host country

0277 Imperial Seal

Li Su swallowed dryly, "This is going to cause a big mess! Why did you get this monster involved?"

Although both of these two families regarded Daoist Yeji as their backup, they probably didn't expect Taoist Yeji to have such deep resentment towards Luoyang.

After Li Su finished speaking, he hurriedly asked Yu Xian, "What's your plan?"

Yu Xian was surprised, "You are the general Zhonglang in the Xiliang army, what do you ask me for?"

Li Su looked around with a solemn expression.

At this moment, Luoyang City, which was smoking everywhere, had already spread rapidly.

With the magic power of Taoist Yeji, it is easy to induce fire in the city, and the subsequent spread is completely out of nature.

In the past, the capital of Han Dynasty, where singing and dancing was peaceful, has become a purgatory in a short period of time.

Countless people ran away crying and crying.

Thousands of households have accumulated savings for generations and reduced them to firewood.

Li Su said without hesitation, "After this catastrophe, no matter who is right or wrong in these two families, they are all exhausted. Why should I accompany them to death? What are you going to do?"

Yu Xian walked to the edge of the high platform of the Qianqiu Long Live Hall, looking at the tragic situation in the city, he couldn't help but feel pity in his heart.

All the ingenious thoughts that took advantage of the situation disappeared.

Yu Xian said seriously, "I have to do something!"

Li Su obviously didn't understand Yu Xian's meaning, he still asked, "Do something?"

Yu Xian couldn't care about the chaos in the city anymore, so he ran out of the imperial city.

At this time, there was chaos everywhere, and even the soldiers fighting in the melee were avoiding the flames everywhere, and no one cared about Yu Xian anymore.

Li Su gritted his teeth and followed closely.

In the process of running, Yu Xian quickly activated the power of a mother.

He is like a tireless tiger and leopard, quickly dodging falling beams and protruding flames.

When he fiercely climbed up the city wall, Yu Xian jumped off the wall directly.

Li Su was speechless.

Even with his mighty force, he couldn't do such non-stop running.

Yu Xian fell to the ground.

He glanced at Li Su who was following him.

"You will look up, help me see where there is a dense population nearby."

Li Su was surprised, and immediately understood Yu Xian's thoughts.

It's just that he was a little puzzled, what could they do in this merciless calamity of fire?

Li Su looked around quickly, and said loudly, "There are a lot of people in the southwest direction!"

After hearing this, Yu Xian immediately turned to the southwest, while running, he quickly used his military skills.

Call the wind and call the rain!

Right time and place.

This art of war was originally created to change the weather on the battlefield, but unexpectedly it has the effect of saving lives at this time.

While Yu Xian was running around, the wind was blowing above his head, thick clouds rolled.

As the killing power in the tiger talisman quickly dissipated, the big raindrops fell on the head.

Yu Xian looked around and didn't stop.

Wait for the rain to soak in a little, and then rush to the next place.

As long as it can suppress the sense of dryness induced by Daoist Yeji, so that there is no fire here for a while, that's enough.

As for the fire that had already ignited, with the killing power in Yu Xian's tiger talisman, there was nothing he could do.

The people in the vicinity, seeing the rain watering everywhere with the young Taoist running around, were all startled as gods and knelt down to pray.

Some panicked and only knew to run after Yu Xian, hoping to escape from the fire demon.

As Yu Xian cast rain everywhere to save people, behind him he followed the mighty people, praying for praise all the way.

Yu Xian groaned in his heart.

Since the fire started, his killing power has stopped growing.

The consumption is extremely high now, and it will be exhausted at some point. At that time, these people who follow will be in great danger because of crowding and following.

Yu Xian chased him away in every possible way, but the common people turned a deaf ear to him and only knelt down and begged.

Yu Xian couldn't get off the tiger for a while.

Li Su watched from the side, feeling touched in his heart.

He wanted to help, but he had no other means except to help Yu Xian find densely populated places.

Suddenly Li Su remembered something, and quickly reminded loudly, "Yu Xian, is your seal of the national teacher still there?"

Yu Xian was startled, opened his mouth and spat out, a small silver seal fell into his palm, "Is this?"

When Yu Xian got the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, he didn't intend to use this small seal, and kept it hidden in the acupoints in his lungs.

Li Su was overjoyed when he saw this, "That's right! As a national teacher, you naturally have the power to separate yin and yang and regulate the five elements. If you use this thing to drive the spell, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!"

"Is that right?"

Yu Xian was puzzled.

Immediately thinking about it, the position of Weiwei in Suwei Palace seems to have a supernatural power of the eye of the sky.

Zhang Wen had it at the beginning, but after Zhong Fu succeeded, he also had a sky eye on his forehead.

It's no wonder that Sangong was able to respond to the robbery after being killed. It turns out that these official positions have their own responsibilities and karma.

What about my position as a national teacher, is it true that as Li Su said, he can divide Yin and Yang and regulate the five elements?

Yu Xian sacrificed the silver seal and poured his weak mana into it.

Yu Xian's mana entered the silver seal, and his mind immediately seemed to have stepped into a unique world.

The mountains, rivers and geography inside are all pictures.

Yu Xian didn't understand why.

When he came back to his senses, Yu Xian sacrificed the silver seal and urged the art of war again.

As soon as Yu Xian urged him with magic power, he felt his body lighten, and the feeling of walking with a heavy load was much lighter.

The heavy rain that fell was also violent and intense.

Even the dry and lingering meaning seemed to be a lot more docile, and he took the initiative to back down.

Yu Xian was overjoyed, is this the side effect of being a national teacher? !

In this way, wouldn't it have a certain weakening effect on the enemy's five elements.

Yu Xian was happy at first, and then worried.

The silver seal can be used, which shows that his position as a national teacher is recognized by God's will.

Similarly, it must also bear the responsibilities and karma that a national teacher should have.

Yu Xian's national teacher status came from the Han Dynasty, but the Han Dynasty's Guozuo has not much time left, the era of turmoil in the mountains and rivers, and corpses everywhere will come soon.

The power of the silver seal must be decreasing, but the karma will continue to increase.

To get rid of this trouble, I am afraid that an imperial decree from the emperor of Han is needed.

Then, Yu Xian thought that he had personally left his name on the clothes and belt edict, and his heart was even more confused.

However, this is not the time to think so much.

Yu Xian tried his best to mobilize the killing power to quell the fire in Luoyang city.

It's a pity that in the face of such a city-burning flames, Yu Xian was a little bit powerless after all.

Li Su steadfastly followed behind, and at this moment he took the initiative to remind, "There seems to be some changes in the east gate."

Yu Xian took a few breaths, remembered something, and said to Li Su, "Privately, privately. How many times can I mobilize the art of war, how about saving my wife from the city?"

Li Su's wife, Gong Yejing, is also in Luoyang City.

Now the calamity of fire is coming, and all jade and stone are burned.

Yu Xian didn't want to see any mistakes between the couple.

Li Su laughed, and said with some relief, "Before this incident happened, I felt something was wrong. They were sent out of the city before dark."

Hearing this, Yu Xian said loudly decisively, "Then go to the east gate!"

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