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0244 Pheasant Taoist

Yu Xian jumped off the top of the wall and ran straight to the southwest.

Seeing this, Huangfu Li hurriedly chased after him.

But Yu Xian couldn't care less about it.

When he was in the White Tiger Temple, he asked Wang Li about the layout of the West Garden.Know where you are going next.

Yu Xian ran away for a while, concealing his whereabouts, and saw a large reed canopy in front of him from a distance.

Yu Xian felt strange in his heart.

After walking a few more steps, I saw a colorful golden pheasant six or seven feet high standing on the reed canopy.

The colorful golden pheasant stared at the direction Yu Xian was running towards, seemingly numb and thoughtful.

When Yu Xian saw this thing, he knew it must be a psychic monster.

With a chill in his heart, he didn't dare to think about those hidden gold anymore, and turned around to flee south.

Unexpectedly, the colorful golden pheasant looked at Yu Xian fixedly, fluttered its wings twice, and turned into a young Taoist with dark eyes on the reed canopy.

The Taoist was wearing a colorful Taoist uniform, with his head held high and his chest held high.

He looked at Yu Xian's fleeing figure, and said loudly, "That Taoist, come back, the poor Taoist has something to ask you."

How dare Yu Xian look back.

He was about to continue fleeing when suddenly the Taoist stepped lightly on the reed canopy and jumped up.

The Taoist's body seemed to be as light as a feather, and he flew into the air with just a little force.

Then the colorful Taoist robes on his body fluttered and fell in front of Yu Xian.

The Taoist fell to the ground, seemingly a little surprised.

Looking back at Lu Peng.

Seeing the monster's powerful mana, Yu Xian dared to act recklessly, his eyes rolled around, but he said with false words, "Poverty is just passing by here, so I don't dare to offend my lord."

The young Taoist with a gloomy face said coldly, "It's okay, I just asked you something."

Where did Yu Xian dare to say no, he agreed with all his mouth, "If I know it, I will know everything and say everything."

The Taoist's face relaxed slightly.

He thought for a while, and asked, "A few days ago, I saw the replacement of Dahan Guozuo, and Xiyuan's soldiers and horses dispersed. Could it be that something major has happened in the world?"

Seeing this question, Yu Xian couldn't help calming down.

He arched his hands and asked, "I don't know what to call an adult."

The Taoist was startled when he heard the words. He thought about it for a while, looked at Yu Xian coldly, and said, "I was originally a pheasant in the form of a pheasant. Later, when I was free, I cultivated my body. I often read some Taoist books, so I gradually switched to cultivation." Xuanmen is authentic. Just call me Taoist Yeji."

"Pheasant Taoist?"

Yu Xian's expression was a little strange.

Then I had some doubts in my heart, Guan Hai is also a monster cultivating Taoism, so why can't he be able to practice Taoism orthodox?

However, he didn't dare to offend this person, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Brother Yeji, the Han Dynasty is indeed no longer favored by the heavens. Now Qin has lost its deer, and the world is chasing it. I'm afraid there will be some turmoil."

The Taoist Pheasant with a sinister face smiled and said, "That's true."

Then he asked again in a blink of an eye, "I saw that the magic circle in the imperial city collapsed and most of the restraints were destroyed. What's the reason for this?"

Yu Xian immediately said the truth, "It seems that the armillary sphere is faulty, and now most of the armillary sphere has been destroyed."

"Huh?" The pheasant Taoist looked brighter, and then asked again, "There is a lot of monsters outside Luoyang City, do you know why?"

Naturally, Yu Xian didn't dare to speak out about the shitty things he had done. He just said, "It seems like a five-color bull is attacking Luoyang. It has been many days and still refuses to leave. As for the others, I don't know." .”

After hearing this, Daoist Yeji laughed, and the gloom on his face was swept away.

Immediately he jumped up and was about to flee into the distance.

Unexpectedly, that elegant body seemed to be pulled by something suddenly, and it only flew a few feet before suddenly falling to the ground.

Yu Xian was a little strange.

But Taoist Pheasant seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He smiled lightly and didn't say much. He turned around and went back to the awning slowly.

After this exchange, Yu Xian's fear of the pheasant Taoist also eased a lot.

He bravely moved forward, intending to have a few more conversations with the monster.

Yu Xian has dealt with Guan Hai, Diao Chan and other big monsters before, and he knows that the monsters who practice are quite human, and they are not so difficult to get along with.

Unexpectedly, Daoist Yeji didn't seem to see Yu Xian moving forward at all, but silently looked at the reed canopy under his feet.

Just as Yu Xian was about to ask, the young Taoist suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a ball of fire.

Yu Xian was taken aback when he saw it, what the pheasant Taoist spit out was the anger that he could only get by practicing Confucianism!

Looking at the fire in his heart, it is majestic and shines in all directions.

Yu Xian was astonished.

Even if he has the enlightenment of Zixia and has the method of practicing the five virtues, but because he is not in line with his Taoist foundation, even if he examines himself three times a day, the current cultivation of the five virtues is only at the entry level.

Moreover, Yu Xian already had a vague premonition that unless he really abandoned Taoism and entered the world, his own Confucianism cultivation skills had already touched the ceiling.

But this monster in front of him, named Taoist, why can he use such a pure and blazing heart fire?

Yu Xian didn't care about searching for his own Huangfu Li, and just watched quietly.

Then the young Taoist opened his mouth again and spit out another ball of fire.

The fire was invisible and qualityless, like a concentrated hot wind.

The hot wind blew past, dried up everywhere, lifeless, and even the nearby air burned a wave of ripples.

Yu Xian was secretly shocked, could this be the rare fire in his lungs?

In the world, if you talk about the power of fire, there is nothing wrong with the fire in the lungs.

According to the theory of the unity of man and nature, the fire in human lungs is also the most terrifying.

It's just that I have never seen any great virtue who can practice this technique.

Just as Yu Xian was thinking, suddenly the young Taoist opened his mouth again and spit out a ball of fire.

This ball of fire is soft and weak, as if it can't help the breeze.

However, the surrounding vitality kept collapsing towards the middle, falling into it, and turning into nothingness.

Yu Xian felt even more restless.

This is a group of virtual fire that melts from the kidney qi.

Being shrouded in illusory fire, although it can't hurt the essence of a person, it can burn out a person's essence in a short period of time.

Those warriors who temper their bodies are most afraid of this kind of false fire.

Yu Xian has never heard of which one can be practiced.

At this moment, the Taoist spit out another ball of fire.

This fire is like a faint green flame, although it may not be more fierce than the previous flame, but it makes people feel endless and inexhaustible.

Yu Xian thought to himself, apart from the fact that the fire in his heart has its origin, only the anger in his heart is so tenacious.

Just when Yu Xian had some guesses in his mind, the pheasant Taoist's face flushed for a while, and he spit out another ball of fire.

This group of fire is violent and fierce, and the vitality around it is dancing like dancing. Although there is nothing special about it, the other four flavors of fire that fuel it are more prosperous.

The fire in the heart shines in all directions; the fire in the liver weaves secret textures, spreading like roots; the fire in the lungs wanders around, killing all kinds of spiritual energy; the fire in the kidneys continuously collapses the surrounding vitality and introduces it into the formation.

Yu Xian has already made a judgment, this must be a fire in his spleen!

Taoist Yeji activated the five fires, pointed at the reed tent under his feet, and the reed tent immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Yu Xian was forced by the raging fire, so he had to take a few steps back.

Daoist Pheasant was bathed in a sea of ​​flames, unmoving.

After a while, all the reed tents were burned, leaving only four golden pillars to hold the four directions.

Countless runes flickered on it, and they became brighter and brighter under the burning of the fire.

Yu Xian even faintly felt that there seemed to be invisible chains binding Taoist Pheasant from the four golden pillars.

Taoist Yeji laughed, and said proudly, "Tianzi Han has suppressed me for twenty years. Now that the armillary sphere has been destroyed, and the Eighth School of Xiyuan's Xingliu is scattered, what can suppress me?"

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