host country

Chapter 428 Crisis

Li Su came out of the camp, and directly activated the "Wear the wind and wait for the wind" art of war, carefully avoiding the sentries around, and walked back and forth.

When it was getting dark, Li Su looked around, found a dry rock crevice, and fell asleep for a while.

The art of war of scouts played a big role at this time.

Even in his sleep, Li Su's nostrils fluttered slightly, distinguishing the changes in the surrounding smells.

Fortunately, Li Su was lucky, no beasts approached him.

After a good night's sleep, when I opened my eyes, the moon was already hanging high.

The moonlight tonight is very good, the moonlight dilutes the darkness, and under Li Su's keen eyesight, seeing things is not much different from daytime.

Like a civet, he quietly left the stone wall and walked back swiftly.

Li Su's own progress was much faster than that of the army.

It's only half a night's work, and it's a full day's journey.

Li Su looked up, and as the moon slowly set, the sky was slowly shrouded in darkness again.

This journey is as usual.

Perhaps it was the effect of some intuition, the uneasiness in Li Su's heart not only did not decrease, but intensified.

He simply took advantage of the light and moved forward for several miles.

Li Su remembered that there was a nearby cliff that was extremely difficult to walk. The last time he passed, two soldiers fell into the mountain stream because they stepped on the ground.

Seeing that he was about to reach the place, before he could see the dangerous pass in front of him clearly, the wind brought a breath of fireworks.

Li Su's heart skipped a beat.

Although it verified what he thought in his heart, it also meant that the terrible result had come true.

He didn't walk along the plank road, relying on his nimble skills, he quietly stuck to the rock wall under the plank road, and slowly crawled forward following the smell of fireworks in the air.

Li Su crawled silently, covered by plank planks above, making his figure tightly hidden.

After climbing for a while, Li Su suddenly made an unexpected discovery.

Hundreds of meters of places that were repaired and reinforced on the plank road were completely destroyed.

Li Su was a little lucky. Fortunately, he was used to being cautious and chose to crawl under the plank road. If he walked on the plank road carelessly like this, he might be noticed if the plank road was destroyed.

After carefully crossing this section of the road, Li Su faintly noticed the flames.

Li Su looked over.

In the distance, a few soldiers were watching by the fire.

Perhaps it was because the sky was about to dawn, the sentries were listless, and some were still dozing off with their eyes closed.

Li Su looked at the shining swords and guns around them, and then at the hastily built camp behind the sentries.

I can't help but sigh in my heart.

Unexpectedly, they all entered the Qinling Mountains, and they couldn't escape the conspiracy of the court.

It's just that I don't know who these people are and why they chose to surprise Dong Bai here.

Li Su saw that the sky was slowly getting brighter, and hesitated in his heart.

This is the darkest time before dawn, and leaving at this time can avoid alarming the snake.

After the sun rises later, there is only one road in front and back, and it is easy to be spotted by these ambushing soldiers.

Li Su was lying quietly in the shadow of a hanging rock, and was about to retreat when he heard some commotion from the sentries.

Then one after another, people stood up and saluted.

Li Su knew that some important person might be visiting the camp, so he immediately restrained his voice.

Then I heard someone say something indifferently.

——"Don't be careless, who dares to be lazy, I peeled his skin!"

Hearing the unique and somewhat familiar tone, Li Su couldn't remember where he heard it.

"This man's voice is very special."

Li Su memorized it silently.

After the man left and the sentry outside became lazy again, Li Su quietly climbed away from the plank road.

On the way back, Li Su kept thinking about that person's voice, but he couldn't remember which one it was.

It was almost noon when Li Su returned to the camp.

Dong Bai really trusted him enough, and after hearing Wang Yun's report, he asked the soldiers to rest for a day on the grounds that they were tired.

After listening to Li Su's report, Dong Bai, Wang Yun, and Cai Yan all looked at each other in blank dismay.

The only worthwhile target for this team is Dong Baek.

Killing Dong Bai can not only dispel the rumors that the Dong family has a royal order, but also completely anger Dong Zhuo and make him take irrational revenge.

It is almost unnecessary to think that these black hands are all targeting Dong Bai.

Wang Yun reacted very directly and found the target immediately.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Then Zhao Qian's bastard must be involved. He was originally a former general, not an old man who doesn't know how to fight. He has so many soldiers under his command, doesn't it mean he doesn't know it?"

Dong Bai obviously felt that Wang Yun was unreliable, so he didn't express his opinion after he finished speaking, and looked at Li Su, "What will Zhonglang think?"

Li Su agreed with Wang Yun's point of view, "General Wei Meng is right. Since the thieves demolished the plank road and ambushed our back, they can't go around and attack us. Even if there is an ambush, they should be in front. In this way, Zhao Qian must not be able to wash away his responsibilities."

After hearing this, Dong Bai thought for a while and said, "If Zhao Qian conspired with them, they could have made trouble after entering the dangerous road of Qinling Mountains. Why wait until today."

"This..." Li Su also became uncertain.

Wang Yun, an old official like Wang Yun, naturally knew what was going on, "From my point of view, Grand Master Dong used and defended Zhao Qian, and there must be military officers from the Xiliang Army in his team. Maybe there are also A large number of Xiliang soldiers followed. I am afraid that Zhao Qian will have to find a reasonable reason to keep those soldiers for the sneak attack."

Dong Bai frowned, "This is a factor that can be used, but I don't know how effective it will be."

Then he asked again, "You said that the thief general's accent is a bit familiar, what do you have now?"

Li Su was helpless.

"I just vaguely feel some impressions, and I can't start thinking about it for a while."

Speaking of this, Li Su's heart moved, he looked at Wang Yun and said, "General Wei Meng has been an official in the court for many years, and he is very familiar with the officials in the court. I will learn it for you later, maybe it will be helpful." .”

Wang Yun was taken aback when he heard this, and quickly denied it, "How is this possible, the old man is loyal to the Grand Master, how could he know these thieves!"

Saying that, Wang Yun felt a little uneasy.

No, it couldn't really be Huangfusong, Zhu Jun and the others who did it, right?

That Huangfusong still had some influence in the Jingzhao army, this time Zhao Qian sent troops, it was Jingzhao soldiers.

But the old man is here too?

This is too pitiful.

Dong Bai was very pleased with Li Su's proposal, she squinted at Wang Yun, "You try it, maybe my junior brother can think of something."

Wang Yun was very successful as an undercover agent and won Dong Zhuo's trust, but he never expected that Lord Weiyang would be so assertive at such a young age.

Li Su didn't stop talking, and immediately imitated the general's accent and repeated that sentence.

He is the scout general Xiang, he has a lot of miscellaneous abilities, after imitation, he is almost [-]% similar.

Wang Yun was at a loss when he heard this, and was quite sure that they were not the people he was familiar with.

He was about to speak.

Dong Bai exhaled, and said with certainty, "I've heard this man's voice before."

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned.

I don't know how Dong Bai could have heard this person's voice.

Dong Bai looked at the crowd and said seriously, "When I was enshrined as Lord Weiyang, Lu Bu sent someone to send a gift. He is my grandfather's adopted son. I can't miss his gift. The person who gave the gift His name is Hao Meng, and he is from Hanoi with a very special voice."

Li Su also suddenly remembered.

The rough man who carefully observed Dong Bai's appearance appeared in his mind.

Then, he finally realized the seriousness of it.

——Bingzhou Army!

——Lu Bu!

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