host country

Chapter 462

Tang Zhou appeared, and immediately let out a long laugh, "Little Taoist priest, don't come here without any harm!"

Yu Xian frowned, and said with a sneer, "I never thought you, a traitor, would dare to appear in front of me."

Then he looked at Li Ru, "I never imagined that you, a dignified Liangzhou shepherd, would be reduced to the point of colluding with the Southern Huns."

Li Ru didn't answer after hearing this.

But Tang Zhou glanced at Li Ru, and said with a soft smile, "Things in the world are like flowing water. As long as you follow the trend, you can flow to a more favorable position. This is the way of heaven, and Liangzhou Mu is just following along." It’s just about time.”

"What's more, in order to deal with Dong Zhuo, even the Han court allowed me to ride the Luoyang Palace, so what are you, dare to talk too much?"

After hearing this, Yu Xian hated Tang and Zhou even more.

"Okay, I will kill you together today. When I see Guan Hai in the future, let him remember me as a big favor."

When Tang Zhou heard this, the corners of his mouth slowly grinned.

Just as the corner of his mouth raised an arc, it suddenly collapsed into drops of water as if it collapsed.

Surrounded by many enemies, Yu Xian's nerves were like a bowstring being stretched.

However, even so, seeing this scene could not help but produce a little bit of astonishment.

Then, Yu Xian responded in a very short time.

The blood flames on his body dissipated in an instant, and then the crystal armor as fine as fish scales quickly appeared on Yu Xian's body.

Just as Yu Xian's physical joints started to stiffen, Tang Zhou suddenly solidified and appeared behind Yu Xian.

With a pinch of the magic formula in his hand, a large amount of water vapor was easily attracted, and quickly condensed on Yu Xian's body.

Yu Xian laughed, shook his fist, and those crystal scales disappeared, and even the thin ice that Tang Zhou had just condensed on Yu Xian was shattered.

Tang Zhou was slightly startled.

He and Yu Xian had fought against each other before, and he knew that Yu Xian had some secret techniques for body protection.

Originally, Tang Zhou planned to cheat out of this secret technique, taking advantage of Yu Xian's loss of mobility, to freeze him, but he didn't expect Yu Xian to also hide his scheme, and he had already prepared for it.

Yu Xian turned around and punched him quickly.

Tang Zhou said angrily, "The little thief dares to cheat!"

As he spoke, his whole body became transparent in an instant.Then, the water is quickly turned into water by people, and then frozen by water.The ice was extremely cold, and frost condensed on it in a short time, and the color was as pale as the moonlight.

Even the three-headed and six-armed Pang De didn't dare to receive Yu Xian's punch with all his strength. When he hit the solid ice, half of the iceman he hit immediately shattered.

However, the splashed ice slag and crushed ice turned into water droplets in an instant, returning to the iceman.

The iceman quickly turned from ice to water, from hydration to a man, and became Tang Zhou again.

Except that his face was slightly paler, there was no difference.

Yu Xian's expression moved slightly, and he looked at the blood-stained fist, not knowing whether this round of confrontation was a profit or a loss.

The anger on Tang Zhou's face was even worse. He said viciously, "What a Taoist priest, let me show you my methods."

Before the words were finished, people arrived at the sound, and they had already rushed towards them.

At this time, Yu Xian has two major body skills, and even ordinary generals don't pay attention to him, let alone a Taoist who practices water art.

When he was in Luoyang last time, Yu Xian didn't have many means, and with the great white wolf Zuo Xianwang at his side, Tang Zhou was able to suppress and beat him.

Now that the great white wolf Zuo Xianwang, who is highly aggressive and sensitive, is not here, this morale is dizzy and wants to fight hand-to-hand, so why is Yu Xian afraid?

Seeing Tang Zhou suddenly approaching him, Yu Xian threw the "Duke Zhou's Entering Dream Technique" without hesitation.

Tang Zhou staggered carelessly and nearly fell to the ground.

Yu Xian was overjoyed, and hurried forward to kill Tang Zhou first, and then quickly deal with Li Ru.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached, Tang Zhou closed his eyes tightly, and suddenly opened his mouth to reveal a smile.

Then without opening his eyes, he suddenly pounced on Yu Xian.

Yu Xian tried to block with a horizontal fist, but Tang Zhou had already turned into a pool of clear water, covering his head and face.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Xian's heart skipped a beat, and he pulled out his spare waist knife with his backhand and slashed forward.

Cut off the water!

Then Yu Xian's heart sank.

Slash through the air!

The water didn't turn into Tang Zhou's appearance at all, but still covered his head and face!

Before Yu Xian had time to react, his body was wrapped in a layer of water.

Water is the softest thing in the world.

It can't be broken by punches, and it can't be broken by knives.

No matter how Yu Xian roared and struggled, he stuck to Yu Xian's body, wrapping him in the water polo.

Tang Zhou's face floated on the water polo, his appearance changed with the water polo's struggle, and he watched Yu Xian slowly suffocate with a smile.

Li Ru watched Yu Xian kneel down powerlessly, and said to Tang Zhou with satisfaction, "All these people are handed over to you. I will go to the front camp to take down that little girl."

Tang Zhou's face on the water polo swam to the other side of the water polo, looked at the chaotic front camp, and then appeared directly opposite Li Ru in a flash of water.

Tang Zhou asked unhurriedly.

"Liangzhou Mu, I can't help you all these things for nothing. According to the agreement, I ambushed your opponent, so you should give me a clear explanation."

Li Ru didn't answer, just said, "Wait for me to come back."

After speaking, he pulled away and ran straight to the front camp.

Tang Zhou watched Li Ru leave.

He didn't stop him, and when Li Ru walked away, the face on the water polo grinned.

"Did you escape?"

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhou looked at Feng Ming, Feng Liang, He Xuan, Zhang Xiu, Yang Feng, Dong Cheng and others who were attracted by the battle just now.

Feng Ming, Feng Liang, and He Xuan were naturally afraid and didn't know how to deal with this monster.

After Zhang Xiu, Yang Feng, and Dong Cheng knew that this was the envoy of the Southern Huns, they couldn't make up their minds about what attitude to take.

Although Li Rugang used him to clean up Yu Xian, this was the camp of Xiliang soldiers after all, and Tang and Zhou belonged to the Southern Huns after all.

Dong Cheng boldly said politely, "Don't bother the Taoist priest, it's enough for us to leave these three little thieves to us."

Tang Zhou listened and didn't answer.

His gaze wandered over Zhang Xiu, Yang Feng, and Dong Cheng, slowly exerting pressure.

As the envoy of the Southern Huns, Tang Zhou naturally would not waste such a good opportunity to influence the generals in Liangzhou.

If these three people have a heart of fear, they can make good use of it in the future to influence the decision-making of Liangzhou soldiers.

Tang Zhou was making up his mind when suddenly the expressions of the three people facing him changed.

When I looked again, those people's eyes were already wide open.

Tang Zhou sensed the problem without waiting for their reminder.

He hastily looked inside.

Seeing Yu Xian who was originally wrapped in a water polo and suffocated and fell to the ground, green and tender sprouts appeared on his mouth and nose at some point.

Then, before Tang Zhou could figure out what happened, the buds that emerged from his mouth and nose grew rapidly and vigorously.The green and tender stems quickly spread to the water polo, and the tips of the buds also grew into green leaves, which suddenly stretched.

In the blink of an eye, lotus leaves the size of palm-leaf fans appeared on the surface of the water polo.

Just among the green lotus leaves, a pink lotus blooms, breathing the fresh air hungrily.

Yu Xian who was in the water polo opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at Tang Zhou who was floating on the surface of the water polo.

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