host country

0257 King City

Yu Xian's eyes suddenly widened!

Did you make a mistake!

The Mysterious Bird of Destiny, descended to give birth to Shang!

This place turned out to be the territory of the Yin people!

But why is it here?

It seemed that he understood Yu Xian's doubts.

Cai Yan quickly explained, "I have read some ancient books. After the Battle of Muye, Jiang Taigong awarded meritorious men of virtue, while Zhou Gongdan awarded meritorious courtiers."

Yu Xian was suffocated when he heard it. Could it be that Cai Yan wanted to tell himself about the list of gods?

Unexpectedly, what Cai Yan said had nothing to do with the Battle of the Conferred Gods, but the changes in the world structure at that time.

"King Wu died after defeating Zhou. At that time, King Cheng was young and still in his infancy. The Duke of Zhou was afraid that people in the world would betray the court when they heard that King Wu was dead, so he ascended the throne and took charge of the state affairs for King Cheng. People divide the world to govern. Zhao Gong is responsible for appeasing the old foundation of Xiqi, and Zhou Gong is responsible for suppressing the newly conquered land in the East."

"The place originally ruled by the Shang Dynasty was divided into three parts. Bei was ruled by Wu Genglu, the son of King Zhou. Wei was ruled by Cai Shudu, and Yong was ruled by Guan Shuxian. Originally, the people of Zhou wanted to appease the original people with the son of King Zhou. The common people of Yin and Shang used Uncle Cai and Uncle Guan as restraints to prevent merchants from rising again."

"But who would have thought that Uncle Cai and Uncle Guan were jealous of Duke Zhou's power, so they colluded with merchants to launch a rebellion."

Yu Xian said silently in his heart, isn't this the legendary chaos of the Three Prisons?

Yu Xian frowned slightly, and asked, "Could it be that this has something to do with our current place?"

Cai Yan nodded sternly, "That's right! After these three joined forces to rebel, they were arrested by Zhou Gong not long after. In order to completely solve the threat of Yin stubbornness, Zhou Gong moved all the rebellious nobles here..."

Cai Yan pointed vigorously at the land under his feet, and said seriously, "Chengzhou Luoyi!"

Yu Xian was a little confused by what Cai Yan said.

"But what you just said..."

Only then did Cai Yan explain, "Luoyi was originally the royal city that Duke Zhou built for Cheng Zhou. Later, because a large number of rebels moved in, he had to rebuild the royal city."

After hearing this, Yu Xian understood what Cai Wenji meant, "You mean, Luoyi is Luoyi, Wangcheng is Wangcheng, and there is another Wangcheng besides Luoyi?"

Cai Yan said excitedly, "That's right! Luoyi is the place where Yin and Shang sinners were exiled. The people here sacrificed Xuanniao, which is obviously the remnant of the merchants. If I guessed correctly, it is not far to the west. It should be There is also a royal city."

Yu Xian was also dazzled by Cai Yan's words.

"If Luoyi ghost city can appear, maybe we can find something in Wangcheng."

Yu Xian's thoughts immediately came alive.

Now that Luoyi has been discovered, no matter what treasures are inside, it will be a bit troublesome to get them.

But besides this Luoyi, there is also a royal city!

If you talk about it, even if there is any mystery, it must be that Wangcheng is much better than Luoyi.

Maybe, the key to solving Luoyi's problem can be found in Wangcheng.

Yu Xian asked Cai Yan, "Then do you think the people here can unlock the secrets here?"

Cai Yan said decisively, "No. They use Zhou rituals to sacrifice, and it is useless to use Zhou rituals to sacrifice to the ancestors of merchants."

Only then did Yu Xian heave a sigh of relief.

"Okay! Anyway, we don't have a chance to intervene in the affairs here. Why don't we go to the west to explore, maybe we may find something important."

Yu Xian quickly took Cai Yan back to the river.

When they saw the crowd and told what happened here, they were astonishingly surprised.

But Zuoqiu Junyi's eyes lit up when he heard it, he jumped out and said.

"There is some truth to what this girl said. I heard that when King Wu defeated Zhou, there were many capable people and different people who helped him. Maybe there was some magical magic weapon left in the king's city."

Being encouraged by Zuoqiu Junyi, Yu Xian became more and more enthusiastic.

He said, "Okay, let's go west now."

Now that he has made up his mind, he still follows the previous method.First use gourds to pack the three of them, and then Yu Xian took Guan Hai and ran west quickly.

After running for a while, he released Cai Wenji and questioned her.

Then he adjusted his direction and continued to run forward.

It's a long way.

After Yu Xian ran for a while, he ran out of the rain curtain.

Keep your feet on the ground, and the speed is a little faster.

When Yu Mo arrived at the place, Yu Xian looked around.

It was a wilderness, surrounded by ghosts, and there were no human habitation. .

Yu Xian immediately instigated the art of war and began to call for wind and rain.

Following the launch of Yu Xian's Art of War, there was a surge of wind and clouds in the sky.

When the storm suddenly broke out, there were thunder bursts in the sky.

A faint phantom really enveloped the surroundings.

Yu Xian hastily released everyone from the gourd.

As time passed, the surrounding scene became more and more solid, and it was clearly a scene of singing and dancing.

Everyone looked at the bustling and bustling market, and they all looked at each other, dumbfounded.

Looking at the style of the surrounding buildings and the clothes of the people, it is clear that they are from the same era as the Luoyi ghost town just now.

And unlike the scene in Luoyi ghost town, the scene here is actually constantly evolving.

Zuoqiu Junyi stared at it for a while, then said with a smile on his face, "That's right, this should be the royal city."

Yu Xian watched the traffic on the street in surprise.

The bustling scene made Yu Xian feel like he was in a busy city.

Yu Xian looked at it for a while, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

In the city where the adherents of the Yin and Shang Dynasties gather, a huge sacrifice is being held.

At the same time, the people in the royal city were singing and dancing, unguarded.

Putting these two behaviors together...

It made Yu Xian suddenly aware of the strong conspiracy atmosphere.

"Could it be a coincidence?"

Yu Xian said softly.

After watching for a while, everyone found something strange again.

It seems that the scene here cannot be deduced infinitely.

Instead, it starts repeating the playback every once in a while.

It seems that this kind of singing and dancing will always be maintained in this royal city.

Guan Hai scratched his head and reminded Yu Xian, "Something is wrong!"

With the matter of Luoyi in front, Yu Xian was not surprised, "It seems that there seems to be some secret hidden here. It's okay, let's search separately."

As soon as they heard that they were going to search separately, Zuoqiu Junyi, Wang Li, and Cai Yan suddenly became nervous.

Yu Xian glanced at them with a smile, "Don't worry, it's just a projection of the past, nothing will happen."

Cai Yan looked at Yu Xian nervously, "But, but I always feel a little weird. The things here will not appear out of thin air. Even in ancient books, such illusions appear only by accident. some."

Yu Xian's heart moved after hearing this, "Is that so?"

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