host country

Chapter 456 Li Ru's Confucianism

When Yu Xian decided to make a sneak attack, he had long been aware of Zhang Xiu's pincer attack.

Yu Xian could see it much more clearly than Zhang Xiu and others.

The commotion outside the camp was most likely due to Dong Bai's imminent attack. Li Su began to use his accurate archery and bloody methods to hunt and kill the scouts on the outside.

At this critical moment, even if the sneak attack on Li Ru cannot succeed, enough chaos must be created in the battalion to shake the morale of the army.

Only in this way can Dong Bai create more opportunities.

Seeing Zhang Xiu attacking, Yu Xian reminded him loudly, "He Xuan!"

He Xuan, who was hiding aside, immediately stretched out his hand and pointed at the ground, and said provocatively, "Come and bet with me!"

As soon as the words fell, following He Xuan's finger, something like a square chessboard appeared under Zhang Xiu's feet, and the two were accommodated in the game.

Holding a hexagram plate in one hand and a throwing pot in the other, the crazy gambler jumped out of He Xuan Niwan Palace.

Without waiting for the gambler to use his means, Zhang Xiu turned his rotten face away murderously, with a cold light in his eyes, "Then life is a bet or not?!"

He Xuan practiced witchcraft in the mountains since he was a child, and most of what he learned was the means of secretly hurting people.He had never faced such a tragic scene.

He was speechless for a while, but stayed there.

When Zhang Xiu was slashing in front of him with a saber in his hand, He Xuancai used his methods as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Zhang Xiu slashed at him with a knife, passing through his body.

That He Xuan has turned into a group of raging fighting cocks, following the direction drawn by the blade, they suddenly separated and ran in all directions.

Zhang Xiu had never experienced such witchcraft methods, and his brows were tightly frowned, adding to the anger of being teased.

Those scattered fighting cocks ran all over the field, and after a while they regrouped into a group that looked like He Xuan.

Even though it was already cold winter, the forehead of He Xuan, who escaped from death, was still covered with large beads of sweat.

He Xuan didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly shouted, "Don't be complacent, the game is about luck, not strength!"

Following He Xuan's words, a kind of dark rule began to form in the game.

Although Zhang Xiu is strong, he still feels a little restrained.

Seeing that He Xuan was holding back Zhang Xiu, Yu Xian rushed towards the Chinese army before the soldiers and horses in other places could react, intending to kill Li Ru.

Only then did the Marquis of the Tent Guard recover from his shock, and shouted loudly to lead the soldiers to come up and kill them.

Yu Xian mobilized with the power of a mother and men and horses like a dragon at the same time, just like a tiger, and when the momentum was like a rainbow, how could a little military marquis be able to stop it.

Yu Xian hacked down the guard guarding the tent with a knife, and killed several soldiers in a row.

The two brothers Feng Ming and Feng Liang also came out of the darkness to help hold back the guards who came one after another.

The mourning ghost appeared, threw out a lot of paper money, and screamed, "You people who died in vain, why don't you go on the road sooner?!"

The hanged ghost also threw a large amount of loess, and said sadly, "Hurry up and be buried in the ground!"

These two little ghosts committed evil recklessly, and the soldiers who were stained with paper money and loess lost their lives in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the door of the big tent opened, revealing Li Ru's gloomy face.

After seeing the situation in front of him, Li Ru realized that Zhang Xiu had been wronged.

He didn't show any shame on his face, but looked sharply at Zhang Xiu who was chasing and beating He Xuan, and said in a low voice, "Idiot."

As he said that, the phantom of the sun's essence fire appeared in Li Ru's eyes, but the sun's essence fire was already filthy, surrounded by black fire, like a burning prison.

Li Ru raised his hand with a dazzling red light, brushing towards the gambling table.

Seeing He Xuan, he hastily brought Yu Xian into the game.

The strength of everyone in the gambling game immediately surpassed Li Ru.

Although the red light failed to break the game, it pierced into the game and wiped it away.

He Xuan escaped the catastrophe by a tiny margin, and was so shocked that he was out of his wits!

Yu Xian hurriedly shouted to Feng Ming and Feng Liang, "Don't worry about others, you cooperate with me to take him down directly."

Liu Yan is proficient in Confucianism and also has the five-color divine light, but when Chen Tiao rushed in, he was still injured.

If it hadn't been triggered by something against the sky like "three luck plus body", Liu Yan would have been stabbed to death by Chen Tiao with a flying gun.

The most important thing now is to assassinate Li Ru as soon as possible while the battalion leaders are watching the enemy outside the battalion closely and before they realize that the Chinese army has been raided.

He Xuan released Yu Xian from the game in response, and Feng Ming and Feng Liang also abandoned the fleeing soldiers, and they all rushed towards Li Ru.

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled, "Slow down, thief!"

A man in disheveled clothes came out from the tent on the left with a knife. It was the captain Dong Cheng.

Another general also led his troops and rushed over, shouting, "Who dares to be rude in front of me, Yang Feng!"

Just now Yu Xian retreated some distance to avoid the five-color divine light, it would be better for Feng Ming and Feng Liang to get closer.Yu Xian hurriedly urged, "Kill Li Ru first!"

As he spoke, he threw out a handful of beans.

Those beans fell to the ground and transformed into a group of black-clothed and black-armored soldiers.

Yu Xian yelled again, "Where is the left vanguard?"

Zuo Xianfeng was hiding in the shadows with a "young boy" when he heard that a ghost appeared, "Here is the humble job!"

Yu Xian pointed at Dong Cheng and Yang Feng, and shouted, "Stop them!"

The combat power of these Dao soldiers is far inferior to ordinary soldiers, and they can barely be used to restrain them.

Hearing this, Zuo Xianfeng threw away the screaming "young boy" and led the Taoist soldiers into two groups to resist Dong Cheng and Yang Feng.

Li Ru, who was in the eye of the storm, smiled instead of anger, "Okay, I didn't expect that I, a dignified Liangzhou shepherd, would be looked down upon like this."

After finishing speaking, he didn't use the five-color divine light, instead he took out a roll of blue bamboo slips from his sleeve and threw it in the air.

The cyan bamboo slips were shining brightly, and when they were revealed, a phantom of a hale and hearty old man appeared on it.

As soon as the phantom of the old man appeared, he said in a long voice, "I am good at cultivating my noble spirit!"

The voice is mighty and ethereal, making everyone from far and near feel uneasy.

The old man looked back at Li Ru in phantom.

The color of destiny on Li Ru's body responded, breaking into pieces.The star map of merit and virtue emerged, but it was dim.The fire of humanity is flickering, dying to be extinguished.

Even at such a tense moment, Yu Xian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Ru killed the king, betrayed the master, and had bad conduct. What he studied was "Mencius", which emphasized righteousness.

It is absolutely impossible for this kind of guy to be recognized by Mencius, using Confucianism!

The old man stared at Li Ru expressionlessly, "What virtue do you have? How can you?"

Li Ru looked at the upright phantom of the old man, but he did not back down. He raised his voice and said, "I will kill one person to secure the imperial court! Kill one person to secure Liangzhou!"

As soon as Li Ru said this, Yu Xian's face suddenly changed color!

At this moment, he finally understood why Li Ru learned from Mencius.

——In the core theory of Yasheng Mencius, there is such a sentence, "The people are the most important, the society is second, and the king is the least!"

It is true that Li Ru poisoned Liu Bian, the young emperor of the Han Dynasty, intolerable to most Confucians, but it is different with Mencius.

Li Ru poisonously killed the deposed emperor Liu Bian, which stabilized the position of the new emperor Liu Xie. The old officials of the Han Dynasty also lost the basis to compete with Dong Zhuo, and the situation gradually stabilized.

It can be said that Li Ru has completely accomplished the thing of killing one person to determine the country.For Mencius, whose country is more important than the king, this is a great achievement.

Later, because of the competition for interests, the conflicts between the various factions of the Han court and the people of Xiliang became more and more intensified, and the situation has reached the point where they are in dire straits.Later, it even inspired the eighteen princes to attack Hulao Pass.

Although Dong Zhuo led the court to retreat to Chang'an, the whole world was still on the verge of falling apart.

Li Ru murdered Dong Zhuo, reached a compromise with Shi Sun Rui, and brought Xiliang soldiers back to the northwest.Even if he didn't dare to say that he had contributed to the people of the world, he finally relieved the plight of the Xiliang people.In the eyes of Mencius, this is a great merit!

Sure enough, after Li Ru finished speaking, the phantom of the old man nodded slightly, "Good!"

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