host country

0222 Break the truth

Yu Xian communicated with the wretched old man for a while before he could go out.

As soon as he went out, a severe colic came from his heart.

Yu Xian took out wax pills from his sleeve and ate a few, but it didn't work.

Yu Xian felt a chill in his heart, this matter must be resolved, otherwise, if this happened once in a fight between himself and others, it would be fatal.

Yu Xian hurried back to Xiangfu without stopping.

Then he found an empty room, took out the silver gourd, and activated the formula.

With the flashes of light, Yu Xian kept disappearing and reappearing at the same place.

With the imminent danger, Yu Xian couldn't care less about self-willedness.

When it's time to confess, you still have to admit it.

He kept urging the formula to enter the gourd.

Finally, after Yu Xian tried repeatedly for a day, Yu Xian finally got his wish and disappeared in the local area.

As soon as the person landed, Yu Xian heard Ban Lan ask indifferently, "What are you doing here again?"

This time, Yu Xian didn't have the slightest intention of coming to Xingshi to inquire about the crime. Now that people have to bow their heads under the eaves, Yu Xian quickly put on a smiling face to accompany him.

"I still have something to ask for this time."

"Oh?" Ban Lan asked lazily, "Could it be to help you modify the memory of some girl again?"

Yu Xian knew that Banlan was deliberately provocative, but he could only endure it now.

Yu Xian pretended not to understand, and said, "It's like this, I seem to have been cursed by others, these days I've always been flustered and short of breath, and I'm losing both energy and blood. Please, Lord Banlan, help me find out what it is what reason."

"Huh?" After hearing this, Ban Lan looked at Yu Xian with great interest.

After a while, she showed a slight look of surprise.

Yu Xian felt apprehensive, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Ban Lan looked at Yu Xian with a half-smile, "I said, have you offended some beautiful woman recently?"

Yu Xian's heart moved, and he asked, "Why did Master Ban Lan say that?"

Meili withdrew her gaze somewhat dispirited. "A beauty is a disaster, and the country and the city are ruined. Now your country has collapsed and the city has collapsed, and your fate is about to be wiped out."

Yu Xian was taken aback when he heard that, "How could this be?"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Ban Lan's mouth.

"It's an interesting method. If you have a chance, let me meet her."

After finishing speaking, Ban Lan didn't leave anyone behind, and with a wave of her sleeve, she directly sent Yu Xian out of the gourd.

After Yu gave the gourd, he wanted to copy the guy to find Diao Chan desperately.

After being awakened by Meili, how could he not understand who plotted against him?

Fortunately, he ran to find the witch for help.

But Yu Xian didn't dare to be reckless now.

There is not much advantage to deal with Diao Chan with his strength. Now that his killing power has been exhausted, Yu Xian's strength has been greatly reduced, and naturally he is not Diao Chan's opponent.

Coupled with the fact that Diao Chan didn't know what methods he had used on Yu Xian, Yu Xian was afraid, and even more afraid to tear himself apart with Diao Chan now.

"We have to think of a way to make Diao Chan a fool, otherwise, we won't be able to win at all."

Thinking about it, Yu Xian couldn't help frowning.

Now without the help of the art of war, the strength is greatly reduced, which is not a good thing.

Now he urgently needs to deal with Diao Chan, and also needs to get a lot of money.

Dealing with Diao Chan requires the support of force.

If you want to get a lot of money in a short time without being noticed, the best way is to go to Jiming Hall and take out the gold hidden by Emperor Han Ling. This also requires the support of force.

Yu Xian can count on now, besides Guan Hai, who ran off to nowhere, and Xu Huang and others who were hidden by Li Su.

Yu Xian hadn't made the slightest progress in killing power in the past two days, presumably Xu Huang's situation was not too optimistic.

Otherwise, even if Xu Huang flees everywhere with his people, he can gain some points by marching.

Yu Xian simply went directly to Li Su again.

Arriving near Li Su's house, Yu Xian quietly released his breath.

After a while, Li Su appeared in front of Yu Xian with a dark face.

Yu Xian flattered him a little, "General Li's ability to listen to others is becoming more and more outstanding."

Li Su said with a dark face, "Come on! I smell your breath now, and my brain hurts. Why are you looking for me again?"

Without going around in circles, Yu Xian asked directly, "Where did my subordinate Xu Huang and his two battalions go?"

Li Su replied bluntly, "Luoyang has already been arranged. Now it's probably in a town outside the city to avoid the rumors."

Yu Xian frowned upon hearing this, "Do you have a way to contact them?"

Li Su laughed and said, "You are really strange. You still have to ask me how to contact him with the soldier amulet in your hand?"

Yu Xian was stunned when he heard this, he took out the tiger amulet and put it in his palm to look at it in surprise, then looked at Li Su asking for advice, "Isn't this thing able to issue commands only within a short distance? Shake the order."

Li Su snorted softly, "You're thinking beautifully. It's not easy to communicate with the generals in a short distance. How much power do you expect? I mean, you will soon Sacrifice the soldier talisman and see which direction it flies in, and you should be able to find it if you find it."

Yu Xian was overjoyed, "It's okay."

As he spoke, Yu Xian directly sacrificed the tiger talisman in the air.

The tiger's head turned slightly and pointed in one direction.

"Huh? This is in the west direction of the city."

Li Su said impatiently, "Are you all right? If it's all right, I'll go back."

Yu Xian waved his hands enthusiastically, "Go, I'll come back to you later."

Li Su secretly called it unlucky, but he could only leave resentfully.

Taking advantage of the dark sky, Yu Xian sneaked out of the city smoothly.

Then he quickly headed towards the west of the city.

After walking for a while, Yu Xian put the tiger talisman in the air to identify the direction.

Yu Xian deliberately tried to test how strong his body was after Diao Chan plotted against him.Immediately without hesitation, he directly started "the power of one mother."

Yu Xian activated the power of a mother, his muscles began to increase dramatically, and his height also increased by one foot.

Yu Xian imagined the scene when he tried his best to avoid Zhang Liao in Beiman Mountain, his limbs gradually coordinated, and he felt more and more hearty when running.

After only running for three or four miles, Yu Xian felt that the strength in his body began to slowly fade away.

Yu Xian felt a chill in his heart.

What Meili said was right, she was plotted by Diao Chan as expected.

Yu Xian thought for a while, and opened his mouth to spit out the mysterious wooden box.

Then he pinched the formula and slowly extracted the power of wood attribute from the mysterious wooden box.

After Yu Xian completely digested this vigorous wood-attribute power, Yu Xian suddenly noticed that with the recovery of his own strength, it seemed that even the upper limit of his strength had increased a little.

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