host country

0271 The real backhand

Tang Zhou made up his mind, jumped up and rushed towards the direction Yu Xian and Guan Hai were heading for!

In the middle, many scattered teams of the Southern Huns saw Tang Zhou's figure, and they all chased after him desperately.

Tang Zhou stopped suddenly, turned around and shouted, "Get out!"

Those Southern Huns soldiers panicked and scattered away.

Tang Zhou dispersed several groups along the way.

However, there are still sporadic Southern Huns cavalry who choose to follow this strong man of their own camp for unknown reasons.

Tang Zhou simply ignored it. If they were discovered by the masters of Xiliang soldiers, these people would be a good shield instead.


Yu Xian and Guan Hai didn't know that there was a big trouble catching up behind them.The two of them rushed all the way to the Xiyuan Jiming Hall, only to find that the battle here had already reached a fever pitch.

Habayashi Wei and Xiliang soldiers are fighting frantically for the Jiming Hall.Those soldiers of Habayashi Guard, even when the situation in Beigong was so difficult, a large number of soldiers were still recruited.

Yu Xian even had an illusion.

The real main battlefield of this coup is not in the North Palace, but in the West Garden!

Guan Hai was a little confused, "What are they doing? What's there to snatch here?"

It was not difficult for Yu Xian to guess the intention of the two parties.

He sneered in a low voice.

"Beigong is their first mover, and this is their second mover. No matter which side, they are preparing for their own failure."

"Their idea is very simple. Even if they don't get the upper hand, they will never make it easier for the other party. No matter which side wins the Chicken Crying Hall, as long as the situation is not good for them, they will choose to release the pheasant Taoist."

"This pheasant Taoist has been suppressed for a long time. Once he comes out, he will inevitably cause great chaos. At that time, the winner will not have the intention to chase down the remnants of the enemy and expand the results of the battle. And the loser can also take this opportunity to escape Luoyang and live on."

Guan Hai felt a little unbelievable, "It turned out to be like this?"

Yu Xian hasn't answered yet.

He heard a long laugh from the canopy in the distance.

Then he saw Taoist Pheasant in colorful Taoist robes flying up from the hut and landing beside Yu Xian.

Daoist Pheasant looked at Yu Xian with a smile, "Young fellow Daoist, long time no see."

Yu Xian was taken aback.

Last time, the chains on the four gold pillars still firmly bound Taoist Yeji to a place not far from the tent reed.

When Yu Xian came over this time, he also carefully kept a safe distance.

Unexpectedly, when Daoist Yeji fluttered his wings, his range of activities was several times larger than before.

Although behind Daoist Yeji, there was still a phantom of the iron chain shaking faintly.

However, the sealing effect of the four golden pillars has obviously reached its limit.

Thinking of this guy in front of him, he can use five kinds of powerful demons with flames.

Yu Xian said tremblingly, "I thought the Taoist priest was out of trouble, but I didn't expect that he was still wandering around again."

Taoist Pheasant smiled lightly.

"It's just a matter of time. I just heard what you said was interesting, and I'm here to chat with you."

Seeing Taoist Yeji's relaxed reaction, Yu Xian knew in his heart that Taoist Yeji might be telling the truth.

Breaking through the sleepiness is really just time for him.

Daoist Yeji said with great interest, "Which side do you think they will win?"

Yu Xian cautiously asked Taoist Yeji, "Why did the Taoist priest say that?"

Taoist Pheasant laughed.

"Before I was still wondering why so many people were suddenly fighting in front of my tent. At first I thought it was some kind of trap and didn't dare to intervene indiscriminately. But after hearing what you said just now, it seems to make sense. "

Taoist Pheasant said jokingly. "Since the losers want to help me escape from Jiming Hall, why don't I help them?"

Yu Xian's eyelids twitched.

He hesitated again and again.

Finally, he couldn't help but asked, "If the Taoist priest is out of trouble, what's the plan?"

Taoist Yeji heard this, and the colorful Taoist clothes on his body immediately turned blood red.

Taoist Pheasant said coldly.

"When I practiced the formation of five fires and seven birds, I made an oath. Once I get out of trouble, I will burn Luoyang."

Yu Xian thought it was true.

How can this Taoist pheasant be a kind person.

If this person is released, I don't know how many people will be tortured.

Yu Xianzong has no bottom line, and he absolutely cannot let such a thing happen.

Seeing Yu Xian's silence, Taoist Pheasant asked angrily, "Is there any difficulty in this matter?"

Yu Xian waved his hand to signal Guan Hai not to act rashly.

Then he bowed to Taoist Pheasant.

"I'm not very talented and learned, so I can only see the general idea. If I'm wrong, I hope the Taoist priest will forgive me."

Taoist Yeji smiled, "It's okay."

Only then did Yu Xian boldly say, "After all, the soldiers from Xiliang are guests from afar. Since the opponent dared to attack in the palace, they were obviously prepared. I think the ones on the right may win."

Taoist Yeji laughed when he heard the words, and immediately fell straight into the crowd.

Those soldiers were still desperately fighting for the control of the big devil, but they couldn't help panicking when they saw Daoist Yeji fall directly on the field.

The Taoist Pheasant's eyes, like burning coals, looked left and right.Then he casually grabbed a Xiliang soldier and tore him in half.

Yu Xian saw it from a distance, and hurriedly shouted, "Wrong, wrong."

The pheasant Taoist laughed loudly, "I don't see much of the hypocrisy of you humans? How could I be unprepared against you?! If the Xiliang guest army is so easy to be solved, why did the matter get into trouble? For the sake of launching a palace coup?"

"If my guess is correct, the soldiers from Xiliang should have the upper hand now."

Yu Xian was out of luck.

Just when he was about to get out and leave quickly.

Suddenly a soldier with a soldier's talisman rushed over from a distance.

He shouted excitedly, "Reinforcements are coming! Old Bandit Dong has been conferred."

Dong Zhuo has already conferred the title?

Yu Xian couldn't believe his ears.

Shouldn't Dong Zhuo, a strong man, be pulled down by Wang Yun after he returned to Luoyang?

Why are there rumors of sudden death at this time?

Those Habayashi guards immediately cheered.They mocked the soldiers on the opposite side loudly, showing off their might!

Yu Xian quickly jumped off Guan Hai's back, and then directly found the messenger.

Yu Xian asked loudly, "What's going on? Didn't the soldiers of Xiliang prepare for it long ago? Then why did Dong Zhuo die unexpectedly?"

The orderly was obviously a little excited too.

He said excitedly, "The Taoist of Banshan opened the Chenggao Heavenly Danger, and now the allied forces of the princes are outside the city. At this time, the two brothers Wu Fu and Wu Qiong, who are deeply trusted by the old thief, slashed at the old thief Dong with a sword. Go. Dong Zhuo's troops are all suppressing the rebellion, and they failed to respond for a while, but the two brothers succeeded."

Taoist who moved mountains?Cheng Gao's natural danger?

Only then did Yu Xian suddenly realize.

The real trump card of the Han faction is not only Huangfusong, but also the Kwantung Allied Forces!

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