host country

0260 You are special

Whether this matter can be accomplished, Yu Xian has to find Meili to confirm.

Yu Xian said to everyone, "I have an idea, you wait here first."

After finishing speaking, he gave Guan Hai a look.

Guan Hai understood, and the two walked towards the selection place together.

After avoiding everyone's eyes, Yu Xian took out the silver gourd and solemnly said to Guan Hai, "Brother, help me protect the Dharma."

Guan Hai had nothing to say, and after answering with all his mouth, he looked around vigilantly.

Yu Xian activated the formula and appeared in the gourd.

As soon as he entered, he found Wu Qi's lonely ghost in an empty wilderness.

Yu Xian stretched out his hand to greet, "Old Wu is me."

Wu Qiyouhun glanced at him indifferently, and continued to be in a daze of boredom.

Yu Xian wasn't interested in chatting with him either, and called out for Ban Lan directly.

After a while, the situation changed, and Banlan appeared in front of Yu Xian.

After listening to Yu Xian's general account of the past, Ban Lan said in surprise, "There is such an interesting place."

Yu Xian thought about the old man Zuoqiu's words, and said casually, "The fate of the Han Dynasty is not here, and it is inevitable that some dross from the previous dynasty will rise."

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence, "However, the general trend of the world is vast, and once you go, you can't go back. Even if it's a bit weird, you can only make some embellishments for the opening of the troubled times. will fade from the stage."

In the chaotic times at the end of Han Dynasty, heroes emerged in large numbers.

Many people came into being.

It's just that he was still ignorant at the moment and failed to respond to his orders.

Cao Cao, a treacherous hero in troubled times, is leading a mountain-moving Taoist to attack Cheng Gao relentlessly, trying to rescue the poor Emperor Han with his loyalty.

Sima Yi, another important historical figure, was in junior high school at this time, and was chased and beaten by the underworld in the same county.

Yu Xian is well aware of the context of the future, and clearly understands that the fun is yet to come.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Ban Lan seemed a little careless.

Yu Xian asked again, Ban Lan frowned and said.

"If it exists in the past, it should be included in the gourd. It's just that I have some doubts. What you encountered may not be that simple."

Yu Xian also felt that this matter was not that simple.

Although Miss Banlan is unreliable, she won't fool herself when it comes to key matters.

What's more, Meili still needs to help her get her soul and body.

"By the way, there is a very strange thing. Those past projections seem to be able to communicate with me to a certain extent. If I actively interact with them, they will respond to me. If I don't participate, they will also seem to be completely Doing what I was doing without realizing it. Do you feel a little strange?"

Meili listened for a long time and didn't reply.


Yu Xian was a little dissatisfied with Meili's distraction, and waited anxiously online.

The five-colored bull is still watching outside, not to mention that Bingzhou soldiers may come here at any time.

Ban Lan was interrupted by Yu Xian, and she looked at Yu Xian meaningfully, "This is the only thing that doesn't surprise me."

"Er..." Yu Xian was speechless.

Could it be that the wretched old man was right, that he was destined to be sacrificed?

I remember that when I was going to be appointed as the national teacher, someone seemed to remind me like this.

Once there is any change in the world, it may be taken to deal with robbery.

While Yu Xian was thinking wildly.

Ban Lan looked at Yu Xian calmly, "You are very special, you are a...a person who can live in the past."

"Huh?" Yu Xian was more and more confused.

What the hell is this?

But now is not the time to delve into it.

Now the power of the silver gourd has been greatly reduced, and it can no longer maintain the terrifying time multiplier. While Yu Xian is inside, the outside is also changing accordingly.

Regardless of whether this gourd can take away Zhou Ren in the projection, at least you can try.

Yu Xian silently activated the formula, and soon appeared in the gourd.

Then he brought Guan Hai back to the crowd.

"I have an idea, I can try it later." As he spoke, Yu Xianyang raised the silver gourd in Yang's hand, and roughly said, "This silver gourd in my hand can hold some strange things, and maybe it can be used later. People are stored in the gourd. When I arrive in Luoyi, I will release it again, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other.

These are two different historical projections, and Yu Xian wants to let them mess in against the sky.

If it can be done, it would be too heaven-defying.

Zuoqiu Junyi looked at Yu Xian blankly, "Which one are you going to take?"

Yu Xian thought for a while and said, "Although it is a projection of the past, the use of living sacrifices is really not done by monks like me. I plan to take away the body of the noble old man and use this to send it to Luoyi. Taiwan. This old man is dressed luxuriously and lives in a side hall. He might also be a descendant of King Wen Jichang. The Ji surname is the enemy of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. If the descendants of Jichang are used as sacrifices, it must be enough precious."

Wang Li was the first to move, "I think it's worth a try. Now Bingzhou soldiers will come over at any time, and the forces staying in Luoyi will soon get information. Whether it's useful or not, we can give it a try."

Seeing that the crowd didn't say anything else, Yu Xian immediately used the tactics of calling the wind and calling the rain.

As the clouds rolled, thunder and lightning shook.

The vicinity of Wangcheng was once again shrouded in rain, thunder and lightning.

The scope of the royal city has not changed much from before.

Yu Xian led the crowd for a while, and then came to the door of the side hall of the luxurious old man. .

As the plot progressed slowly, a servant carrying a clay pot entered the room respectfully.

Yu Xian waited for a while, and only then did he enter the hall when the servant came out.

The luxuriously dressed old man had already vomited blood and fell to the ground because of the deep poisoning.

Yu Xian didn't waste any time, sacrificed the famous gourd directly, and said to the old man, "Disease."

As Yu Xian activated the formula, a faint light leaked out from the mouth of the gourd.Swipe to the old man on the ground.

Yu Xianqing couldn't help holding his breath and concentrating. If this matter doesn't go well, I'm afraid there will be some trouble.

However, after the light brushed over the old man, he left as if he had no interest.

Yu Xian was a little unhappy, and then, unwilling to give up, he continued to brush the old man's body with the gourd.

Those silver shimmers flickered on the old man.

It's a pity that none of them were successful.

Yu Xian's expression became more and more dignified, and when Yu Xian was a little desperate, he suddenly discovered a strange thing.

Although the corpse was not taken away by Yu Xian's gourd, the blood that the old man vomited on the ground disappeared without a trace.

Yu Xian couldn't help laughing and said, "Interesting."

If this silver gourd can take away the blood on the ground, what does it mean?

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