host country

Chapter 434 The national teacher is really a god!

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Dong Fu looked suspiciously at the carriage that had just entered the camp.

After a while, the cavalry accompanying the carriage dismounted one after another.

Someone rushed to report, "Captain Fengche has arrived."

"Captain Fengche?" Dong Fu was startled.

When he realized who it was, his hand trembled, almost pulling off his beard.

Liu Yan's son Liu Zhang ran back by himself? !

After the initial surprise, Dong Fu suddenly remembered the leisurely figure of Yu Xian just now swung his fishing rod and turned to leave.

Dong Fu felt admiration in his heart.

The national teacher is really a god!

Sure enough, there was no need to do anything, Liu Yan's son came back by himself!

Dong Fu hurriedly said to the soldier, "Hurry up and report the good news to Zhou Mu."

At this most difficult moment, Liu Zhang's return has indeed greatly boosted the morale of Yizhou Mufu.

Dong Fu had discussed with Zhao Wei, Lu Chang and other state officials that among Liu Yan's sons, Liu Zhang was the most gentle and benevolent. If there was a day when there was a separatist regime, Liu Zhang could be elected as the successor of Yizhou Mu after Liu Yan died.

The smooth return of Liu Zhang also caused a heated discussion among the senior officials in Yizhou Mufu.

That is, is the national teacher Yu Xian still reliable?

Liu Yan originally thought that he knew enough about Yu Xian, and thought that he was just a little Taoist priest in Heming Mountain, and he became a national teacher recognized by the court by chance.

Unexpectedly, this little Taoist priest has not been a beginner for a long time, but his abilities are so unpredictable.

Not only can he resist Pound on the battlefield, but he can also be praised by Dong Fu, who is famous for divination and prophecy.

This time it was even easier to calculate that his son would come back by himself, which shows that Yu Xian does have some skills.

Dong Fu strongly recommended, hoping that Liu Yan would pay attention to Yu Xian, an expert.

But the conservatives represented by Wang Shang felt that the greater Yu Xian's ability, the greater the danger.

If you rely too much on him, once you repeat the mistake of running away, the Yizhou Army may be in danger in an instant.

"What's more, the return of Captain Fengche may not be due to the prosperity of Yizhou."

Dong Fu heard what Huang Quan said, shook his head and said, "The ability of the national teacher is beyond your imagination. I think we should ask his opinion more about everything."

Dong Fu's status is high, Huang Quan, a newcomer, dare not say much, looking at Liu Yan who is sitting in the chair, "What is going on, I believe the state shepherd can make a clear decision on his own."

Liu Yanzheng was absent-minded and didn't know what he was thinking, and only listened to what he said next.

Seeing that everyone in the audience looked at him, regardless of what Huang Quan said just now, he frowned at Dong Fu and asked, "The national teacher does not approve of us joining forces with Han Sui, saying that my son will return naturally. Now that my son is back, The messenger we sent has also gone out, so what will happen?"

Only then did Dong Fu realize what he had neglected. Strictly speaking, Yu Xian's prophecy was only half fulfilled.

Yu Xian is not optimistic about the cooperation with Han Sui, what does this mean?

Dong Zhuo still has Liu Yan's two sons!

Yizhou Mufu has an heir, so he doesn't need to care about these things, but he is Liu Yan's parent and son after all, how can he be indifferent.

Dong Fu suddenly stood up, "Your official knows where the national teacher has gone, so I'll go and ask myself."


Yu Xian was catching fish with a calm expression, but his heart was secretly refreshed.

Unexpectedly, just after telling Dong Fu, it can be realized by pretending to be coercive.

This happiness is much more interesting than cultivating Taoism.

And if I talk about it with clouds and mountains and mists, I can't touch any cause and effect.

It is said that the mystery is the mystery, the door of all wonders.Could it be that the mysterious words in the Taoist classics are also similar codes, and if you understand them, you can spy on the mysteries that the pioneers want to hint?

The forerunners can't refuse this kind of refreshing feeling of doing things without telling the sky, right?

When Laozi left the Tao Te Ching to enlighten future generations, did he also have this kind of low-level happiness?

Or is my happiness beyond my imagination?

Yu Xian has a lot of insights, and unconsciously, he has made a lot of progress.

No matter how sacred a book is, what is written is human words, and what is expressed is only human nature.

Just as Yu Xian was getting something, even Dong Fu hurried over.

Why are you here again?

Yu Xian was surprised.

You won't let me do fortune-telling again, will you?

This is not good.

Now Yu Xian only dares to hint at the corners and corners, and dare not touch the main line of history.

As soon as Dong Fu came, he cupped his hands and said, "National Teacher, the previous incident has been confirmed, and Captain Fengche has returned on his own."

Yu Xian smiled and motioned Dong Fu to sit down, "I already know that."

Dong Fu brushed the grass on the ground and sat down by the river, "National Teacher, I have something to ask for your advice."

The matter was so important, Dong Fu asked directly without waiting for Yu Xian to refuse, "The national teacher said that it is better to stand up and do nothing. What if I have already started?"

Then he said with some embarrassment, "To tell the truth, Zhou Mu is very fond of his son, and has already sent his confidants to unite with Han Sui, and also sent letters to several virtuous nephews in Chang'an."

Thinking about the thoughts just now, Yu Xian couldn't help but feel a little moved.

If he can find the bottom line of heaven, then Yuxian will be like a fish in water in this chaotic world at the end of Han Dynasty.

Then should I say it?

Yu Xian was hesitating, seeing the water floating slightly, he quickly lifted the pole.

It's a pity that I was in a hurry, there were waves on the water, and a big fish swam far away.

Dong Fu followed along and looked over, then his eyes showed deep thought.

Yu Xian brewed for a while, intending to hint a thing or two with the newly realized mysterious words.

Unexpectedly, Dong Fu got up suddenly, saluted Yu Xian respectfully, and said, "Your official understands, let Zhou Mu make preparations earlier."

Yu Xian, "???"

Dong Fu bowed again and hurried away with his servants.

Yu Xian watched Dong Fu walk away with a dazed expression.

what happened?

He looked at the fishing rod in his hand, then lay down by the river and took a picture of his face.

what happened?


After Dong Fu hurriedly left, he went straight to Daying to meet Liu Yan.

Seeing Dong Fu coming back, Liu Yan raised his spirits and asked, "How is it? What did the national teacher say?"

Dong Fu's face was solemn, "The national teacher said that this trip will fail, and the two virtuous nephews may encounter unforeseen disasters! My lord, my condolences!"

"What?!" Liu Yan's expression turned ugly.

He said in disbelief, "I dominate Yizhou, and Dong Zhuo can't even survive in Guanzhong, how dare he provoke me so easily?"

Dong Fu was silent for a while, "I'm afraid the two virtuous nephews have such a long life."

At this time, the people in the tent have not retreated yet, those who have some prejudice against Yu Xian all think Dong Fu's words are ridiculous.

Huang Quan said flatly, "How can ordinary people know all about God's will. Although the national teacher is extraordinary, he doesn't have such great ability."

"What's more, since we already know, we can naturally send secret envoys to stop the two young masters from doing things urgently. In this way, under God's will, are there still two results?"

Liu Yan clapped his hands and said, "That's right, what Gongheng said makes sense!"

He was the last thing he wanted this to happen.

Then Liu Yan stared at Huang Quan with piercing eyes, "Then in terms of fairness, what should Ben Mu do?"

Huang Quan's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he said after a while, "The matter is easy to handle. Since the national teacher has such an extraordinary opinion, why not invite this person to rescue the two young masters. As the saying goes, use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son. Let's see how the national teacher can handle this matter."

Liu Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he praised, "Huang Gongheng really has a plan!"

He looked at Dong Fu again, "How does Mao An feel?"

Dong Fu was speechless.

Huang Quan used the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son to Yu Xian, wouldn't it be the same for him.

If he believes in Yu Xian's judgment, then Yu Xian is undoubtedly the best candidate to solve this situation himself.

Dong Fu could only say, "I'm afraid the national teacher will not agree."

Liu Yan thought for a while, and said confidently, "I have a solution."

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