host country

0273 Lu Bu's decision

When Zhang Liao said this, everyone was astonished.

Lu Bu, however, had a happy expression on his face. He looked around wolfily and laughed, "Wen Yuan judged the situation and the situation coincided with my thoughts."

Only then did the generals understand what Lu Bu meant.

Their lord is planning to do it alone.

The Bingzhou soldiers and the Xiliang soldiers had many conflicts, and it was only under the pressure of the world as an enemy that they united closely with each other. At this time, when Lu Bu said it, they both felt a little moved.

Most of the eight generals under Lu Bu's command were courageous and intrepid. Hearing what Zhang Liao said made sense, they changed their words one after another, "Wen Yuan is right. We suffered a lot from the soldiers in Xiliang. We will never give you any more People become grandchildren."

As a result, when these words came out, another person remained silent.

When Lu Bu looked at the man, he couldn't help becoming cautious.

This time the object turned out to be Governor Gao Shun.

As Lv Bu's lieutenant general, Gao Shun has a special status.

Lu Bu loves cavalry very much, and loves light soldiers to advance quickly when attacking.

However, relying solely on the sharp but fragile attack power of the cavalry, it is difficult to cause serious damage to the enemy.In this way, the infantry under his command needs to be led by another heavy general.

Gao Shun is that person!

It can also be said that Gao Shun is the No.1 under Lu Bu in the Bingzhou Army.

Moreover, Lu Bu knew Gao Shun's loyalty very well. Later, when Hao Meng caught the traitor, Lu Bu climbed the wall in the middle of the night with his balls exposed, and the only one he went to was Gao Shun's barracks.

Lu Bu immediately frowned and asked, "What do you think?"

All the generals looked at Gao Shun in unison.

Gao Shun was strict and serious, and his whole face was a bit serious.

Although he didn't talk much on weekdays, every time he said something, the generals would look sideways.

Gao Shun glanced at Lu Bu, cupped his hands and said, "The lowly position doesn't know strategy, and I don't have the courage of a general. It is inevitable that there are places where I don't understand. My art of war is 'immovable as a mountain', and my heart is as firm as a rock. Today's The situation is chaotic, and it may not be beneficial to rush into it. It is not easy to deal with chaos, and it is not violent. I might as well wait and see what happens."

After hearing Gao Shun's words, the generals also felt that it made sense.

They themselves have no plans.

For them, standing is worse than sitting, and sitting is worse than lying down.

Although it sounds cool to find a way out by yourself, it also makes people feel hopeless.

So the generals changed their minds again, and they all praised, "This is a solemn statement from the governor! Our Bingzhou army is far away from the mainland and has no one to rely on. Luoyang City is currently short of food, and it is not easy to start a hasty uprising now. Besides, the Kwantung Allied Forces The distance is very close, we are raising the flag now, I am afraid that we will be enemies on both sides, and it will be too embarrassing when the time comes."

Lu Bu was originally suspicious and speculative, but when everyone said it, he immediately hesitated.

He looked at Zhang Liao unwillingly, "Wen Yuan, what do you think?"

Zhang Liao has always been a person who judges the situation.

If at the beginning, Lu Bu was able to support his own ideas, and all the generals followed him blindly, he might be able to achieve great things in one go.But now the generals are doubtful and Lu Bu is wavering, even if they forced a rebellion, they would be timid, and it would be difficult to accomplish anything.

Zhang Liao quickly made up his mind, and immediately said respectfully, "What the governor said is very reasonable, and the general also agrees to wait and see."

Lu Bu has a light personality and is brave to make decisions, but he has no perseverance. Hearing that Zhang Liao, the only supporter, has retreated, the ambition that Lu Bu had just ignited was extinguished immediately.

He couldn't hold back, and looked at the generals angrily, "Then what should we do in the current situation."

Seeing this, Wei Xu took the initiative to suggest, "Master, let's take the soldiers and horses first. Then quickly send scouts to the Prime Minister's Mansion to find out what's going on. If there is any change, we can respond."

Just as Lu Bu was about to say yes, Zhang Liao thought for a while, and added, "General Wei is right, but since we don't take part in this incident, we must do our best. So we should not send out scouts, but messenger."

"A messenger?" Lu Buqi asked, "What kind of messenger?"

Zhang Liao smiled and said, "Of course it's a messenger asking for instructions on what to do next."

Lu Bu understood what he said and burst out laughing.

Lu Bu immediately stopped his soldiers and horses, and assembled on the spot.

Then, the courier who led the Bingzhou military generals to plot against him was also quickly released.

Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and the others were talking and laughing, not only planning how to take over the power of the Xiliang soldiers if the situation is over, but also planning how to improve the status of the Bingzhou army in the Xiliang soldiers if the Xiliang soldiers survive this wave. serving size.

While all the generals were talking and laughing at the messenger, the messenger's horse was suddenly shot down by a black arrow from nowhere.

The immediate messenger obviously didn't have time to react, and was directly thrown out heavily.

Before the generals could recover, a healthy horse galloped up.

The knight on the horse threw out a rope with a hook, tied the courier on the ground, dragged him onto the horse, and disappeared without a trace.

Lu Bu was furious, "Come here, get my bow."

By the time the attendant delivered the bow, the cavalry had already been in the shadows.

Lu Bu yelled angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

No matter how impulsive he was, he could smell a trace of uneasiness from the unusual behavior just now.

I was being watched by someone!

In this chaotic time, Lu Bu was not willing to take risks lightly.

While everyone was discussing, suddenly another horse came quickly.

Zhang Liaosheng was afraid that Lu Bu would be impulsive, so he quickly reminded, "My lord, it seems that this should be aimed at us. Let's get to know them later."

Lu Bu hummed dully.

The knight rushed in front of the crowd, threw the man lying on his back and put him on the ground, then clasped his fists together and said loudly, "I'm offended!"

Zhang Liao immediately stepped forward and shouted sharply, "Who are you? You are so courageous! You even dared to rob General Lu's subordinates!"

As soon as Zhang Liao finished speaking, the knight gestured to the distance.

Everyone looked along, but they couldn't see anything in the dark.

Just as he was about to question again, when he turned around, he found that the knight on horseback pulled out his short knife from his waist, swung it obliquely, and fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.

The generals were terrified.

Unexpectedly, it was just a summons, and the other side used the dead man!

Lu Bu was frantically discussing with Gao Shun and Zhang Liao what to do next.Suddenly someone pointed to the distance, "My lord, over there..."

Lu Bu followed the reputation.

Seeing the big black shadow before, it suddenly became more and more active.

The generals who accompanied Lu Bu felt a little uneasy.

Then, with the sound of horseshoes, a person gradually appeared under the moonlight.

The man wore a Confucian square scarf on his head, but he did not wear a Confucian shirt like an ordinary Confucian scholar, but a pair of crotch trousers like a standard cavalryman.

——Li Ru.

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