host country

0413 stone

After a while, Guo Jia arrived.

He was still dressed in Tsing Yi, but his face was slightly pale. Obviously, practicing the ghost way had some influence on his external temperament.

Yu Xian frowned, a little puzzled.

With Guo Jia's genius of heaven, even if he didn't realize the fate of fate for a while, he shouldn't have taken a fancy to these witchcraft.

When Guo Jia saw Yu Xian, his eyes lit up.

Then he kept covering up, bowed in a fake manner, and said with a playful smile, "Nephew has seen uncle."


Yu Xian's heart was cold, the so-called "smell your courage and taste your courage" is just like hiding a knife in a smile.

This guy can do the job of recognizing his uncle, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it well in the future.

All right, let's take a step first.

Yu Xian coughed lightly and said, "Nephew, the head teacher called today, and I want to go back to the mountain, how about you come with me?"

Guo Jia heard the words and said solemnly, "Uncle orders, nephew must follow."


Yu Xian was melancholy.

He simply stopped calling on Zhongxuanzi and the others, and brought Guo Jia with him, and the two left the barracks on horseback.

The two were alone, Yu Xian thought Guo Jia was going to say something.

Unexpectedly, Guo Jia might have lost his confidence because the platform was sealed off. Guo Jia didn't talk much other than carefully observing the scenery along the way.

Yu Xian wanted to find an opportunity to confess his weakness and ease the relationship with this strong man in troubled times.

It's a pity that I really can't start the conversation.

After traveling for several miles, I rushed to a barren hill.

Yu Xian lit a bonfire.

Then throw wet dead branches and leaves, billowing thick smoke.

After about a moment, the fire was extinguished again.

After doing this three times, Yu Xian carved a mark on the ground and led Guo Jia forward.

The journey from Jiange to Heming Mountain was not easy.

When the night was approaching, Yu Xian took the initiative to say, "There is no hurry to hurry, let's find a place to rest nearby. Otherwise, if there is any ghost in the mountains at night, it will be a troublesome matter."

Guo Jia looked around, and saw that he was in an open space in the wilderness, the terrain was high, wide and dry, and the view was excellent.

Immediately smiled, "It's a good place to camp."

After speaking, he shook his hand and threw out some beans.

These beans fell to the ground and turned into strong soldiers one by one.

Afterwards, these soldiers began to dig snakes and rats, tamping the ground, and some went to the nearby forests to chop firewood, fish, hunt and gather.

The exquisiteness of controlling soldiers is unimaginable.

Yu Xian was covered in white sweat when Guo Jia threw beans into soldiers.

This stuff...

Can use the power of killing again.

As expected of a giant!

Yu Xian sat a little further away from Guo Jia politely and cautiously.

As for the food in the evening, Yu Xian also remained untouched.

After Guo Jia drank and ate meat by the fire, he seemed to be reverting to his old ways. Although he looked at Yu Xian with pretended respect, his arrogance and disdain were fully revealed.

Soon the crescent moon hangs high, and the stars are like the sea.

Neither of them felt sleepy, each distracted from his practice.

By midnight.

Yu Xian quietly opened his eyes and looked at Guo Jia.

Seeing him lying on his back with his legs crossed and his eyes closed comfortably.

Yu Xian hesitated for a while, but finally stopped thinking about going into his dreams to investigate.

Yu Xian waited all night, but no one came.

He looked in the direction he came from, feeling a little uneasy.

Guan Hai, there shouldn't be any accidents.

When it was dawn, Yu Xian left a signal and took Guo Jia to continue on his way to Heming Mountain.

After walking for another half a day, I saw that Heming Mountain was not far away.Yu Xian silently sensed the atmosphere nearby, and suggested to Guo Jia, "There is a water source in the west, which can just feed the horses."

Guo Jia has nothing to say.

As the two walked, they heard the sound of the stream gurgling.

The closer you get, the louder the roar will be.

When I got to the front, I found a stream with abundant water, which formed a waterfall at a cross section, and underneath was a small pool formed by the impact of time and depth.

The water in the pool overflows, and flows into the distance along with the gaps in the mountains and rocks.

Yu Xian looked at the lush forests and bamboos around him, it was quite elegant, and praised, "It's really a good place to clean up."

Yu Xian and Guo Jia got off their horses and led them to the stream.

The two tacitly found a place downstream to feed the horses, but they didn't touch the pool of water.

They are just travelers passing by to feed their horses. This beautiful scenery should be reserved for a more knowledgeable and interesting person.

The war horse needs a lot of water, and while the horse drank, Yu Xian washed his face and admired the surrounding scenery.

Guo Jia looked at it for a while, didn't know what he found, and slowly marched upwards.

Yu Xian hesitated for a moment, but also followed.

It wasn't until we got to the clear pool that Guo Jia was looking at a big rock by the water, staring at it intently.

Yu Xian looked at it for a while before he noticed something special.

The big rock is just ordinary sandstone, there is nothing to say, but there are many fine traces on the sandstone.The color of the traces is a little dark, some brownish yellow.

But that doesn't seem to be a problem.

Seeing that Yu Xian couldn't figure it out, Guo Jia wanted to show off again.

He reminded slightly proudly, "Try to touch this rock with your hands."

Yu Xian tried to stretch out his hand.

As soon as he touched the rock, Yu Xian felt the hairs all over his body standing on end, as if he was being stared at by some ferocious beast.

Then came a familiar feeling.

This is, the power of killing!

Yu Xian's eyes widened. How could a stone have the power to kill?

Yu Xian had only seen this kind of situation on Guo Jia's beheading stage!

However, Guo Jia kept the Zhan Jiangtai in the depths of his spiritual consciousness, and he couldn't appear in this world at all.

Could this stone be some rare treasure?

Yu Xian was suspicious.

He asked himself if he found such a strange thing, he would not show it so generously like Guo Jia.

Seeing Yu Xian's hesitation, Guo Jia slowly reminded him, "Try to absorb these killing powers and see if it works."

Immediately, according to the method, Yu Xian slowly guided out the killing power inside and poured it into the tiger talisman he carried with him.

seems to work.

Yu Xian's face was joyful.

Unexpectedly, in just half a cup of tea, the killing power on that boulder was completely absorbed.

Yu Xian looked at Guo Jia in astonishment, "That's it?"

This bit of killing power is not enough for him to throw beans into soldiers once.

Just as he was a little disappointed, a small amount of killing power formed on the sandstone.It's just that neither the quality nor the quantity can compare with the previous time.

Yu Xian somewhat understood why Guo Jia didn't like this thing anymore.

Compared with his Zhan Jiangtai, this thing is not on the table at all.

Guo Jia's eyes moved slightly, he glanced into the distance, and reminded, "There is someone."

Yu Xian came back to his senses, and soon realized that someone was walking slowly not far away.

As the bamboo shadow swayed, an old Taoist with an old face slowly appeared in the field of vision.

Glancing at the two of them, he said with a smile, "So it's the two of you. Now that you're at the foot of Heming Mountain, why are you wandering outside the mountain?"

The person who came was Bai Yunzi, the Zhitou Dajijiu whom he had seen last time.

Yu Xian hurriedly greeted Bai Yunzi.

By the way, he explained, "I can hear the sound of water, I just came here to feed the horses."

Then Yu Xian inquired curiously, "Last time I heard that Zhitou Dajiu was going to Chang'an. I thought I would not see him for some time, but I never expected to meet him here."

When Bai Yunzi heard this, the smile on his face disappeared, "The old Taoist just came back from Chang'an."

Seeing Bai Yunzi's expression, Yu Xian became more serious, "Is the situation not so good?"

The old Taoist sighed.

"When I entered Chang'an, I felt that there was a demonic aura that was not weak. I felt sorry for the innocent people in the city, and I didn't want to let the demons succeed. I immediately went against my will and went to see the Grand Master Dong Zhuo."

"Although Dong Zhuo respected me as a man of Taoism, he refused to believe that there was a monster in the city. The old Taoist managed to persuade this person to let me hang the bell tower with a mahogany sword to find the location of the monster. It is strange to say, the old Taoist I searched for a long time, but found nothing. I asked the officers and soldiers guarding the city, and they all said that except Weiyang Lord Dong Bai led the army, no one else entered or left Chang'an."

Dong Bai?Lead an army?

Yu Xian's eyes widened.

What the hell is this?

Is that little girl this material?

The old thief Dong Zhuo couldn't have broken the can.

After Bai Yunzi finished speaking, he sighed again, "The old man has lost his face, so it's not good to stay in Chang'an for a long time. The only gain is to confirm that the thing Dong Zhuo relied on to suppress luck has indeed disappeared. Presumably, it's really a shame." It was near Chenggao. When I came back, I wanted to see if Qing Qingzi had returned, so I made a detour here."


Yu Xian was surprised.

If Yu Xian remembered correctly, this Qingqingzi should be of the same generation as Chongxuanzi and Baiyunzi.And judging from Chongxuanzi's words, it was Hemingshan who was able to beat Qingqingzi very well!

Bai Yunzi said with a smile, "That's right, this is the place where Qingqingzi sharpens his sword. The two of you found this place because of her predestined relationship."

Hearing this, both Yu Xian and Guo Jia showed astonishment, and their eyes fell on the big rock in an instant.

Sharpen your sword?

Could it be that this stone that can generate murderous aura is Qing Qingzi's sword sharpening stone?


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