host country

Chapter 443 Involved in Disputes

Yu Xian thought for a while, and said to the Bashan Ghost King, "I have some ideas about this matter. The Ghost King is waiting here to meet them first. I will talk about other things when I come back."

The Bashan Ghost King had known for a long time that there must be some reason for this, so he didn't want to ask more questions, so he said carelessly, "Just go, I'm here."

Yu Xian moved the Tiger Talisman slightly, recognized the direction, and quickly chased after him.

Xu Huang, who was marching at the rear of the palace in the distance, suddenly felt a movement in his heart, and felt a call from a certain direction.

Xu Huang immediately realized what this meant, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He hastily ordered his subordinates to rest on the spot, while he hurriedly greeted Yu Xianlai.

The two ran with all their strength, and when it was dark, the feeling in Yu Xian's heart became stronger.

When he rushed to the high place, he saw Xu Huang rushing from afar.

When the two met, they were all happy.

After Xu Huang finished seeing the ceremony, Yu Xian hurriedly asked what happened before.

Xu Huang didn't dare to be negligent, and told the things he knew in detail, back and forth.

Yu Xian was quite surprised when he heard that Dong Zhuo was dead and Li Ru rebelled.This point in time seems to be earlier than in history.

After listening carefully, I can't help but feel that it is really good luck.

According to the original history, after the conflict between the Bingzhou Army and the Xiliang Army intensified, Lu Bu began to contact forces loyal to the Han Dynasty and launched this rebellion.

But now, because Yu Xian was doing trouble in Yizhou, Dong Bai, who was close to him, decided to come to Yizhou to find out the truth in order to take the initiative.

Dong Bai took away Li Su, the general of Huben Zhonglang who was attached to her, and took away the mature and prudent second junior brother Wang Yun.

In this way, the two most important initiators of the Chang'an Rebellion left the center of the rebellion.

Lu Buyou chose to join forces with scholars Sun Rui and Li Ru.

Shi Sunrui's attitude was not as radical as Wang Yun's, and the Xiliang soldiers who had a way out did not choose to die as they did in history.

However, because Shi Sunrui deliberately exposed Li Ru's internal response, Xiliang soldiers broke out in fierce civil strife on the way back.

Dong Zhuo's eldest son-in-law, Li Ru, killed his second son-in-law, Niu Fu, and completely took over the Xiliang army.

Now Mu Li Ru of Liangzhou is taking his remnant soldiers to camp in Fufeng County to rest and recuperate, while the Bingzhou Army and the surrendered generals from Guanzhong stand against Chang'an with their backs.

Yu Xian didn't care much about these things, he only had Dong Bai's safety in his eyes.Without waiting for Xu Huang to say anything, he frowned and asked, "In this case, what is Dong Bai's plan?"

"Elder Sister..."

Xu Huang also talked about Dong Bai's actions these days.

Yu Xian was dumbfounded.

This Dong Bai, what on earth is he imagining?

Even if she had prepared some countermeasures to save her, she was thinking too much!

Yu Xian looked bewildered, and Xu Huang also felt something was wrong.

He tentatively made a point.

"Master, senior sister led troops to attack the Xiliang soldiers of the Fufeng Army. You, are you really unprepared?"

Yu Xian was speechless.

At that time, Lao Tzu was still busy dealing with all kinds of troubles in Sichuan, so prepare a woolen yarn.

Xu Huang's forehead was slightly sweating, "Senior sister is very sure that you will make arrangements."

Yu Xian scratched his head and asked, "How long has she been gone?"

Xu Huang replied, "It has been more than ten days. According to the original agreement, tomorrow I should pretend to attack Tongguan and attract the soldiers and horses in Guanzhong to the east of Chang'an. Senior sister will take the opportunity to lead the troops to break through the defense line west of Chang'an and enter Fufeng County."

Yu Xian understood, no wonder Xu Huang's soldiers and horses were so far behind, it turned out that it was to create a gap for Dong Bai, so that she could make a fuss.

Yu Xian frowned, "Then Li Ru is not easy to deal with, not to mention Li Jue, Guo Si and others have ambiguous attitudes, even if Dong Bai makes a surprise attack, I am afraid it will not be able to take advantage of it."

Turning his head, Xu Huang looked at him eagerly.

Yu Xian rubbed his eyebrows.

Originally, he wanted to recruit apprentices to respond to the robbery, but he didn't expect that each of these apprentices would be more worry-free.

He quickly made up his mind, "You tell me Dong Bai's plan in detail, and I will figure out the rest."

Xu Huang quickly explained the plan agreed with Dong Bai.

Yu Xian thought for a moment, then said to Xu Huang, "You go. Dong Bai's side, I make my own decision."

Xu Huang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, "Okay, I'll rush back to attack Tongguan as soon as possible."

Yu Xian watched Xu Huang go away, and let out a long breath.

Then his gaze became firm.

Dong Bai, he must protect.

If fighting alone, Yu Xian is not so confident.But now, Yu Xian is leading a group to go out!

As long as he tricks these guys from Yizhou into his pirate ship, then he will have a little more chance of winning.

Yu Xian refused to waste any time, and took advantage of the moonlight to rush back.

After arriving at the entrance of Ziwu Valley, Yu Xian took a little effort to find the place where everyone camped secretly.

The man on duty today is Bashan Ghost King.

Yu Xian beckoned to him from a distance.

Bashan Ghost King waved his red robe sleeves, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then appeared next to Yu Xian in a very short time.

Bashan Ghost King looked Yu Xian up and down, and asked in surprise, "Why is my nephew so careful? Why are you looking for me?"

Yu Xian didn't hide it from him either.

"I went out today to inquire about the information. Dong Zhuo is dead, and the Xiliang Army has been expelled from Chang'an. Now the court is re-controlled by the Bingzhou Army and the courtiers of the Han Dynasty. Even Lü Bu dare not be presumptuous. The rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty is just around the corner."

Bashan Ghost King was at a loss.

He has been immersed in witchcraft practice for half his life, and he is at a loss for what Yu Xian said.

Seeing Yu Xian looking at him with a serious face, he couldn't help but respond dryly, "It's a good thing for the Han Dynasty to rejuvenate, but what does it have to do with us?"

Yu Xian thought about it and decided to speak directly.

"In other words, there is no need for us to save Liu Zhoumu's two sons. The class they represent has already won."

Bashan Ghost King can understand this.

With a happy face, he laughed and said, "So, there is such a good thing?"

The seriousness on Yu Xian's face remained unchanged, and he signaled Bashan Ghost King to keep silent.

Bashan Ghost King became more and more inexplicable.

Isn't that a good thing?

I heard Yu Xian look at the Bashan Ghost King and say indifferently, "Of course this is a good thing. The Ghost King can easily find the two young masters, and then send them back to Yizhou to inherit the family business."

The Bashan Ghost King frowned, "My nephew speaks directly if he has something to say."

Then Yu Xian said slowly, "I think Guiji will be very grateful to you when she finds out. Based on what I know about her, I have to be grateful to you for ten or eight years."

After Yu Xian said that, he glanced at Bashan Ghost King with a half-smile.

Bashan Ghost King was shocked, and immediately figured out his position!

If Gui Ji was sincerely willing to help this favor, why would she insist on stuffing "Troublemaker Chang Le" into this team.

Gui Ji obviously couldn't refuse, and she was unwilling to do so, so she made a compromise.

If he is an older brother who can't even figure out his little sister's little thoughts, then he will have lived so many years in vain.

Bashan Ghost King wanted to understand this point, and then thought about Yu Xian's deliberate actions, and couldn't help but think a little more.

"what do you mean?"

Yu Xian didn't hide it either.

"I want to help Xiliang soldiers to recapture Chang'an. If this happens, it's hard to say what will happen if Chang'an is in turmoil."

Bashan Ghost King was startled, "Are you crazy? Two armies are fighting, how can we participate in it!"

Yu Xian looked at Bashan Ghost King seriously and said, "Although we are few in number, as long as we use it properly, we are still a formidable army. I am somewhat sure about this matter."

Bashan Ghost King shook his head again and again.

"Impossible. Even if I promise you, others will not follow you to take risks. Don't forget that Zhang Song and Xing Yaoshi are both from Yizhou Mufu, and those Wugui sect disciples are not of the same mind." .If this matter comes to light, the consequences will be disastrous."

Yu Xian glanced at the place where they camped, and then said seriously, "Don't worry, I have a way to convince them! But this matter requires the cooperation of the ghost king and me, and let them stay here for at least seven days."

Yu Xian calculated the distance.

Dong Bai was marching with troops, and his speed was definitely not as fast as walking alone.

He is confident that he will be able to catch up in three days.

Seven days back and forth are enough.

As for the way to help these guys onto the pirate ship, Yu Xian already has a plan.

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