host country

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Waiting for a thunderstorm night may be difficult for others, but for Yu Xian, it is nothing.

He has the art of war of commanding wind and rain, and occasionally triggered thunder and lightning.Although Yu Xian hadn't figured it out yet, the triggering of lightning was accidental, but there were still certain conditions.

But as long as you try a few times, there will always be results.

Yu Xian thought, eager to try.

He instructed Dong Bai, "Cultivate hard, take some time to go there as a teacher, and if what you say is true, I will reward you when I come back."

Dong Bai said happily, "Good!"

Yu Xian then explained to Dong Bai a few things to pay attention to in cultivating Taoism.Some of these theories are directly derived from Chongxuanzi's pamphlets, and some are also mixed with Yu Xian's own understanding.

As expected, Dong Bai possessed extraordinary talent as reflected in the gourd.

Sometimes just after Yu Xian finished speaking, Dong Bai suddenly realized, and even drew inferences from one instance to other cases.

This made Yu Xian extremely pleased.

After Yu Xian finished speaking, he conveniently put away a few materials before leaving contentedly.

After leaving Dong Bai's place, Yu Xian began to prepare for the investigation of Luoyi Ghost City.

The Baibanfa sword he used to pretend is getting more and more difficult to use, so he just took this opportunity to find a suitable weapon.

Furthermore, it is the most powerful art of war in Yu Xian's hands, undoubtedly the eight-door golden lock formation taught by Gao He.

There are eight gates in this formation, and even if they are arranged individually, they are infinitely useful.

Having gone through hardships several times before, if there were eight golden lock formations to help, Yu Xian would not have to be so embarrassed.

The only more troublesome thing is that it needs to consume materials of various attributes to arrange the eight-door golden lock array.

With Yu Xian's poor family background, without the support of secular forces, he would not be able to afford it at all.

Now that Yu Xian has a plan to steal "One Dou", these things will naturally come from the big dog Dong Zhuo.

As soon as it got dark, Yu Xian got up and took action.

Dressed up as a servant, he slowly approached the courtyard where Tian Jing was.

When passing by the master's courtyard, he looked up calmly, and Tian Jing was still sitting high in the hall, checking the accounts of the mansion.

Yu Xian had been in contact with Tian Jing several times, and he knew that he was a thoughtful person, but his strength could only be described as so-so.

Yu Xian didn't care, and used the night to display the method of swallowing smoke and fog.

As the mist swirled around, unconsciously, it enveloped the entire master's house.

The servants and guards inside didn't pay much attention to it.

It was spring at this time, and fog at night was also common.

Not long after, the fog became thicker and thicker, and it was hard to see clearly even a few steps away.

Just when some guards began to feel strange, Yu Xian also took advantage of the mist to slowly sneak into the Tianjingyuan.

Different from other places, this courtyard in Tianjing stores a large amount of supplies in the prime minister's mansion, and the guards are particularly strict.

If Yu Xian didn't use some means, it might not be so easy to get him.

Yu Xian sneaked lightly to the door of the unremarkable wing room, and saw four heavily armed soldiers patrolling back and forth.

These soldiers are physically strong and full of energy.

It was easy for Yu Xian to kill them, but it was a bit troublesome if he wanted to keep them from making any noise.

Fortunately, Yu Xian was well prepared.

Taking advantage of the heavy fog, he quietly hid the materials he got from Dong Bai around those few people.Afterwards, he moved the formula, drew the formation patterns, and laid out a simple death formation.

When the pattern was rounded and the materials started to play a role, Yu Xian urged the formation to brush towards those soldiers without hesitation.

As the dead air brushed past, the faces of the four soldiers immediately darkened as if they had been covered with a layer of ashes.

Yu Xian urged the dead air again, and the four soldiers lost all life, and fell on their backs.

Yu Xian quickly stepped forward from his hiding place and snatched the weapons from their hands.

The four corpses fell to the ground with a muffled sound, which did not arouse the idea of ​​​​the distant patrolmen at all.

Yu Xian heaved a sigh of relief, slowly put down those weapons, then pinched the chain of the door, pushed the door lightly and entered.

Yu Xian took a look at it by the moonlight outside the door, and saw that it was just an ordinary guest room, and there was nothing special about it.

Yu Xian's eyes swept over the mat table, then at the clean and tidy curtains of the bed, and finally his eyes fell on a bookshelf.

Several rolls of bamboo slips were randomly placed on the bookshelf, and beside it was an open wooden box, which was also full of bamboo slips.

Yu Xian stepped forward and moved the bamboo slips away, revealing a black iron bucket.

Yu Xian stretched out his hand and tried to pick up a bucket, but the object was extremely heavy, and even with Yu Xian's physical strength, he couldn't shake it at all.

Yu Xian looked down and saw that the bottom of the wooden box had already been crushed, and even the square stones underneath were densely packed with cracks.

Yu Xian hurriedly sank his mind into a fight to watch.

Seeing this, Yu Xian was amazed.

There is a lot of wealth inside, in addition to countless gold, silver and jewelry, there are also various rare materials.There are even a few magical weapons.

It's just that although this thing perfectly met all the conditions that Yu Xian wanted, there was one thing that made Yu Xian's egg ache.

That is, there are too many things in it, and Yu Xian is helpless at all.

A bucket can only change the shape of something, but not its weight.

These messy materials are piled together, the quantity is huge, and the weight is naturally an astonishing figure.

It is absolutely impossible for Yu Xian to move.

But even if Yu Xian wants to give up that huge amount of wealth and only take away "one bucket" and the few supplies he needs, how can this room accommodate so many things?

Based on the huge amount of supplies inside, I'm afraid that even if I pile up the yard, I still can't take that "one bucket" away.

Yu Xian circled around that "one fight" anxiously.

He never expected that such a mistake would happen at such a critical moment.

No wonder there are only four soldiers guarding here. Even if a thief rushed in, facing this situation, they could only take away some insignificant things.

But what Yu Xian wanted was this utensil for holding things.

Yu Xian is a decisive person, after sighing for a while, he decided to give up categorically.

He first took out a good sword from a bucket, and then selected a lot of materials needed to arrange the formation.

Just when Yu Xian brought his good things and was reluctantly preparing to go out, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and patted his forehead.

"By the way, why did I forget that thing?"

As he spoke, Yu Xian opened his mouth, and a clever wooden box spit out from his mouth.

After falling into the palm, it was more than a foot long and three or four inches thick.

Yu Xian looked over and over at the wooden box in his hand with gleaming eyes, and murmured involuntarily, "In the past, I always asked for it from here. What if I feed back this thing now?"

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