host country

Chapter 426 The old man is not fierce at all

The return journey was not so urgent.

The road where the three rode on horseback.

Perhaps because of the exposure of his whereabouts, from time to time scouts came to visit Dong Fu.

Yu Xian didn't shy away from being on the sidelines, and listened to some trivial military affairs one after another.

Sure enough, the Langzhong rebels led by Chen Chao landed before reaching Jiangzhou.

Then they fled all the way west, trying to escape to Qianwei County.

Taoist Zhang Xiu of Heming Taoist Palace personally went to Bajun, Xiaoyu and Yi tribes.

The seven Yi kings with the surnames of Luo, Pu, Du, E, Du, Xi, and Gong, who had always been rebellious, raised their flags in response in one day.

Then Zhang Xiu took Pu Hu as his lieutenant general, Du Wei and Yuan Yue were in the vanguard, and ambushed Chen Chao along the way.

The barbarians were brave and good at fighting, and the rebels in Langzhong were defeated.

Except for Chen Chao who fled in embarrassment thanks to the help of the eagles, the other soldiers were killed in the wilderness and became food for wild beasts.

Then Zhang Xiu stationed his soldiers and horses directly on the border of Qianwei County to lure the barbarians and train the soldiers.

Liu Yan was overjoyed and appointed Zhang Xiu as Sima of another department.

If it was the past, this news would definitely let Dong Fusong breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xiu's surprise army can not only put pressure on Qianwei County, but also draw out the vitality of the barbarians, reducing the great instability in Yizhou.

On the whole, it is a double-win thing.

But now Dong Fu doesn't think so.

The support of Heming Taoist Palace and Shidi Ghost King to the Yizhou Army is inseparable from an important figure.

That is the ghost concubine Wuyan who loves Liu Yan deeply!

But Liu Yan's life is not long, once Liu Yan dies?

Dong Fu could almost conclude that the sentimental witch would definitely get away.

So, how will the Wumen and Daomen, who have gone deep into the secular world and mastered some power, react then?

Dong Fu frowned tightly, thinking all the way.

This world is really going to be chaotic...

Although the three of them walked slowly, after another day, they still arrived at Jiameng Pass.

Dong Fu is going to hand over the order to Liu Yan to repay the gains and losses of this trip, and later he will sneak into Baishuiguan himself to meet Zhang Ren and the other four.

When Yu Xian wanted to go back to the camp, he was taken aback. Zhang Xiu took over all his Taoist soldiers and ghost soldiers and took them to Qianwei County.

Now he is a commander in chief.

Wu Yan didn't want Yu Xian to get mixed up with the Taoist priests of Heming Taoist Palace.

Yu Xian didn't want to go to the Chinese army, so he was an eyesore under Liu Yan's eyes.

Just as he was hesitating, the star demon master smiled and invited, "Since the national teacher is in love with Mr. Dong, why don't you come to my Qingyi Qiang camp?"

Yu Xian thought for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "Then I'll bother you."


From Chang'an to Hanzhong, it is extremely difficult to cross the Qinling Mountains for hundreds of miles.

The three thousand soldiers led by Li Su were all county soldiers near Luoyang. Although they had undergone some training, climbing mountains and wading through rivers and rivers was not their specialty after all.

In addition, as soon as the army entered the Bao ramp, it encountered continuous rain.Not to mention the muddy roads, there are also hidden dangers of rockfall and landslides in some dangerous places.

After walking for a few days, the soldiers stagnated and complained a lot.

Li Su didn't take these soldiers' complaints to heart, but this time Dong Zhuo's favorite, Dong Bai, was also in the army, so Li Su naturally didn't dare to be careless.

If this little ancestor got caught in the rain or the wind and cold, he couldn't bear it.

So Li Su led the troops to choose a high place to camp, and planned to spend a few days until the rain stopped and the road dried up.

Anyway, Li Su thought about it, as long as he kept Dong Bai, it would be a great achievement, so why take too many risks.

As for the rest, it is not his responsibility.

On this day, Li Su went to the depths of the Qinling Mountains alone to hunt and came back. He was happily carrying a clouded leopard back to camp when he saw Wang Yun sitting alone on a rock.

Next to it was a beautiful woman holding an umbrella.

It looked rather bleak.

Li Su and Yu Xian had a very close relationship, so he naturally knew who the woman next to him was.

The slender jade finger holding the umbrella had once forcibly taken over Zhang Liao's axe.

Li Su shrank back, and passed by in a low-key manner.

At this moment, Wang Yun sighed, "Oh..."

A fine man like Li Su didn't know that this was a forward move to complain about.

This is waiting for me.

Li Su didn't answer, he quickened his pace, entered the gate of the camp, and soon disappeared from Wang Yun's sight.

Wang Yun became more and more depressed.

He originally thought that living under a tyrant like Dong Zhuo was difficult enough, but who would have thought that he would learn a thing that hurt his ass as soon as he left Chang'an City.

After Dong Zhuo heard the news that the Hanzhong Army's war was unfavorable, in order to calm down the situation in the southwest as soon as possible, he urgently sent former general Zhao Qian to lead troops to Hanzhong to sit in town.

In order to increase Zhao Qian's weight, Dong Zhuo appointed him as Situ and became one of the three princes.

Wang Yun, who originally held the position of Situ, was transferred to Taichang.

Although Tai Chang is the head of the Jiuqing and has a high status, how can this be compared with Sangong?

Dong Zhuo also seemed to feel that he owed Wang Yun, who had been following him closely, so he asked the emperor to give him a general rank.

——"The Mighty General."

It is still the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the so-called "conquering the town of Anping" has not yet appeared.Wang Yun's title of "Mighty General" is still very honorable.

But in this way, it brought an unexpected change to this team.

Wang Yun's "Mighty General" was two squares larger than Li Su's "Hu Ben Zhong Lang General". Li Su directly dropped the pick and threw the pot to Wang Yun.

Now that the army is hiding in the Qinling Mountains, Dong Bai loses his temper every day, and Wang Yunchou loses a lot of hair.

How can this be good?

Although he became General Wu Meng, the old man is not fierce at all.

Wang Yun looked at Diao Chan at the side, and asked casually, "Daughter, what should I do?"

Wang Yun asked the question casually and didn't expect to get any answer.

Unexpectedly, Diao Chan, who has never talked too much, held an umbrella and said with a smile, "Why should father-in-law be troubled? It is Lord Weiyang who is in a hurry to see the national teacher. She is a rich and noble girl who doesn't understand military affairs. Seeing the muddy road and the noise of soldiers, I just thought it was impossible to do something. But marching and fighting, there are so many particulars. I guess that Li Su has a ghost in his heart and deliberately delayed."

Wang Yun's eyes widened after hearing this, "Why?"

Diao Chan reminded, "Could it be that foster father forgot that the Taoist priest was originally found by Li Su from the middle of Sichuan. If it is confirmed that he really helped Liu Yan to make trouble, Li Su might be implicated."

Wang Yun was stunned, "So that's how it is."

Then Wang Yun frowned again, "If that's the case, isn't the old man also involved?"

"Father don't have to worry, there is Lord Weiyang standing in front."

Wang Yun shook his head, "It's hard to say. The old man has already figured it out all the way. Lord Weiyang seems to be in a stable position and can rest easy. But her situation is more troublesome than ours."

Diao Chan was a little surprised, "How could this be? Isn't Mr. Weiyang the jewel in the palm of Grand Master Dong?"

Wang Yun smiled faintly, "But Lord Weiyang is going to marry after all. Once Dong Zhuo has more grandson-in-laws, how will Li Ru and Niu Fu deal with themselves? These two people have one civil and one military, and they control the Xiliang Army. I'm afraid they don't want to. The power in your hand is taken away by others. The jewel in Dong Taishi's palm becomes the thorn in the flesh of others."

As Wang Yun said, his heart moved.

It is also a good thing if the Xiliang army fights among themselves.

It's just that Dong Bai's current situation is weak and he can't make a fortune for the time being.

It can be supported by heart.

"In this way, we have to try our best to get to Hanzhong before Zhao Qian. Otherwise, once Zhao Qian controls the situation in Yizhou, it may be disadvantageous to Lord Weiyang. Well, I will try to persuade Lord Weiyang again."

"Then, my daughter will accompany you there."

Diao Chan slightly raised her hand holding the umbrella, revealing a red bead wrapped around her wrist with silk thread.

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