host country

0239 That's him!

Yu Xian left contentedly.

With Dong Bai's awareness, this matter is almost inseparable.

She doesn't have many choices, Cai Yan is the only talented woman in Luoyang City who can understand the past and the present.

The relationship between the Cai family and the Dong family is quite delicate.

The Eastern Han Dynasty was a generation that "shangyi", and before the word "righteousness", even vague loyalty pales in comparison.

Although Cai Yong did not approve of Dong Zhuo's way of governing the court, but because of Dong Zhuo's kindness, he became the only person who was brutally killed for defending Dong Zhuo after the Chang'an Rebellion.

Yu Xian changed his mind.

I have arranged Xu Huang beside Dong Bai, and the force value is enough to deal with the next incident.If Cai Wenji can be added to Dong Bai's camp, then there will be someone who can come up with ideas at critical times.

He returned to his courtyard, let go of all the things on his mind, and fell asleep soundly.

It will take time for Guan Hai to recover, Wang Li can't go back to Hulu now, so he can only follow the two of them to hide in the Prime Minister's mansion with fear.

On this day, Yu Xian took advantage of the dusk and ran to find that wretched old man who was known as a novelist.

It's a pity that after arriving, there was no sign of that person.

Yu Xian was eager to know what was going on outside the city, and remembered that he had a friend in the horse market, so he went directly to the horse market.

As soon as he entered the horse market, Yu Xian saw a group of cavalry coming towards him.

Yu Xian didn't pay attention at first, unexpectedly the knight on the horse saw Yu Xian, looked at each other tacitly, and turned into the nearby market.

Although they do it naturally.

Yu Xian was still alert.

Southern Huns cavalry?

Yu Xian narrowed his eyes slightly.

If these people were with Tang Zhou, then it would be safe for Luoyang City to disappear.

The cavalry of the Southern Xiongnu could openly plunder the materials transported to Luoyang, instigate panic in Luoyang city, and at the same time cover up the matter with one hand, it must have colluded with the anti-Dong Zhuo forces in the court.

Tang Zhou betrayed Zhang Jiao and took refuge in the imperial court when Emperor Ling of Han was still alive.

It is not certain that Tang Zhou served such an important court official in the previous dynasty.

Now that Yu Xian is found in Luoyang City, will Tang Zhou come to find him?

Yu Xian's heart was heavy.

He managed to get rid of the stalking eyeliner by using the terrain, and then found the club of his friend who was a wretched old man.

The somewhat wealthy middle-aged businessman still had some impressions of Yu Xian.

He warmly greeted Yu Xian to go upstairs, and then in front of Yu Xian, he asked his servants to look for the old man.

After Yu Xian went upstairs, he sat and waited silently.

After waiting for a long time, the wretched old man never came.

Yu Xian became a little impatient.

If it doesn't work, he can go to Li Su to try his luck.

Although Li Su is not a professional listener, and the information is not extensive enough, but as a high-ranking official in the Xiliang army, he can know a lot of real secret information.

Yu Xian went downstairs and said to the middle-aged wealthy businessman, "Since I can't find it for a long time, let's talk about it next time. Please send him a message for me, saying that I will still wait at the old place tomorrow." he."

The middle-aged wealthy businessman nodded cheerfully, "It's easy to say, Mr. Zuoqiu's guest is my friend!"

"Zuoqiu?" Yu Xian laughed after hearing this, "No wonder he dares to call you Mr. Chunqiu. It turns out that he has a glorious origin."

This wretched old man might be a descendant of Zuo Qiuming.

Thinking about it, Yu Xian talked and laughed with the middle-aged rich businessman before going out.

The middle-aged wealthy businessman hurriedly got up to see him off.

As soon as Yu Xian raised his head, he suddenly saw the end of the road, and groups of soldiers and horses were rushing towards this side.

The one who took the lead took off his helmet and armor and was fully armed.

A wretched old man next to him followed the horse, panting as he ran.

Seeing Yu Xian from a distance, the wretched old man quickly pointed, "Zhi Jinwu! It's him! It's him!"

Yu Xian almost exploded with anger!

This Nima!

Yu Xian's eyes swept across the middle-aged wealthy businessman next to him like a knife, and the middle-aged wealthy businessman also understood the smell now.

He stumbled and sighed, "Zuoqiu Junyi! What kind of face do you make me, Shen Ping, see the world again!"

Yu Xian pulled out the dagger mercilessly and slashed across it.

The middle-aged wealthy businessman didn't dodge or evade, just closed his eyes and waited for death.

Yu Xian's knife fluttered upwards slightly, cutting off Shen Ping's bun.

Then he ran into the store and ran to the second floor.

Yu Xian ran up to the second floor, then kicked the wooden wall away, then jumped directly from the upstairs into the back street.

The vendors and passers-by in the back street all exclaimed when they saw a man jumping down from upstairs.

Yu Xian rolled over and let go of his momentum, then put his hands on the ground, and ran away with his feet.

The officers and soldiers who rushed into the store only discovered Yu Xian's plan.

Except for a few elite soldiers who dared to jump directly, everyone else rushed downstairs and rushed to the back street.

The Jinwu Humu Ban already knew that this was a key criminal wanted by the imperial court, so he was not willing to let him go easily.

He shouted loudly, "Come here, beat the city drum for me! This general vows to take down this thief!"

The wretched old man next to him moved his ears and hurriedly encouraged him, "My lord, that thief has gone west."

Hu Muban listened to Dayue, "Okay, you follow Ben. After you get this person, Ben will decide what is on the arrest warrant and reward you in full!"

With the help of the wretched old man, Yu Xian tried his best, but he couldn't escape from the grasp of the pursuers.

It was daytime now, no matter how Yu Xian fled, he was seen by many people.

And wherever someone speaks, there is no secret that can be hidden from the wretched old man.

Yu Xian hurriedly looked at his soldier talisman, after these few days of accumulation, there was some killing power in it again.

Without hesitation, he screamed strangely, "It's raining to collect clothes!"

As he spoke, he immediately launched the art of war.

The art of summoning the wind and summoning the rain refers to turning the air into clouds, and condensing the clouds into rain!The gust of wind follows and shakes the changing seasons!

Following Yu Xian's strange cry, the sky was overcast with thunderstorms.

Pedestrians on the street ran away one after another, fearing that they would be drenched by the heavy rain.

However, even in such confusion, the wretched old man still led Zhi Jinwu to find Yu Xian's trace by relying on a few words circulated in the market.

When Yu Xian saw this, he didn't waste his killing power, and directly took away the cloud, rain and wind, and continued to flee westward.

When Yu Xian was in contact with the wretched old man, he had inquired that the old man's hearing range was only one mile.

As long as you avoid his ears, you can only hide among the rich and powerful.

It's just that the more Yu Xian escaped, the closer he chased after him.

Yu Xian climbed over a low wall and was about to continue running when he suddenly saw a dignified and beautiful woman taking shelter from the rain in front of a shop selling rouge and gouache.

His heart moved, and he yelled strangely, "Oh, whose eldest lady is this, why has her skirt been trampled off."

The beautiful woman was stunned, and then blushed and said angrily, "Where did the madman come from, he only knows nonsense!"

The servant girls who were following nearby hurriedly surrounded the noble girl, and some of the strong ones even lifted their sleeves, angrily chasing and beating Yu Xian.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xian's cry would arouse the gossip souls of many people.

For a while, those people who were hiding from the rain came out to watch one after another, and many guys who were confused when they came out late began to look at the beautiful lady over there out of imagination and gossip.

Among the popular topics among the common people, no one mentioned Yu Xian's escape in public.

After the wretched old man chased here with the Zhijinwu Humu team, his ears were full of eclectic gossip, and there was no way to track down Yu Xian's affairs.

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