host country

0253 The Unexpected Person

Yu Xian waved his hand, and the maid beside him fell limply to the ground.

Cai Yan was taken aback.

Yu Xian explained, "Don't panic. She just fell asleep, and she will wake up naturally at dawn. You will come back by then, so you can save a lot of trouble."

Only then did Cai Yan feel relieved.

Then, she asked Yu Xian curiously, "A few days ago, in order to deal with the thieves who broke into the palace and robbed the prime minister's mansion, the inside and outside of Luoyang City have long been heavily guarded. Now that the city gate has been closed, I am just a weak girl, how can I get out of the city?" ?”

Yu Xian said with a smile, "Of course I have a way."

As he spoke, he whistled to inform Guan Hai who was waiting outside.

After a while, the majestic and burly Guan Hai jumped in with Wang Li on his back.

Both of them were dressed in night clothes, and their whereabouts were surreptitious.

This made Cai Yan, who has been trapped in a boudoir all year round, feel novel and exciting, as if being brought into another completely different world by Yu Xian.

Guan Hai glanced at Cai Yan, and said to Yu Xian in a simple and rough manner, "How is it? Did you succeed?"


Cai Yan immediately took back the little wildness that he had just revealed in his heart.

She looked at Yu Xian warily.

Yu Xian sternly reprimanded, "Don't talk nonsense. Miss Cai is a cultural person."

Well, that sounds like a joke.

Just as Cai Wenji calmed down, Yu Xian glanced at her with a smile, "It's getting late, let's go too."

Cai Yan hesitated, "But what should we do..."

Before Cai Yan finished speaking, Yu Xian activated the power of a mother.

In front of Cai Wenji, Yu Xian's body quickly rose up, and then his muscles bulged, and his whole body became extremely strong.

Yu Xian glanced at Cai Yan.

That kind of sturdy and barbaric momentum rushed over.

Cai Wenji was startled, and took several steps back.

Then suddenly, as if remembering something, he pointed at Yu Xian and said, "You, you, you..."

Yu Xian grinned.

"Meet you again, Miss Cai!"

Only then did Cai Wenji dare to be sure of her thoughts.

Her little mouth opened into an O-shape, and it took her a long time to come to her senses, and she exclaimed, "You are that apprentice!"

Yu Xian didn't talk too much nonsense, stepped forward and grabbed Cai Wenji's waist, and easily sent her to his shoulders.

Although Cai Wenji is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, her body is very well-proportioned, and Yu Xian hugs her shoulders without any effort.

He glanced at Guan Hai and said in a low voice, "Go! Get out of the city!"

As he said that, he jerked his body a few times and quickly turned over the wall.

Although Cai Yong was a famous scholar, his family was not rich. To Yu Xian, the courtyard he entered was like walking on flat ground.

Cai Yan's mind was in a daze, and he didn't come back to his senses until he saw Beicheng in sight.

Looking left and right, it was pitch black everywhere, and the silence was frightening.

Although there are officers and soldiers guarding the front, they are all hiding behind patches of icy light.

Cai Yan didn't dare to offend the demon, so he had to keep his mouth tightly shut and carefully grabbed Yu Xian's neck.

Yu Xian felt that Cai Yan was trembling, and immediately comforted him in a harmonious voice, "Don't be afraid, I'm not some kind of thief who robs houses and houses. No matter whether things succeed or not, I will definitely send you back before dawn."

Cai Wenji kept silent, and Yu Xian didn't know what she was thinking.

Guan Hai didn't think so much, he stared blankly at the guards in front of him, and asked Yu Xian, "Are you just rushing over like this?"

Yu Xian said, "Wait, let me disrupt their formation."

Yu Xian was about to spit out a strong wind to cause chaos, when suddenly those soldiers became confused by themselves, and then someone shouted, "Who?!"

Then the sound of the golden drum broke out, creating a mess.

Yu Xian was suspicious, gave up his mind, and said in a low voice, "Wait and see."

After a while, I don't know if the matter has subsided, and the city has returned to tranquility.

It's just that the guarded lineup is getting stricter.

Guan Hai said in a low voice, "Eight of them climbed over the wall, and they seem to be pretty good at it."

Yu Xian didn't care much about this, and said in his mouth, "Don't delay our business, let's go!"

Just as the wind was about to blow, unexpectedly there was another burst of chaos in the city.

From time to time, there were loud shouts of cursing.

Yu Xian took a closer look and said with a smile, "It's interesting. There are still quite a few people leaving the city, but I don't know the route."

Just as he was speaking, Guan Hai patted Yu Xian on the shoulder and pointed towards the city.

Yu Xian looked over and waited for a long time before hearing a series of hoofbeats.

Then I saw dozens of sturdy cavalry appearing in that direction.

Yu Xian's face changed slightly.

The way of these cavalry was even better, they arrived in front of the city gate swaggeringly, and then threw down a warrant, ordering to open the city gate.

The soldier guarding the gate was tensely waiting in formation. Hearing this, he quickly took the warrant and went up to the city tower. After a while, he opened the city gate politely and let the cavalry go out of the city.

Yu Xian's expression was a little dignified.

"It's from the Southern Huns."

This incident also proved to him once again that there must be powerful North Korean and Chinese forces behind the Southern Huns to support them.

Guan Hai asked viciously, "Do you want to take the warrant and see which bastard took in Tang Zhou's scourge."

Yu Xian thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Forget it, the gain outweighs the loss. The Southern Huns cavalry is such a big target, it is impossible to hide in Luoyang City, and there will be opportunities to investigate them in the future. Besides, even if we find their backers, we will now But Tang Zhou can't help it, I'm afraid he's still going to startle the snake."

Guan Hai's thinking is simple, and he doesn't talk too much when he hears it.

Yu Xian waited for a while, seeing that there was no other change, and then encouraged the strong wind to blow forward.

The violent wind blew the dust on the ground, and the guards couldn't even open their eyes.A fire burning in front of the city gate even ignited the dry wood next to it, causing moderate chaos.

The two looked at each other and quickly ran towards the city wall.

Then, before all the soldiers could react, they quickly began to climb on the city wall.

It wasn't too much trouble for Guan Hai to take Wang Li with him.

Yu Xian still had to free up one hand to protect Cai Wenji, and it was a bit troublesome to climb the city wall.

He was like a wild beast, clinging forward with hands and feet.

After climbing over the wall, Yu Xian had just landed when he heard a person in front of him shouting and asking in a low voice, "Where are you from? Did you pay?"


Yu Xian was stunned.

He took a quick look at Guan Hai, and the two quickly flanked each other and rushed towards the man.

The man was obviously flustered.

He yelled, "What are you doing? The old man's intelligence is all clearly priced, and you are still trying to renege on your debt."

Seeing Yu Xian and Guan Hai's coming unabated, the man became even more flustered.

He hurriedly shouted, "Think about it, without the help of the old man, you will never know the secrets of Luoyi Ghost City! Then you will get nothing, don't regret it!"

Luoyi ghost town? !

Yu Xian was shocked!

At this time, they rushed to that person, and the two looked at each other in the dim light, and they were shocked!

Yu Xian shouted angrily, "It's you!"

The person in front of him turned out to be that wretched old man Zuoqiu Junyi!

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