host country

Chapter 449

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What Yu Xian said was plain, but the power in his words was like a mountain collapsing and a river overturning.

Zhang Song was dumbfounded.

The others were also tongue-tied, not knowing what to say.

Yu Xian glanced left and right, and asked calmly, "How?"

Everyone felt a little chill in their hearts.

This monster way...

Only Zhang Song had some guesses about Yu Xian's plan when he destroyed the imperial decree just now.

Now he said boldly, "Only with our strength, I'm afraid we won't even be able to make a splash in this Guanzhong place. What will the national teacher use to attack Chang'an?"

Yu Xian had already made them understand the pros and cons, so he didn't hide it now.

"I searched in Guanzhong, and found that apart from Liangzhou Mu Liru's troops, there is also a remnant of Xiliang soldiers. These people are the subordinates of Weiyang Lord Dong Bai."

"Dong Bai hates Li Ru for betraying Dong Zhuo, and is determined to kill Li Ru and take back Xiliang soldiers."

"Dong Bai and I have a relationship of master and apprentice. If we help Dong Bai and accomplish this, we will have the power to shake Chang'an."

Yu Xian's words were not an exaggeration.

In real history, even after Dong Zhuo's death, only Li Jue, Guo Si and others, under Jia Xu's instigation, attacked Chang'an with the Feixiong army, and defeated Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and his Bingzhou wolf cavalry in a hurry. go.

Then, the soldiers and horses turned back non-stop and fought with Han Sui and Ma Teng who came to take advantage of the fire, and drove them back to the barren land in the northwest.

If Dong Bai can regain this army, it can be said that the west of Tongguan can let her run amok.

Zhang Song listened, his eyes flickered, and he quickly thought about the benefits.

Seeing that the two men were making plans on their own, the Star Demon Master on the side couldn't help but said worriedly, "This matter is quite involved, should I ask Xiazhou about it. I have Gray Goose to pass on the letter."

Yu Xian smiled.

But Zhang Song hurriedly said, "No."

After finishing speaking, he looked deeply at Xing Yaoshi, gritted his teeth and said, "Sometimes, we also have to make up our minds for Zhou Mu."

As soon as the voice fell, I felt that the words were a little blunt.

Quickly and calmly throwing the pot at Yu Xian, "What do the national teachers think?"

Yu Xian already knew that Zhang Song was a selfish villain.

But when used here, it is his own sharp knife.

Yu Xian said calmly, "That's right, the general is away, and the king's fate is not acceptable. The current situation in the court is unpredictable, who can guarantee that the one who is in charge of the court is not the next Dong Zhuo? Instead of throwing this trouble to Zhou Mu, let Zhou Mu It is better for us to solve the problem if we bear the bad name of injustice."

The star demon master is not very brainy, and after hearing what Yu Xian said, he looks decent, which makes sense.

"Since the national teacher also said so, then I will obey your orders."

Yu Xian took the opportunity to ask Bashan Ghost King, "Ghost King, what do you think?"

Bashan Ghost King had already made up his mind to wait and see.

He didn't express his opinion, but glanced at the disciples of Wugui Sect below, and asked, "What do you think about this matter?"

The people below looked at each other.

He Xuan saw that Luo Ping and Liang Si were not going to show up, and Feng Ming and Feng Liang were looking forward to him again, and immediately said angrily in a loud voice, "We are involved in this dispute because of Liu Yan's matter, if he gives up halfway, he will make our Wugui sect Where is the door? He doesn't even think about pulling away!"

Seeing that the others didn't answer, Yu Xian didn't delay immediately, "Well, since everyone agrees, let's go to Fufeng County to meet Dong Bai first. When we cooperate with her to kill Li Ru and take back Chang'an, how will the imperial decree be written? It's up to us to decide."

When Yu Xian said this, he glanced at Zhang Song, "I remember that the official position of Bajun prefect has been vacant all the time, which is too shameful. Don't forget to remind me when Zhang is rewarded for meritorious deeds."

Zhang Song knew what he said, and was immediately elated.

Yu Xian won over these people, and then asked someone to call Chang Le, who was still looking around eagerly, and the group speeded up and rushed to Fufeng County.

When approaching Chang'an, Yu Xian asked Zhang Song to inquire about some news.

Just a few days ago, someone suddenly attacked Tongguan eastward under the banner of the Xiliang Army.Those soldiers and horses are very elite, and the generals at the head are extremely brave.

The defenders of Tongguan lost the battle carelessly. Not only did they lose a lot of soldiers and horses, they also killed two school lieutenants.

Originally, a feint attack at this stage was enough. Under the wrath of the Chang'an court, they would definitely send troops to support and attack Tongguan defenders inside and outside.

Xu Huang also happened to be able to feint a shot, get away, and make a detour to Fufeng County to meet Dong Bai.

But these defenders were far worse than Xu Huang thought, and after suffering a loss, they even abandoned the pass and left.

With Tongguan in front of him, Xu Huang's brain became hot, so he simply did nothing and took Tongguan down.

This can completely poke the hornet's nest.

Tongguan is the throat of the Chang'an court to control the world. Losing Tongguan is like being strangled by someone's neck.

The Chang'an court directly sent veteran Xu Rong to attack, and even Lu Bu's Bingzhou Army asked Zhang Liao and Gao Shun each to lead a cavalry to support.

Xu Huang was originally overjoyed to capture Tongguan, but he was blocked by these strong men in a blink of an eye and became a bird in a cage.

If Xu Huang wanted to retreat completely, he had no choice but to abandon the pass and head east, toward Luoyang, which was burnt into ruins.

But in this way, the soldiers and horses in Xu Huang's hands were driven out of Guanzhong.Even if this most important pawn in Dong Bai's hands is completely abolished.

Xu Huang was unwilling and feared that Dong Bai would be cheated, so he simply continued to stand firm at Tongguan.

It's a pity that the news Zhang Song inquired did not show Dong Bai's movements.

The attention of the Chang'an court was attracted by Tongguan. Originally, this should be the best time for Dong Bai and Li Ru to merge.

It's a pity that Yu Xian specifically asked Li Su to slow down Dong Bai's rhythm in order to be on the safe side.

Going back and forth again and again put Xu Huang in danger alone.

Although Yu Xian was a little worried, he knew in his heart that the crux of all problems still lay with Li Ru.

Li Ru is a man with five-color divine light, and his strength is not bad. In addition, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji are three school captains to help.

Zhang Ji's nephew, Zhang Xiu, has superb spear skills, and he is also known as the Northern Spear King in later generations.

It is said that this person used a tiger-headed golden spear, and his "hundred birds and phoenix marksmanship" was astonishing.

Although there are only two impoverished counties, Fuping and Niyang, under the jurisdiction of Beidi County, the Beidi gun king is only equivalent to half of the prefecture-level city gun kings in later generations, and the persuasion is not very strong.

However, it is also very powerful.

What worries Yu Xian the most is the mysterious poison of the dragon in Li Ru's hands.

Thinking of this, Yu Xian went to the Bashan Ghost King again and asked him about the poison of the dragon.

Bashan Ghost King's eyes lit up a little after hearing what the poison of the poisonous dragon was.

"The poison of the poisonous dragon, this is a good thing."

Yu Xian frowned and asked, "How?"

Bashan Ghost King said, "The rituals required to prepare the poison of the poisonous dragon are extremely complicated, and the most important tribute is the life of an emperor. During the ceremony, the emperor must be poisoned to death, and then the emperor's blood will be taken out. Refining the medicine again."

Bashan Ghost King looked into Yu Xian's eyes, lowered his voice and said emphatically, "It is said that even the gods will be afraid of this poison after seeing this poison."


Yu Xian was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Bashan Ghost King was happy for a while, a little strange, "Aren't you excited?"

As he spoke, he winked and gave a hint.

Yu Xian came back to his senses, raised his head and glanced at him expressionlessly.

"Well, it's good. What should we do when the enemy has this thing?"

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