host country

0415 Choose to forgive

This is Guo Jia.

Yu Xian's mind sank.

Always feel that there is something wrong.

Bai Yunzi admired behind him, "This disciple is really sincere."

Yu Xian complained inwardly, you know what a thread.

How fierce this guy is, it will scare you to death.

Bai Yunzi waved his whisk, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the head teacher."

With Bai Yunzi leading the way, the road was naturally unimpeded.

Scattered Daoist monks met and saluted from a distance.

After walking for a long time, I arrived at the unknown place of Yunshen.

Several majestic palaces stood impressively.

Heming Taoist Palace.

Bai Yunzi brought two people forward, and a Taoist who was waiting outside the hall came up and said with a smile, "I've seen Zhitou sacrifice wine, did the trip to Chang'an go well?"

Bai Yunzi shook his head, "The catastrophe is approaching, there is nothing to be said for a little success or failure."

The Taoist priest who offered wine accompanied him for a while, and then asked, "Do you want to see the priest? I will pass it on as the priest."

Bai Yunzi Fuchen pointed at the two people behind him, "It's not me, it's them who want to meet."

The Taoist who sacrificed wine was named Yan Pu.Although he lacks practice and has not obtained a Taoist name, he is trusted by Zhang Lu because of his proper handling of affairs.

He looked at Yu Xian and Guo Jia, thought for a while, and said, "I received a letter from Gui Ji before, saying that a disciple is coming to receive admonition from the head teacher, who is it?"

Yu Xian bowed towards the main hall, "I'm a disciple."

Yan Pu nodded, "Okay, just follow me."

Yu Xian was about to follow Yan Pu into the palace when he suddenly heard a fluttering voice from the palace, "There's no need to see each other, it's just doing superficial things for others. Just go."

The voice is flat, and there is no emotion.

But the boredom in the words is self-evident.

Yu Xian understood and stopped.

It was Ghost Ji's idea that he came here, in order to save Liu Yan's face.

Yu Xian thought about it at first, but under this pretense, he went back to the mountain but didn't see Zhang Lu, so he felt a little disrespectful.Always come here and take this trip.

Zhang Lu didn't want to see him, but both sides felt relieved.

Yu Xian originally thought that the matter of Heming Mountain would be over, but who would have thought that Yan Pu, the wine sacrificial priest, hesitated for a moment, but then said, "But in Gui Ji's letter, it was specified that the head teacher should see this disciple."

The hall was silent for a while.

Bai Yunzi also glanced at Yu Xian.

Yu Xian was not calm anymore.

Why is Wu Yan doing this?It's just a formality, why be so solemn.Zhang Lu wouldn't think that Gui Ji had found a new father for him, would he?

What the hell!

After a long time, a faint call came from the hall, "Come in."

Yu Xian had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter.

After entering the main hall, looking up, there is nothing resplendent and resplendent in the hall, but the meaning of simplicity and elegance is everywhere.

The most eye-catching thing is the bamboo slips and silk scripts on the east side.

A censer was lit in front of Zhang Lu. The censer was in the shape of a copper crane, and wisps of green smoke drifted around.

Yu Xian glanced at Zhang Lu.

His appearance is not the same as the honest and honest one he imagined, his face is square and slightly fat, and at the age of about forty, he is a bit refined.

Holding a book in his hand, he was bored looking at the green smoke from the incense burner in front of him.

Yu Xian hurriedly greeted him, "Disciple Yu Xian has met the head teacher."

"En." Zhang Lu responded slowly, and then casually pointed to the futon in front of him.

"sit down."

Yu Xian sat down respectfully.

Zhang Lu looked at Yu Xian, thought for a while and said, "I've heard of your name, you are the disciple of Jiu Chongxuanzi, the chief priest of Zhitou. Later, the monsters of Taiping Dao came to Heming Mountain to snatch people, and you brought the treasure of the mountain gate Let him go, but that's it?"

Yu Xian was surprised.

He had a clear conscience about this matter, but it was not so innocent when the mysterious wooden box was involved.

Now being pointed out by Zhang Lu, Yu Xian's back was sweating profusely.

He opened his mouth and spat out, took out the mysterious wooden box from the liver acupoint and presented it respectfully.

"Disciple is ashamed. After entangled with that demon general before, I have reconciled. This treasure is very useful to me, and I became greedy for a while."

Zhang Lu glanced at the wooden box and shook his head slightly.

He said in a manly voice.

"The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking while damaging what is in excess."

Yu Xian was secretly startled, but also took it for granted.

As the master of Heming Taoist Palace, he must understand the mystery of this magic weapon.The seal is not used, I'm afraid there are other reasons.

"Since this treasure has been sacrificed by you, let it be placed with you first."

Yu Xian was overjoyed when he heard this, and said unsurely, "Won't the Taoist Palace take back this thing?"

After asking, I felt a little regretful, secretly blaming myself for meddling.

Zhang Lu shook his head when he heard the words, "The treasures of Heming Palace are in the hands of the disciples of Heming Palace, why should I do anything extra? You should keep it."

Yu Xian felt a little admired when he heard this.

This piece of Lu is so majestic.

Even if I hid such a precious treasure, he still chose to forgive...

After this matter was uncovered, Yu Xian's heart expanded a lot, and his whole body seemed to break free from a shackle.

At least you don't have to worry about facing Chong Xuanzi's disappointed eyes after the matter is leaked.

Zhang Lu looked at Yu Xian, and said very gently, "After you were taken away by that demon general, the teacher couldn't find him for a while, and it made you suffer a lot."

Yu Xian hurriedly said, "The monster will come to find the inheritance, and it's not hard for me. But the cause and effect of the Taiping Dao is too heavy, and the disciple dare not take this responsibility."

Zhang Lu also sighed when he heard the words, "General Zhang Jiao of Tiangong is determined to establish a Taoist country on earth, but unfortunately, he has no cultivation, but he doesn't know how to understand human nature. After the uprising, not only everyone was greedy for self-interest and harmed the people, even his Disciples all betrayed one after another."

The reasons for the failure of the Yellow Turban Rebellion are complicated.

Yu Xian followed Zhang Lu's words and echoed a few words.

"My disciples think that public anger is like a raging fire. No matter how hot it burns, it will be nothing but ashes. At the beginning of their uprising, they may have the courage to fight to the death, but if they gain a little, they will have room to retreat; If you lose something, you will lower your bottom line of retreat. By then, the people may have long forgotten why they were angry and why they worked hard."

Zhang Lu got a lot from what he heard, "Then in your opinion, the common people are doomed to fail if they rise up. So, how can there be such a thing as Chen Sheng Wu Guang?"

Yu Xian explained, "What I said just now were the people, and what I was talking about was the people's hearts. But besides the people, there is also the leader of an uprising. If the leader has the same thinking, it will definitely not succeed. But if the leader has his own ideas , have your own opinions, then you can gather people's hearts and move forward when the future is uncertain."

"Although Chen Sheng and Wu Guang made troubles, they couldn't last long. After that, many heroes from the six countries joined them and worked together to restore the country. Only then did the subsequent three years of Qin fall. After the heroes from all walks of life became kings, those who led the troubled times, Awakened They have cleared their own mission and have a clear goal. Only then can they finally unify the world.”

Zhang Lu listened with gusto and nodded frequently, "I see."

Yu Xian continued, "Taipingdao has enough popular support to set off this rebellion, but his political program is empty, so that those who follow him don't know where their future lies."

Zhang Lu rolled up the book in his hand with a smile, "Oh, then what do you think should be better."

Yu Xian thought for a long time, but he didn't know how to speak.

An era has its limitations, and he is not willing to use something like Wang Tu Baye to attract ambitious people to gather and let the people bleed for nothing.

Thinking about it, I suddenly thought of what I saw and heard when I took Cao Pi out of Kanto.

Yu Xian couldn't help but said, "If people are in chaos, young and old, old and young have no one to rely on, and when they encounter illness, everyone goes out, and someone can give a few buckets of rice to eat, maybe it is happiness."

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