more dirty blood splashed out.

Soon, the drum shook, and the Kui Niu war drum entered the second stage as if it had unlocked the seal.

The dull thunder rumbled, threatening the enemy's guts.

Two phantoms like demon souls suddenly jumped up and appeared on the drum.

These two phantoms held a stem in one hand and relatives in the other, brandishing these ancient weapons, bouncing up and down on both sides of Cai Yan, dancing an exaggerated witch dance.

The radiant white light, the dull thunder roar, and the jumping wizard holding the stem.

Under the light, the two huge phantoms, waving relatives and dancing the witch dance, were projected into the camp of Xiliang soldiers.

Looking at the huge shadow and twisting limbs, great fear descended on the hearts of every Xiliang soldier.

They even had an illusion at that moment, as if they had returned to the barbaric era.

Witches dance around, and they are sacrifices to be burned and sacrificed.

Li Wei, Li Huan, Li Li and other school captains looked at the changes before them in panic. Many people tried their best to control the chaotic situation, but they had no drums to fight against, nor did they have the powerful tactics to organize the crowd. The army was suddenly coerced by the defeated army and rushed through the gate of the camp.

Seeing this, Guo Si could only do his best to block Fan Chou in a panic, and then he withdrew and retreated.

At this time, Li Ru rushed to the front camp.

Seeing the defeat of the front battalion, he couldn't believe it.

Although Dong Bai came in a menacing manner, Li Ru still knew how much strength he had.

It is almost impossible to defeat the Xiliang soldiers and seize their own position with just that few soldiers and horses.

Even if Dong Bai has Dong Zhuo's legacy, he still can't stand a situation that is better than others.

Those Xiliang officers and soldiers will not follow a loser even if they are nostalgic.

Li Ru took a glance and saw that Guo Si didn't see Li Jue, so he couldn't help but angrily said, "Where is Li Jue?"

However, at this time, the thunder and rumble caused by Kui Niu's battle drum suppressed his voice so much that it could not be heard very far.

Li Ru was eager to clean up the situation in front of him, and immediately released the five-color divine light without hesitation.

The five divine lights swirled behind Li Ru like a fan, immediately attracting the audience's attention.

Five colors of light!

This has become Liangzhou Mu Li Ru's signature in the hearts of Xiliang soldiers!

Perhaps seeing Liangzhou Mu appearing on the battlefield, the retreat of Xiliang soldiers slowed down and slowly began to gather towards Li Ru.

Seeing this, Dong Bai didn't hesitate anymore, she lightly tapped the horse with her leg, turned her head and shouted, "Follow me!"

With that said, he galloped his horse towards the Xiliang army camp!

Dozens of elite Flying Bear troops behind Dong Bai moved with a bang, and rode horses with the banner of Dong character on their horses to follow behind Dong Bai.

Li Ru, who was watching indifferently, discovered Dong Bai immediately.

He looked around and saw Guo Si retreating into the camp with his soldiers and horses.

Li Ru immediately shouted at Guo Si, "If Guo Aduo has not taken down the general, when will he be?"

Guo Si turned his head and saw a young girl rushing towards the camp with dozens of elites under the banner of Dong Zi.

Seeing that it was Dong Bai, he was troubled in every possible way.

He had just fought with his former comrade Fan Chou, how could he not understand what the situation is now.

Li Ru became more and more angry, and shouted violently, "Guo A Duo'an dares to lead the way!"

Guo Si's heart skipped a beat, he turned his horse's head, and went straight to meet Dong Bai.

Just take this woman down.

The civil strife among Xiliang soldiers will come to an end.

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