host country

0409 people like dragons

After hearing this, everyone understood why Liu Yan was sure that Chen Tiao would come to rescue the Langzhong rebels.

Because this is the morality of the Mohists.

Chen Chao chose to betray because he was inspired by Chen Tiao's righteousness, and then Chen Chao led the Langzhong water army and Qianwei's soldiers stationed in the Langzhong barracks to respond together.

While creating a huge momentum for the Hanzhong Army, it also made Chen Tiao unexpectedly fall into a passive position.

Liu Yan seemed to be extremely cautious about Qianwei's soldiers and horses.

Not long after Chen Chao's rebellion, he secretly sent Zhang Song and Huang Quan to guard the vital points of Langjiang.

After the news of the rebellion between the Langjiang navy and Langzhong soldiers came, Zhang Song immediately covered the Langjiang River with clouds and mist with the Zhaoyun flag.

He also asked Huang Quan to stabilize the wind on the Langjiang River with the beads of the wind.

Going up from the Langjiang River was originally sailing against the current, but now that the wind on the Langjiang River was restrained by Huang Quan with the "Wind Fixing Bead", Chen Chao wanted to transport the army to Jiameng by water, which had become an almost impossible task.

After trapping the Langjiang navy and preventing them from withdrawing into Jiameng Pass, Liu Yan quickly asked Yan Yan to lead a large group of archers to deploy defenses along the coast.

This set of plans is crisp and neat, like sharp teeth that have been opened a long time ago, snapping together.

The rebels in Langzhong suddenly became the turtles in the urn.

And this also made Liu Yan, who had always been passive, grasp the vital point of Chen Tiao.

Unlike other commanders in charge of the army, Chen Tiao, a ranger of the Mo sect, couldn't abandon the righteousness in his heart and give up this lone army outside.

In any case, Chen Tiao would never sit back and watch this rebel army be wiped out by the Yizhou army.

With this judgment, Liu Yan sent reinforcements to support Yan Yan on the one hand, and strengthened the blockade against the rebels in Langzhong.

On the other hand, the most elite Dongzhou soldiers and Qingyi Qiang under his command are lurking outside Jiameng Pass like poisonous snakes, ready to sneak in at any time to seize this grand pass.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Yan also took the opportunity to target Jia Long and Ren Qi, forcing them to make further reactions.

After some calculations, Liu Yan's old-fashioned schemes were clearly revealed.

What an old bastard!

All the people present bowed and saluted one by one, "I admire you for being humble."

Lu Chang raised his head and asked again, "Zhou Mu, should we go directly to Jiamengguan to help in the battle now, or go to meet those four people for a while?"

Wang Shang said with a smile, "With those Wugui sect disciples and the national teacher around, nothing serious will happen. It depends on how much they are willing to do for my Yizhou Mufu."

Wang Lei on the side agreed, "That's right, the national teacher has the ability to repel Pound, but he has only blown a few breaths so far. It seems that he is also a caring person. Why should we waste time entangled here."

Liu Yan shook his head, "I still have to go, at least I have to explain to the people below. It would be the best if I can force Chen Tiao to show up."

Just as he was talking, he pointed forward, "Here we come."

When everyone looked around, they saw that the Yizhou reinforcements were fleeing to the foot of the cliff where several people were standing.

Liu Yan drove his horse forward slowly, and Lu Chang and others will slowly follow.

The Yizhou reinforcements who were fleeing couldn't help becoming more panicked when they saw another figure on the high slope ahead.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, had sharp eyes and said happily, "It's the state shepherd!"

Liu Yan raised his hand, and five divine lights appeared behind him.The five-color divine light is like a fan, spinning indefinitely.

For a moment, the broken soldiers cheered thunderously, and the morale that collapsed actually condensed a lot.

Liu Yan didn't hesitate, as soon as he showed up, he urged the five-color divine light to brush towards Liu Gui who was the closest chaser.

The pure black light fell, and the extremely fierce Liu Gui threw down the stone in his hand, turned around and fled.

I didn't wake up until I ran more than ten feet away.

He yelled in embarrassment, not knowing who it was to embolden.

Liu Yan moved his eyes again, and looked at the large group of crows that were squawking.

As the golden light fell, the flock of crows, which were originally dense and imposing, suddenly became restless.The black feathers fell off, and those fierce crow soldiers couldn't hold on, they flopped a few times in the air and fell to the ground.The crows that landed looked dazedly and confusedly, looking around in a daze.

Ling Bao knew something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted, "Come back!"

The large group of crows that were still in the air immediately turned around and flew towards Ling Bao's ears.

The crows that landed were as naked as broilers, and under Ling Bao's order, they also quacked, wriggled their bodies, and ran towards him with their fleshy wings.

Now it looks like a duck again.

Liu Yan glanced sternly at Ling Bao.

How could Ling Bao dare to resist the five-color divine light of this level, she turned around and left without hesitation.

The crows that had lost all their feathers ran to the position before Ling Bao for a moment, and then chased after them with quacks.

Yu Xian was protecting the ghost king of Bashan, but he couldn't help laughing when he saw Ling Bao, a murderous person running away, followed by a group of shaved crows.

For a moment, my brain twitched, and I inexplicably remembered a sentence.

I have no regrets in my life, I think of running under the sunset that day, that is my lost youth.

Although Ling Bao ran in a mess, she was coquettish with a bunch of broilers. Liu Yan's five-color divine light failed to hit him a few times, and his expression was a little tired.

It's just that in this way, the pursuit of the rout soldiers will naturally be self-defeating.

Seeing the reversal of the situation, those Yizhou reinforcements immediately took courage.

Xiang Cun and Zhang Yi hastily organized their army, preparing to counterattack.Lou Fa even turned around and went to fight Deng Xian, planning to keep one first.

Deng Xian was afraid of Liu Yan's existence and dared not take it hard, but he was not easy to get along with.

Hearing Deng Xian sneer, "My life-buying money is so easy to get."

A finger pinch.

The copper coins picked up by Yizhou soldiers and horses are shining brightly.

Yu Xian quickly attracted the breath of Yin-Yang copper coins into his eyes.

Only then could it be clearly seen that those copper coins that were originally fictitious and fickle turned into real money in an instant.

Then the large group of soldiers with copper coins hidden in their sleeves and arms spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Some of them took so much copper coins that they even bled from their orifices and died on the spot.

Most of this team of thousands of people lost their fighting power in an instant.

Yu Xian frowned tightly.

What a sinister method.

That Deng Xian injured so many soldiers in a fit of anger, but there was no joy on his face.

On the contrary, he was as gloomy as his dead father.

This time it's a big payoff!

Deng Xian turned and walked away, Lou Fa wanted to chase after him, but a few thin arrows shot at him, easily forcing him back.

In the distance, Zhang Ren put away his light bow, and shouted to someone, "My four brothers have done their best, if the general doesn't make a move now, when will we wait?!"

As soon as the words fell, a rider from a distance rushed towards him at high speed.

The young man was holding a steel knife and carrying a long spear, with a big white flag hanging on it!

There are three words written on it impressively, "Ask for injustice!"

Even if Liu Yan had known about this young man's roots, he still felt pain in his eyes from the serious writing of these three characters.

Liu Yan looked all over the audience, and fell on Yu Xian who was making soy sauce.

He bowed his hands respectfully, "I also hope that the national teacher will help me."

Yu Xian didn't hesitate, he took a long breath, his muscles swelled up a foot.

The power of one mother.

Then, with full strength, no longer concealing anything.

The power of killing surged, revealing a roar.

This roar is like a dragon's roar, like a horse neighing, like a sky falling apart!

Yu Xian and the hundreds of people next to him were all covered in golden light!

The boy's eyes were immediately attracted by Yu Xian, and the two looked at each other closely.

——People are like dragons!

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