host country

Chapter 453 Wrong, Come Again

Yu Xian made a judgment immediately.

The planned sneak attack is unlikely.

Now it's better to take the opportunity to muddy the water and find an opportunity to assassinate Li Ru, so as to create conditions for Dong Bai's subsequent attack.

Yu Xian looked left and right, and said to Feng Liang, the weeping ghost, "Later, you come to disrupt the situation, you'd better try to lure Li Ru out, and He Xuan and I will see if we can sneak attack."

The three disciples of the Baishi Mountain Ghost King are young and brave, without fear.

Relying on his supernatural powers, Feng Liang said confidently, "Look at mine!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Liang left quietly, and with the servant ghost, his figure escaped into the dark night.

Not long after, there seemed to be intermittent, intermittent crying in the camp.

The generals of the Xiliang army didn't pay much attention at first, they just thought it was the dead soldiers who had relatives in the camp.It is human nature to feel sad when touching the scene.

Li Jue even ordered the left and right to bury the dead soldiers properly.

But after a while, Li Jue was the first to notice something was wrong.

The intermittent crying at that time seemed to be lingering in my ears, and I couldn't get rid of it no matter where I went.

The cry was sad, but not mournful.

On the contrary, like a veteran who has been fighting for many years, he finally couldn't help venting his anger.

The vicissitudes of life are tragic, such as Gao Jianli sending Jing Ke off, and Shen Baoxu crying for Qin Ting.

Li Jue's face changed, he looked around, and shouted, "Who is playing tricks in front of me?!"

As soon as Li Jue said this, there was no response from the surroundings. On the contrary, more soldiers were affected by the crying, and they all panicked and looked around.

The soldiers who were about to return to the tent also poked their heads out, whispering softly.

Seeing this, Li Jue frowned, and shouted loudly without hesitation, "Where is the Feixiong Army?"

Following Li Jue's loud shout, some soldiers from the Xiliang Army who were a little closer immediately responded, and responded loudly with a rough voice, "Flying Bear Army is here!"

These soldiers responded in unison, which immediately triggered a chain reaction.

Among the Xiliang soldiers near and far, the elite Flying Bear Army seemed to hear the cry of a wolf, and responded like a tsunami like waves rising and falling!

For a moment, the Xiliang army camp was filled with deafening noises, and the whimpering Devil May Cry that hit it disappeared without a trace.

Even He Xuan, who was hiding next to Yu Xian, was shocked by this exuberant force of blood energy, and the gamblers in Niwan Palace trembled in fright, trying to hide their breath.

Not long after, the two brothers Feng Ming and Feng Liang fled back in despair. They said with ashen faces, "Senior Brother Yu, I can't stand it."

Yu dedicated himself to being a half-disciple of Mrs. Bone's on the ghost way, and he had a close relationship with them. In addition, they didn't know each other before, so they got along very well.

After the two brothers Feng Ming and Feng Liang finished speaking, He Xuan also said with lingering fear, "Why don't we just forget about it. These soldiers are too elite and murderous, and our slave ghosts are tied up and can't use it at all."

With that said, He Xuan struggled to call out the gambler.

The gambler was an outlaw before his death, and after becoming a slaver, he has no scruples.

Now feeling the murderous intent of the camp, this arrogant gambler obediently held the throwing pot in his hand and didn't dare to move too much.

Yu Xian secretly called out that it was a miscalculation, these ghost tricks are really only suitable for conspiracy and plotting.A place full of evil spirits like a barracks naturally restrains them.

Just as he was in a difficult situation, Yu Xian suddenly remembered something.By the way, their real ghosts are restrained, so will their fake ghosts be affected?

Yu Xian thought about it, and said, "Don't panic, I'll try."

Immediately after that, he summoned the left vanguard who was bound to the Tiger Talisman.

As a black smoke rose, the left vanguard wearing a Confucian crown and iron armor appeared in front of everyone.

He congealed his body, and hurriedly bowed to Yu Xian, "I will see the lord in the end!"

Yu Xian asked, "Zuo Xianfeng, do you feel that there is something wrong in this camp?"

Left Vanguard heard the words, looked around, and immediately lifted his spirits.

"My lord, this battalion is full of murderous intent and fighting spirit, which is very good for my practice. If I can stay for a while and let me realize it carefully, maybe I can make up for the previous deficiency."

The regret that Zuo Xianfeng said was that when he was practicing soldiers in Guo Jiameng, Zuo Xianfeng witnessed the evolution of Gao Ming's battle formation with his own eyes, and almost condensed his strategy in his stomach.

It's a pity that this chance of becoming a general unintentionally aroused the slashing platform and was cut off by a sword.

Seeing this, Yu Xian was convinced, it seemed that this bloody killing intent really had no effect on his false slave ghost.

Yu Xian was afraid that the three disciples of Baishishan would mess up their positions, so he quickly stabilized the army's morale, "Don't panic, fellow juniors, look at my servant ghost, he will be fine."

The three of them didn't believe it, they looked carefully and were immediately shocked.

Yu Xian looked at their expressions with satisfaction, and took the opportunity to encourage everyone to say, "Human beings are infinitely powerful, and mutual generation and restraint are common things. If we can't deal with it positively, then what is the difference between us and beasts that can only rely on the fur of minions?"

He Xuan, Feng Ming, and Feng Liang turned a deaf ear, and still stared blankly at Zuo Xianfeng.


Yu Xian looked over.

Seeing Feng Liang looking at Zuo Xianfeng in disbelief, he said in a stuttering manner, "Brother, is it..."

Before he finished speaking, the left vanguard's head was slightly misplaced, and it slid down directly, rolling to Yu Xian's feet with a grunt.


He Xuan, Feng Ming, and Feng Liang were all shocked.

Enslaving ghosts is the formation of obsessions. Once it exists, the only result is to be broken up and eliminated. How can there be beheading?


Yu Xian also thought something was wrong in his heart, how could he forget about it.

Zuo Xianfeng's head has not recovered since he was beheaded by Guo Julao.

Yu Xian forced himself to calm down and coughed lightly, "There is something wrong with this slave ghost, I'll change it."

As he said that, he told the left vanguard to retreat quickly, and re-activated the spell to summon the slave ghost.

There are two ways for Yu Xian to summon servant ghosts, one is contract binding, and the other is random summoning.

When the contract was first bound, Yu Xian felt that the young man in black was holding his tongue, and mistakenly judged that he bound him.

It was only later that Yu Xian realized that the ability of this black-clothed boy was to make people return to youth, and to face the enemy with the most vigorous energy.

Although this ability is against the sky, it is useless to pull him out alone.

At this moment, the main ghosts that Yu Xian can use are still the two "flattery middle-aged" and "nature".

Then call randomly.

Yu Xian muttered something, pinched his fingers, and as a black smoke rose, a figure slowly emerged.

Yu Xian glanced at it and couldn't help frowning.

This time it was the five or six-year-old boy who came out!

At this critical moment, the character Yu Xian wanted was not summoned!

With Yu Xian's spiritual power, he can still sustain a summoning, but in that case, his mental state will undoubtedly be greatly affected.

Now that the fight with Li Ru is just around the corner, and the abilities that these slave ghosts can display are limited, it is not worthwhile for Yu Xian to forcibly summon him again at the cost of sacrificing his fighting state.

Moreover, Yu Xian was also a little surprised that the appearance of this young boy was the same as Mo Qilin's incarnation, and he didn't know what ability this young boy had to receive such special treatment.

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