host country

Chapter 458 Wang Yun's Decision


After discovering that the surprise attack had lost its effect, Fan Chou in Dong Bai's army was the first to go out.

He rode his horse back and forth outside the camp for a few laps, and then shouted loudly, "I, Fan Chou, want to enter this camp, who dares to stop me?!"

After saying this, the audience fell silent.

Although there were many Xiliang soldiers standing guard on the wall, no one was making noise at this time.

Fan Chou's force was inferior to Hua Xiong's, but among the many warriors in the Xiliang Army, he won the hearts of the Xiliang soldiers with his bravery.

Seeing this familiar Xiliang man enthusiastically and enthusiastically in front of the army, countless Xiliang soldiers who faced each other had mixed feelings.

Seeing that no one responded, Fan Chou jumped on his horse and charged towards the camp.

Those Xiliang soldiers standing guard on the ramparts drew out their sabers one after another, and hit the wooden shield with the back of the saber.

Although their positions are different at this time, it does not prevent them from venting their emotions in their own way.

It's just that when the wooden shield was struck in the past, it was Fan Chou who charged forward, but now, Fan Chou came with a knife!

The military marquis in front of him was silent for a while, and then shouted decisively, "Archers are ready!"

Many hard bows were raised, aiming at Fan Chou in unison.

At this moment, another fast horse from Dong Bai's army rode out into battle.

This person is wearing a silver helmet, wearing a white robe of silver chain mail, and carrying a five-foot-long bearded hook spear.

His assault speed was faster, and he caught up with Fan Chou in a short while, blocking the front with a long spear in his hand, "Lieutenant Fan wait a moment, Lord Weiyang has other orders!"

When Fan Chou heard this, he looked back.

The sound of Mingjin just sounded in the formation.

Fan Chou turned around, laughed at the barracks, and shouted, "Wait for me!"

Said together with Li Su, suddenly galloped back to the main formation.

Dong Bai saw Fan Chou and asked, "Lieutenant Fan, how is the strength of the Xiliang Army?"

Fan Chou thought for a while, and said fairly, "Although not as good as when the grand master was there, it is still enough to be called a strong army for a while. However, I think the torches they mobilized in the camp are a bit messy and stagnant, and they may have absorbed a lot of young men in the pass. Not enough training."

Dong Bai didn't have much expression on his face, "It's about the same as what I thought. Captain Fan, we'll have to rely on you and the thousand flying bears under your command to break through the enemy line later. How about it?"

After hearing this, Fan Chou patted his chest and said, "Your Majesty Weiyang, don't worry! The Feixiong Army is the elite of the Xiliang Army, and their combat power is not easy to compare with. Now Zhang Ji is stationed alone in the west, relying only on Li Jue and Guo Si, Still can't stop me!"

The Feixiong Army has 4000 people, and the four lieutenants each receive [-].

If you really want to fight head-to-head, Fan Chou will definitely not be able to hold it with one-on-two.

But if he just broke through the front line and escorted Dong Bai into the camp, Fan Chou was still very confident.

Wang Yun couldn't help frowning beside him.

He was happy to see the Xiliang people's internal strife, but now he is still here, afraid that if he loses too badly, he will not be able to escape.

He couldn't care less about his position now.

He opened his mouth to dissuade him, "Isn't it a little reckless for Weiyang Lord to do this? If those Xiliang troops are stubborn, wouldn't it be like a sheep going to the tiger's mouth?"

Dong Bai listened, and smiled confidently, "No way. Xiliang soldiers follow my grandfather, and they can make enemies of the world. I don't believe they will betray me for Li Ru."

Wang Yun persuaded again, "But they helped Li Ru deal with Niu Fu before, so it's hard to say this time."

Dong Bai was not intimidated by Wang Yun, and said calmly.

"My grandfather had a very high prestige among the Xiliang soldiers, and they relied on them across the northwest. The sudden death would naturally make them feel helpless and panic. How strong they were before, how weak they are now. Then they were lured by someone with a heart , It is inevitable that I will lose my position. Now that I am back, as long as I let them see my strength, these people will naturally continue to be loyal to the Dong family."

Fan Cong held the reins of his horse, and flaunted his power from the side, "That's right! If those guys persist in their obsession, I, Fan Cong, will beat them up!"

Wang Yun couldn't.

Just as he was about to retreat, he suddenly heard Dong Bai say immediately, "By the way, General Weimeng, why don't you let Jing Zhaobing under your command fight the first battle?"


Wang Yun was so frightened that he almost fell off his horse.

Just his old arms and legs?With a group of Jingzhao soldiers who have lost their morale, they are going to attack the camp of Xiliang soldiers?

Wang Yun said with a trembling voice, "This, this must not be done! This old man is just a rotten Confucian, who has never led an army in battle. The old man is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of ruining the great affairs of Lord Weiyang."

After hearing this, Dong Bai comforted, "Don't worry, General Wei Meng, you have always stood by our Dong family's side, your ability, my grandfather has often mentioned to me. I use your Jingzhao soldiers, not to send you to death , but intends to use you to feint."

"Fake attack?" Wang Yun was still worried, and then said pitifully, "I'm afraid that this old man can't even do a feint attack. I'm willing to hand over Jing Zhaobing to someone who is capable."

Dong Bai smiled, but he couldn't refuse and said, "Don't worry. Since it's a feint attack, there's no need to actually fight. You and your men can retreat immediately as long as you rush to the front of the camp to meet the enemy."


Wang Yun wanted to speak again.

The smile on Dong Bai's face was put away, and he looked at Wang Yun and said seriously, "I allow you to rush to the end. As long as there is a Jingzhao soldier on the front line to meet the enemy, you can be ordered to retreat immediately. If you have two thousand soldiers under your command , none of them can rush to the front of the camp to meet the enemy, so you rush up by yourself."

After Dong Bai finished speaking, he looked at Li Su without waiting for Wang Yun to answer.

"Hu Ben Zhonglang will delay the Jingzhao soldiers. If the mighty general fails, you will shoot him and take your county soldiers to take over his task."

Wang Yun's face changed drastically when he heard this.

The generals and schools around were also shocked.

This daughter of the Dong family, when she was about to fight, really had the style of Dong Zhuo!

Li Su stepped forward to promise.

Dong Bai said to Cai Yan again, "You will follow me later, once the Jingzhao soldiers approach the enemy, you will immediately beat the Kui Niu battle drum! It is still a song of great martial arts, and you must not miss a single note."

The Kui Niu War Drum is a powerful weapon on the battlefield, powerful enough to turn the tide of a battle.

This is also Dong Bai's biggest reliance in this general attack.

When Cai Yan knew that this was a fatal moment, she nodded heavily regardless of her nervousness.

Dong Bai looked at Fan Chou, "Lieutenant Fan's Flying Bear Army will follow Jing Zhaobing's flanks. As soon as the Kui Niu war drums sound, Captain Fan will rush to the gate of the camp within ten breaths and kill all the enemies in front of him." .I and Cai Yan will follow your army and enter the camp with you."

Fan Chou heard the words and promised loudly.

Afterwards, all eyes turned to Wang Yun.

Under the firelight, Wang Yun's old face was almost distorted.

What kind of feint is he doing?

It is clear that they want to use Jing Zhaobing's flesh and blood to pave a way for Fan Chou's flying bear army!

Wang Yun was struggling in his heart, and his face was cloudy and cloudy with the reflection of the torch.

Everyone is waiting for his first words.

This will represent Wang Yun's final position in this battle.

If Wang Yun shirks again, it will definitely not be a good result waiting for him.If Wang Yun agrees, then his bloody battle will kick off the Dong family's resurgence.

"I allow you to rush to the end..."

"As long as there is a Jingzhao soldier on the front line to meet the enemy, you can be ordered to retreat immediately..."

"If none of the two thousand soldiers and horses under your command can reach the camp to meet the enemy, you can charge up by yourself..."

"Shoot him..."

Wang Yun clenched his thin fists.

Over the years, although he has been flattering Dong Zhuo, he still firmly believes that he endured the humiliation for the sake of the Han family, in order to wait for the day when the rebellion will be punished!

He did not live up to the kindness of the court, nor did he forget the glory of the royal family of Taiyuan!

His crouching and crouching was not for himself, but for that bright future!

He Wang Yun is not living, and he Wang Yun is not weak!

However, these words that persuaded me every day, under Dong Bai's aggressiveness, were somewhat defeated.

Dong Bai frowned, and asked seriously, "General Mighty?"

When Wang Yun came back to his senses, he felt that his back was drenched in cold sweat.

His hand moved.

Finally he cupped his hands and said, "No."

After finishing speaking, it seemed as if something was disconnected in my heart, and I felt a little relieved.

I still want to live after all...

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