host country

0235 Desperate

Yu Xian faltered in a second.

How can this be played?

This demon way is in two dimensions with himself.

Yu Xian hurriedly asked Guan Hai, "Is there a way to rush out!"

Guan Hai gritted his teeth and said, "You can try it!"

After identifying the direction, Yu Xian breathed a sigh of relief, "Persist a little longer, we're almost there."

While talking, Yu Xian seized the time to repair the wound on Guan Hai's leg.

Whether he can escape smoothly depends on Guan Hai's speed.

In a hurry, Guan Hai spit out three volumes of heavenly scriptures to meet the enemy again.

Tang Zhou seemed to be a little apprehensive about the book that day, and he was still unwilling to confront each other head-on, but the streams of water rushed towards the two of them unceremoniously.

Yu Xian and Guan Hai were so swept up by the water that they could hardly stand on their feet, and their physical strength was also being consumed rapidly.

Guan Hai desperately drove the three volumes of heavenly books to parry, while running forward with all his strength.

A giant python showing Tang Zhou's head walked unhurriedly behind the two of them, and chanted in a long voice, "There is nothing in the world that is weaker than water, and nothing can win against the strong. The weak overcomes the strong, and the soft overcomes the strong. No one in the world knows it, and no one can do it. It is based on the sages who said, "If you accept the country's dirt, you are called the ruler of the country; if you accept the country's misfortune, you are the king of the world."

What Tang Zhou said is exactly the original words in Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching".

Faced with the stubborn resistance of the two, Tang Zhou not only did not panic in the slightest, but instead recited Taoism leisurely.

Guan Hai was furious and wanted to find Tang Zhou desperately.

But Yu Xian tried his best to stop him and said, "Brother Guan, don't be fooled, he just wants us to be impatient and show our flaws."

Hearing this, Tang Zhou laughed loudly and said, "Absurd. If you fight to the death like Guan Hai did, you still have a chance to escape. This delay is the way to seek death. Don't you know the truth that water drips through stone? "

As he said that, the giant water python that looked like Tang Zhou suddenly turned into water arrows and shot at Yu Xian indiscriminately.

Yu Xian propped up the shield of mental retardation again and resisted with all his strength.

Guan Hai, who reacted a beat slower, set off a gust of demonic wind with all his strength, blowing away the rain arrows.

However, a lot of water still gushed out from the four orifices, turning into water-like pythons with Tang Zhou's heads in them.

Those Tang and Zhou dynasties looked at Yu Xian with half smiles, which made Yu Xian terrified.

Yu Xian was so regretful right now that he almost cried bitterly.

Tang Zhou, who is proficient in the elemental force of the water attribute, is so powerful, and the mountain-moving Taoist who practiced the elemental force of the earth attribute can even open a smooth path in Chenggao's natural danger.

Yu Xian devoted himself to the pure wood attribute Taoism, but only realized its strength when danger was imminent.

If Yu Xian ignores those messy things and concentrates on cultivating the Tao, he may encounter the difficulties in front of him, and he still has the strength to fight.

Guan Hai tried his best to drum up the three volumes of heavenly scriptures, protecting the two of them going forward.

Tang Zhou walked behind unhurriedly, and the flood of water sometimes penetrated into the ground and sometimes gushed out from the ground.

There are many tombs and tomb passages in Mangshan Mountain. After a long time, many collapsed and collapsed.

The flood is seamless, drills through every hole, and travels underground like flying.

Even though Guan Hai took Yu Xian higher and higher, Tang Zhou could easily set off a current of water and cut off the way of the two of them.

Yu Xian's heart was pounding, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to that place, he couldn't help feeling nervous.


I hope Banlan didn't cheat herself!

Guan Hai was running, when suddenly there was a ravine in front of him.

Guan Hai turned his head and wanted to take a detour, but Yu Xian shouted, "Don't worry, rush over!"

Before Guan Hai, he was not sure about crossing this gully, and now he has slowed down, it is absolutely impossible.

But out of trust in Yu Xian, Guan Hai still jumped forward without hesitation.

The two jumped in the air, drew a short arc, and hit the opposite cliff.

Yu Xian shouted, "Break the front!"

Although Guan Hai didn't know what he was going to knock away, he just closed his eyes tightly and thrust his fangs forward after hearing what Yu Xian said.

With a loud bang, the two of them slammed into the opposite earthy cliff.

I don't know how many years the earth cliff has been weathered, it has been a little loose for a long time, and it was hit by these two people, and half of it collapsed.

Guan Hai's monster body is extremely powerful, but this hit also made him a little dazed.

Yu Xian felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, his head was buzzing and he was dizzy.

Fortunately, with the mental retardation shield as a resistance, he did not suffer any serious injuries.

Yu Xian looked at the small hole exposed on the earth cliff, and felt a chill in his heart.


He resolutely jumped off Guan Hai's back, drove "Power of One Mother" and "Man and Horse Like a Dragon", and climbed up the cliff.

Seeing this, Guan Hai came back to his senses, he turned into a human body without saying a word, and climbed up that earthy cliff naked.

At this time Tang Zhou had also arrived. Seeing the two of them in such a mess, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Interesting! The majestic Zhengyin vanguard officer is actually swaying around like a pig, making himself ashamed."

Guan Hai was about to get angry again.

But Yu Xian shouted loudly without looking back, "Go!"

Guan Hai's mind was not very bright, and he obeyed Yu Xian's instructions almost instinctively.

After Yu Xian activated the power of one mother, his muscles are full and his physical strength is endless.As a demon general, Guan Hai is also extremely tyrannical physically.

The two used their hands and feet together to climb separately.

When he reached the top of the slope, Yu Xian yelled again to make Guan Hai appear, got on the horse again, and fled away.

Tang Zhou laughed loudly, "Interesting."

Saying that, the body that flowed to the edge of the gully suddenly collapsed into a stream of water, and then happily flowed and infiltrated, chasing Yu Xian and Guan Hai from the ground.

Feeling Tang Zhou's whereabouts, many streams of water also converged and turned into torrents to follow.

One of the water streams almost instinctively drilled into a hole exposed on the ground.

Afterwards, the stream of water moved rapidly through the tomb passage in the ravine below.

More incarnations of Tang Zhou had already rushed through the ravine, reunited into a big river, and poured down the mountain with difficulty.

Tang Zhou frowned slightly.

The nature of water is to flow downwards. Although I can carry this great river up the river, it will inevitably consume my mana rapidly.

Now it seems that it is better to let the water flow from the ground.

Tang Zhou was pondering, when suddenly he felt a pain in his heart, and then spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".


He suddenly turned around and looked at the mound he had just passed by.

Just now, one of his water bodies was beheaded without a sound.

Tang Zhou yelled sharply, "Who is it? Get out!"

Seeing that no one responded, Tang Zhou became more and more angry, and rushed over to find the person who had murdered him.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the wilderness, where no one responded, suddenly let out a heavy and sad cry.

- "Moo!"

The sound shook the entire mound, as if it came from hell.

Tang Zhou looked at the ground under his feet in disbelief.

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