host country

423 0424 This has something to do with prejudice

Waking up in the morning, the three continued to march towards Jinping Mountain.

When Yu Xian went on the road this time, he had a lot of confidence in his heart.

However, divination is to find the truth within a certain range, and there are many directions for interpretation.

If you want to get a definite result, you must find multiple solutions for a series of complex conditions, and then find the intersection.

To convince Zhou Zhongzhi, a little skill is needed.

After walking like this for another day, I saw a mountain in the distance.

Yu Xian's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise, "What a place with beautiful scenery."

Jinping Mountain lives up to its name, and the mountains are like screens. It is not yet autumn, and the trees on the mountain are shady and the flowers are blooming.

If you look closely, it really looks like a brocade screen.

The three of them led the horses and walked up the rugged path.

The star demon master looked around curiously, "This mountain is not high, it doesn't seem like there is any place where great sages live in seclusion, why did Master Zixu choose such a place?"

Yu Xian and Dong Fu smiled when they heard the words, but they didn't correct Xing Yaoshi's statement.

Dong Fu leads the way with his horse. After walking for a long time, he sees a firewood gate far away in the forest.

Before I approached, I saw two old people sitting under the tree beside the road, talking about the Tao.

Seeing Dong Fuxing approaching from a distance, an old man became annoyed and stood up, "Old man Dong, you dare to lie to me. Could it be that I, Zhou Qun, are easy to bully."

Yu Xian took a look, and saw that the old man had white beard and hair and a thin face. Although he was wearing a Confucian costume, his aura was not inferior to that of ordinary warriors.

There was no embarrassment on Dong Fu's face, and he greeted him with a smile, "Brother Xian, why should you refuse people thousands of miles away, I am here this time, just to clear up the misunderstanding between each other."

As he said that, Dong Fu turned his head and gestured to Yu Xian, "By the way, this is Yu Xian, the national teacher of the dynasty."

He introduced the two to Yu Xian, "This is the Zhou Zhongzhi I mentioned, and this is the hermit from Jinping Mountain, Master Zixu."

Yu Xian took a look at Master Zixu, who had a bit of a fairy spirit.

Yu Xian cupped his hands and said with a smile, "I have seen two sages."

Although Zhou Qun and Venerable Zixu didn't like Dong Fu, they were also polite people, so they responded lukewarmly.

Both of them were a little surprised that Yu Xian could become a national teacher at such a young age, so they inevitably looked at him a few more times.

Master Zixu looked at Yu Xian, and asked, "I don't know what the inheritance is, who do you worship as a teacher? What kind of virtue and ability do you have, and you can be the teacher of a country?"

The person asked peacefully, but his words were aggressive.

Dong Fu frowned, and glanced at Master Zi Xu.

He was blocked by this person last time, causing his plan to fail. Unexpectedly, he will be the first to attack this time.

But Dong Fu came here to beg for help, but it is not good for both parties to tear their skins apart.

He could only turn around and say, "The Venerable Master may not know something. Although the national teacher is from a Taoist background, he also has an extraordinary Confucian cultivation. The old man once discussed Taoism with him and saw his pure cultivation of the five virtues." . Come to think of it, there must be an extraordinary inheritance."

As he spoke, Dong Fu winked at Yu Xian frequently.

Yu Xian also knew in his heart that in front of people like Zhou Zhongzhi and Master Zixu, the status of Chongxuanzi's disciples was not enough.

But Dong Fu had seen Yu Xian's pure power of the five virtues, so he had some expectations for it.

Yu Xian sneered in his heart, and said slowly, "Poverty Taoism does have some roots in Confucianism, and it needs to be taught carefully, but I'm afraid that if I say it, it will inevitably shock the world."

Zixia has taught Yu Xian and inspired Yu Xian to move forward. In any case, he cannot deny this past.

Master Zixu laughed loudly, and then asked, "But Zheng Xuan?"

Yu Xian shook his head, "It's not Zheng Xuan."

Master Zixu asked again, "But Ma Rong?"

Yu Xian said lightly, "It's not Ma Rong either."

With a smile on the corner of Master Zixu's mouth, he said, "Could it be Lu Zhi?"

Yu Xian said, "I have no destiny with him either."

Master Zixu became interested, and asked jokingly, "Oh? Then I have to listen carefully. What is the origin that makes Dong Mao'an look so high, and how can it frighten us?"

When Dong Fu heard this, he felt angry.

He became more and more disgusted with Master Zixu.

But he couldn't help worrying.

There are only a few great Confucian scholars in the world, even if there are some omissions, how much superficial can you learn at Yu Xian's age?

If he is underestimated, I am afraid that the hope of convincing Zhou Zhongzhi next will be even slimmer.

Dong Fu was immediately at the side, looked at Yu Xian and said, "If it's inconvenient for the national teacher to say the name of the high-ranking man, that's fine, so as not to make the teacher unhappy."

Dong Fu wanted to coax this festival, but Yu Xian knew that if he couldn't come up, he would frighten the two of them. He was afraid that no matter what he said, he would be scrutinized in every possible way.

Based on his three-legged feat, the matter is likely to be yellow.

Yu Xian was certain in his heart, and said lightly, "The family teacher is not some shady outsider, if you say it, you must have heard of it."

On the contrary, Dong Fu was surprised by these words.

Someone he knows?Not Zheng Xuan, Ma Rong, or Lu Zhi.

He can also teach Yu Xian such a pure technique of the five virtues.

Which will it be?

Even the angry Zhou Qun was distracted, wanting to hear about the origin of this little Taoist priest.

Yu Xian glanced at the three of them, and said slowly and deliberately, "I am the grandson of Confucius, and all the principles I learned were dictated by Zixia!"

As soon as Yu Xian said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Dong Fu was scorched by Lei's skin, and covered his face with his sleeve in shame.

This little Taoist, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! !

Who is Confucius?Who is Zixia?

——Damn it, I was tricked!

Even Zhou Qun, who had been gnashing his teeth at Dong Fu and was full of anger, straightened his eyes, his mind was empty, and his hatred value was temporarily cleared.

Venerable Zi Xu was already prepared to attack.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xian's answer caught him...a little unprepared.

who I am.

where am I.

What am I spraying on?

When he regained his composure, Master Zixu was completely furious.

playing me? !

"The grandson of Confucius?"

"Zi Xia dictates?"

Venerable Zixu gritted his teeth, "Little Taoist An dare to insult me!"

Yu Xian could naturally guess that they would react like this.

But ever since Baihu had seen Zixia's statue, Yu Xian had made up his mind.

Especially thinking of the sentence when I first met Zixia, "You are you, what does it have to do with when we meet?"

Yu Xian felt that this was like a prophecy.

This is Zixia's response to herself.

This powerful sage earnestly implemented Confucius' philosophy of "teaching without discrimination", and truly recognized the relationship between master and apprentice.

Yu Xian looked at Master Zixu calmly, "Those who can't speak to the sea in the well are limited to the void; those who can't speak to the ice in summer insects are obsessed with the time; those who can't speak to the Taoist are the ones who play music. If the Venerable Master cannot get rid of prejudices when looking at things, then he is no different from Jinglan, Xiachong, and Qushi."

Even Dong Fu wanted to beat him up for what he said.

This has something to do with prejudice!

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