host country

0392 You are not worthy of being a giant

Yu Xian was very suspicious by Guo Jianong.

What does that mean, Mr. Guo?

Hasn't there been a showdown before?

Guo Jiawu patted his chest and said loudly, "I, Feng Xiao, am innocent and upright!"

Bi Ping on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and scolded, "Junior Brother Feng, be more polite to Uncle Yu."

Guo Jia didn't feel annoyed, looked at Yu Xian worriedly and reminded, "Master, don't admit your mistake."

Yu Xian didn't know what Guo Jia meant.

I feel a little contemptuous in my heart, why is this happening.

He looked at Guo Jia with a smirk and said, "Although I started the poor way earlier, there is nothing I can teach you in the way of controlling ghosts. I am ashamed to say this."

It is good to know.

Without waiting for Guo Jia to answer, Yu Xian then said with a smile, "But you call me kindly, and I feel comfortable listening to it. Let's not care about the relationship between teachers and students. Why don't you call me uncle and I'll call you nephew in the future. how?"

Guo Jia's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.

This Taoist dog!

Bi Ping next to him is full of envy, this is because of his relatives!

He chimed in next to him, "Junior brother, Uncle Yu is a man with great magic power, and he is even more honored as a national teacher. He can recognize you, and I am happy for you."

Bi Ping has not been practicing Taoism for a long time, but he still has an ordinary heart.

In his opinion, a state teacher with two thousand stones from the imperial court is probably more powerful than any priest.

Guo Jia was about to glare, when Yu Xian looked at him with a smile, "Nephew Guo Xian?"

This Taoist dog!

Guo Jia's teeth were about to be crushed.

But for Yingchuan Academy and his own reputation...

he is so young...

Guo Jia could only grit his teeth in humiliation and spit out a few words.

"Uncle, you remember wrongly, my surname is not Guo, but Feng."

Hearing this, Yu Xian was startled.

Guo Jia didn't turn his back on him!

He had given in to such an obvious temptation.

Is Guo Fengxiao really jealous, or is he deliberately showing weakness?


Yu Xian calculated for a long time, but found that he couldn't see through it at all!

This, this is the giant!

Yu Xian looked up from the mountains and stopped, and recognized the reality decisively.

For a military strategist of Guo Julo's level, it is completely meaningless to check the facts.

It seems that tonight I have to go to his dream for a walk.

With a calm face, Yu Xian ordered everyone to say, "Everyone must be kind to my nephew."

Everyone hastily responded, and many peeked at Guo Jia enviously.

Hearing this, Guo Jia felt a sense of powerlessness that he had never felt before. This little Taoist priest is simply poisonous!

This is another reason not to reveal your identity!

How can I output happily in the future?

Guo Jia finally had an epiphany at this moment, and if he continued to entangle with this little Taoist priest, he would just drink poison to quench his thirst.

Maybe before he died of thirst, he was about to be poisoned to death.

It can be said that leaving is easier said than done...

Guo Jia's face was uncertain.

Yu Xian saw Guo Julao, and returned to his camp uneasy.

Yu Xian can't be too proactive about the Nanchuan Ghost King's affairs, otherwise he will be led away by the nose.

If Ban Lan is really the first psychic silkworm in the world as she said, then she has great merit and virtue and should be a good god.

Even if there are plots against himself, it wouldn't be too tricky to think about it.

And Banlan's current state is rather mysterious.

She was exiled in the past, so she can only be regarded as a memory or a legend of the past, not even a lonely ghost.

Once this time is shattered, she will disappear completely.

Now she wants to return to the real world wholeheartedly, and I'm afraid she can't take care of other things at all.

Yu Xian still has to gather together the "flesh body", "bone body" and "soul body" for her. Before that, it should be relatively safe.

In comparison, the female demon has already lost part of her sanity, who knows what state she is in now.

A horrible god who has lost his mind!


After staying until night, Yu Xian quietly got up.

Still using the tactics of swallowing smoke and mist to cover up his aura, he slowly got up and walked towards Guo Jia's residence.

When he arrived at the place, Yu Xian heard the silence in the room, and then found a hiding place, and performed "Dr. Zhou's technique of entering a dream".

A spirit body as thin as light smoke got up from Yu Xian's body, and stepped into the bamboo house with a light step.

Yu Xian observed Guo Jia who was sleeping soundly for a while, then he swung his long sleeves and walked towards him slowly.

Yu Xian's figure became smaller and smaller as he walked, and slowly disappeared from Guo Jia's mind.

Still passing through the darkness, Yu Xian stepped lightly and landed in a wilderness.

Looking around, the place is very familiar.

In the middle of this world is a huge high platform, surrounded by countless cities, wilderness, mountains, rivers and lakes.

When Yu Xian came last time, Guo Jia was practicing the art of war, and there were killings everywhere, and heads fell to the ground.

Many soldiers are attacking the city densely, vying for the important points.

The sound of shouting and whistling makes people feel like they are in the hell of swordsmen.

However, this time when he arrived, there was silence everywhere.

The full moon hangs high in the sky, full of stars.

The battlefields around were empty, only the swords, guns, swords and halberds from some great battle were left, and the ruins were ruined.

Yu Xian was stunned, what's going on.

Could it be that Juro Guo is practicing an empty city plan this time?

Yu Xian carefully hid himself on the edge of a battlefield, for fear of being accidentally involved in some kind of conspiracy.

But after watching for a long time, the surrounding battlefields did not change in the slightest.

Even if you use tricks, you still need people to attack, right?

Suspicious in his heart, Yu Xian slowly looked towards the high platform.

After taking a closer look, I realized that there was something wrong just now.

On this huge high platform, there is no such thing as Guo Jia's spirit body with a tiger head and a human body.

"Isn't it? Could it be that this is a world with nothing?"

"It still means that Mr. Guo hasn't come to the dream show."

"But how is this possible? If Guo Jia didn't have a dream, how did he come into this dream?"

Yu Xian looked at the Zhanjiangtai in the distance, and wanted to take a closer look, but he was afraid of the terrifying power of the Zhanjiangtai, so he hesitated in his heart.

"Perhaps we can ask Zuo Vanguard to give it a try first. If I can get a glimpse of the secrets of the Zhanjiangtai, I will be like a tiger with wings."

Yu Xian left Guo Jia's dream quickly, and under the cover of puffing out smoke and mist, he activated the soldier talisman and called out the "Young General" among the ghosts.

The young general, dressed in military uniform, immediately bowed down when he saw Yu Xian, "The left vanguard has seen the lord."

Before the voice fell, his head fell first.

A smooth cut appeared on the left vanguard's neck, and the left vanguard's head fell to the ground with a "plop".

Yu Xian felt more and more that his decision was extremely correct.

A person like Zuo Xianfeng can be cut into a headless person. If he stepped forward rashly, he might be chopped into dumpling stuffing.

Yu Xian was also not polite to Zuo Xianfeng, and let Zuo Xianfeng use the upper body of a ghost to attach to his spirit body, and entered Guo Jia's dream again.

Yu Xian had a clear purpose this time, as soon as he entered the dreamland, he directed the left vanguard to go to the high platform.

Zuo Xianfeng stepped forward without hesitation, lurking until very close to the high platform before waving to Yu Xian.

Yu Xian heaved a sigh of relief.

"It seems to be fine, maybe it's because there is a secret to cover up the breath. It's a pity that Guo Jia doesn't have many blood beads, and it will be a little troublesome to come here often in the future."

Yu Xian stepped forward vigilantly, and slowly arrived at the hiding place of Zuo Xianfeng.

The left vanguard pointed to the distance secretly, and Yu Xian looked along, his pupils shrank immediately.

The huge high platform has a unique material, like a solid rock that has stood for countless thousands of years, pale and cold.

However, on the four walls of this chilling high platform, at some point, delicate and dense forbidden patterns were engraved.

The forbidden pattern is painted with gold powder, and under the moonlight, it has a dull luster.

From time to time, smoke and fog of murderous aura rose up on the platform, but under the suppression of this forbidden pattern, it disappeared in a blink of an eye!

This is……

Yu Xian was shocked.

Isn't this the half set of forbidden patterns that Yu Xian used to seal Guo Jia? !

That forbidden pattern is useless to Guo Jia, who would have thought that it would be imprinted into the depths of Guo Jia's spiritual consciousness, sealing Guo Jia's beheading stage!

No wonder, no wonder Guo Juluo swallowed so much today.

Do not!

Without Zhanjiangtai, without the powerful killing power provided by Zhanjiangtai, you are not worthy of being a giant now!

You do not deserve!

As Yu Xian thought about it, he turned his eyes and noticed Guo Jia who had a tiger's head and a human body under the high platform.

Yu Xian is not the person in Guo Jia's dream, and has the same aura as Guo Jia, so he is not worried about being found abnormal.

What's more, now that the Zhanjiangtai is sealed, Yu Xian is even more unscrupulous.

Yu Xian told Zuo Xianfeng, "You wait here and don't move. I'll go and see what Xiao Guo is doing."

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