host country

Chapter 460

Yu Xian was shocked, his face full of disbelief.

He looked at the bloodstain on the old man's face, and he was very sure that this was Li Ru!

But this Li Ru was able to switch between the three battle templates of Confucian, warrior, and strategist in a short period of time.

If you add the identity of a wizard that Yu Xian guessed, how unnatural is this Li Ru?

But how is this possible?

Yu Xian learned a lot of skills because of his extraordinary encounters, but except for the knowledge that is compatible with his own Taoist foundation, he couldn't learn other advanced realms at all.

For example, Yu Xian also has some Confucian skills.It's a pity that even if it was taught by Zixia himself, Yu Xian can only practice the power of the five virtues, and cannot formally use Confucianism at all.

With the blessing of "power of one mother" and "man and horse like a dragon", Yu Xian can fight back and forth with first-class generals a few times, but his half-baked physical skills can hardly grow.Moreover, it is impossible to condense the demon soul like a normal warrior, and use the various mysteries of the demon soul.

As for the ability of witchcraft and ghosts, it was even worse. In order to conform to the will of heaven and earth, Yu Xian didn't dare to touch himself at all.Even used the ink unicorn evolution as a substitute.To put it bluntly, it is simply a false slave ghost.

That is to say, military strategists' skills are more compatible, and there are needs for conquests in various categories, which gives Yu Xian enough capital to fight with others.

Fundamentally speaking, this is the so-called, different ways do not seek each other.

However, this deep-rooted concept has been subverted by Li Ru.

Li Ru's ability to respond to Meng Ke's will and use the Confucianism recorded in "Mencius" is enough to show that Li Ru's Confucianism is genuine.What's more, Li Ru's ability to cultivate the qi of five virtues into a rare five-color divine light in the world proves that he has a solid foundation and is not opportunistic.

Li Ru's warrior method can condense and drive demon spirits, and can also make demon spirits possess him.

The tactics of military strategists pay attention to the harmony of time, place and people, and the most important thing is to change the time of day, the second is to change the location, and the last is to change people's hearts.

Li Ru can use the method of changing the weather like flying sand and moving stones, and he is already firmly at the top of the military.

His witchcraft method can use the emperor of a country as a sacrifice to refine the poison of the poisonous dragon.This method is bold and evil, it is not of sufficient standard, and it is simply unable to preside over such a huge ceremony.

The ability that Li Ru showed in a short period of time was enough to make Yu Xian dumbfounded.

Li Ru's so-called "overwhelming Xiliang" is really not empty talk!

Yu Xian looked at Li Ru full of apprehension, and slowly backed away.

Seeing this, Li Ru didn't force him.

He leisurely glanced at the front of the camp where he was shouting and fighting, and turned to Yu Xian and said, "National teacher, you are a smart person, why bother with that little girl? If you are willing to serve me, not only will you survive, but your glory will also be indispensable in the future." Wealthy."

Yu Xian didn't answer when he heard the words, and looked at Li Ru carefully for a while.

His eyes fell on the bronze mirror in Li Ru's hand.

Yu Xian's eyes flickered slightly, and he said to Li Ru half-jokingly, "I guess your abilities come from your bronze mirror, if I take that bronze mirror away, what will you do?"

After Li Ru heard this, there was no joy or anger on his face.

"National Normal University can give it a try."

With a wave of Li Ru's hand, the thin whirlwinds of sand and dust slowly closed, and finally twisted and twisted, turning into two huge pillars of sand and dust.

These two huge wind pillars of sand were spinning rapidly, rolling towards Yu Xian like a stirring millstone.

Under the invasion of this sandstorm, Yu Xian's military technique of swallowing smoke and fog was completely destroyed!

Yang Feng and Dong Cheng who were trapped in the smoke had just escaped when they saw a sandstorm coming.

The faces of the two of them changed drastically, and they fled the scene in a panic without caring about attacking Yu Xian.

He Xuan also hurriedly suspended the game and fled.

Only Zhang Xiu, who had just come out of the game, didn't understand what happened for a moment, and was stunned for a moment.

Among Yu Xian's skills, the most accomplished one is the art of war passed down by Wu Qi.

It is also most sensitive to the killing intent of the art of war.

Almost as soon as Li Ru's art of war was activated, Yu Xian was ready to meet the enemy.

He clenched his fists tightly, and the golden light on his body became brighter and brighter.

People and horses are like dragons, and they can deal with wind and rain!

Li Ru looked at the golden light flowing on Yu Xian's body, and couldn't help laughing.

Even if Yu Xian's art of war can ignore the strong wind, but the high-speed rotating sandstorm, every grain of sand on it has the power to beat people's skin to pieces.

Under this rolling sand, who can support it?

Unexpectedly, just when Li Ru thought that Yu Xian was about to run away, Yu Xian watched Li Ru and rushed forward suddenly.

Under the blessing of people like dragons and strong wind, Yu Xian rushed into the sandstorm like a flowing golden light in the blink of an eye!


Yu Xian's abnormal behavior immediately aroused Li Ru's vigilance.

He hurriedly increased the output of killing power, desperately trying to hang Yu Xian to death in the sandstorm.

Two tornado-like sandstorms also began to intersect repeatedly, tearing everything inside like a millstone.

Just when Li Ru was full of confidence and wanted to kill Yu Xian in one fell swoop, his face suddenly changed, and he blurted out, "Not good!"

In the rolling sandstorm, a golden figure loomed like a streamer, gradually becoming clear!

Li Ru's pupils shrank.

Yu Xian!

how come?

Li Ru stepped back half a step with an ugly face, and then his eyes were attracted by the object in Yu Xian's hand.

That thing is neither metal nor wood, it looks like a token with two simple characters engraved on it.


Around the token, the rolling mad sand and the killing power enveloping them are rapidly declining, and even the golden light on Yu Xian's body is mottled and tattered, as if it is about to collapse at any time.

All the doomsday scenes constructed by the art of war, in front of that little token, are melting like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

Li Ru's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Free battle card?"

——This is exactly the waiver card used by Chen Chao to beg Yu Xian to withdraw from the battlefield last time.

At that time, Yu Xian's brain became hot, and he turned around and left.

I forgot to return everything.

After all, Chen Tiao was a green young man who hadn't experienced much beatings by the society. He watched Yu Xian leave the battlefield helplessly, but couldn't help but chase after him to get it back.

Those who knew, knew that Yu Xian had recognized their love for each other and were willing to leave, but those who didn't know thought that Yu Xian had robbed something and ran away.

Afterwards, Yu Xian also felt quite embarrassed.

It's just that he was listed as a dishonest executor by Yizhou because of leaving the battlefield without authorization, and he never had the chance to go to the front line afterwards.

As a result, the things were never returned to Chen Tiao.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy here.

Li Ru recognized the free battle card and immediately realized what it was!

With this thing, Yu Xian walked through the sandstorm almost unharmed, so...

He quickly raised the bronze mirror and put it in front of him, wanting to make another change.

Unexpectedly, before the mysterious technique was used this time, there would be a heavy force coming from the bronze mirror.Li Ru couldn't hold it in his hand, but the bronze mirror came out of his hand.

Yu Xian snatched the bronze mirror and was overjoyed.

Just as he was about to take the opportunity to kill Li Ru in one fell swoop, he glanced over and was taken aback.

I saw that Li Ru stood there in a daze, the features on his face melted, ferocious and unpredictable.

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