host country

0214 Wang Qi

Jia Xu cupped her hands silently when she heard the words, and returned to the carriage by herself.

Wang Fang was angry.

But he also knew that the smelly and tough old man in front of him was a person that even Dong Zhuo found troublesome.

Seeing Jia Xu getting back into the carriage, he said resentfully, "Just ignore him. This old guy, I will deal with him sooner or later."

Jia Xu lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly spoke again.

"By the way, I heard you say that the Taoist of Heming Palace seems to have accepted Situ Wangyun as his disciple?"

After hearing this, Wang Fang said, "That's right. Situ Wang Yun originally thought he was flattering Xiangguo, but he didn't expect that this time he flattered the horse's leg. I heard yesterday that he knelt down in front of Xiangguo crying and confessed his mistake. He said he shouldn't." Mistrust the villain."

Jia Xu was a little surprised.

"Unexpectedly, this old man is decisive, so what does Xiangguo say?"

Wang Fang laughed.

"Naturally, Xiangguo felt angry and funny, but he seemed to trust Wang Yun a bit more. According to Xiangguo, this old man is stupid and courageous, but he is quite a reusable character..."

Jia Xu didn't say much after hearing this, and turned to the boy.

"Have you seen if Wang Situ is here? Just say I'll invite him to the car."

The little boy went away in response.

Wang Yun is a dignified Situ, and Jia Xu is just a small captain of Pingjin, so this behavior is a bit rude.

But Jia Xu is from Dong Zhuo, and Wang Yun has different relatives, so naturally he dare not put on airs in front of Jia Xu. .

After a while, Wang Yun got into Jia Xu's carriage.

Jia Xu quickly pleaded guilty.

"The lower officials have unavoidable difficulties, so they can only come here with labor."

Wang Yun is restless at the moment.

Reluctantly said, "It's okay."

Jia Xu looked at Wang Yun and said in a low voice, "Xiangguo recruited me back to Beijing this time. I think Situ should know why Xiangguo recruited me back to Beijing this time."

Wang Yun's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he said calmly, "It seems to be about the matter of Wang Qi in the Prime Minister's Mansion. This matter has already spread in the court."

Jia Xu didn't hide anything, nodded and said, "That's right. Besides, it's also to track down the whereabouts of that demon Dao Yuxian."

Hearing Yu Xian's name, Wang Yun couldn't help looking at Jia Xu in panic. .

He hastily explained, "I don't have any deep relationship with that monster. The reason why I worship him as my teacher is because I saw that Xiangguo valued him and wanted to do what Xiangguo likes. In addition, the little old man is already old. , and also wanted to learn some ways to keep in good health, which gave the demon way an opportunity to take advantage of."

Jia Xu sized Wang Yun up a few times.

Seeing his complexion, it was indeed much better than when he left Beijing last time.

There are also some signs of blackening of the white hair on the head.

Jia Xu gave him a reassurance first, "It's okay. You should also know that although I was born as a Confucian scholar, I had some adventures when I was young, and I once worshiped a monk as a teacher. Mainly I want to know, how much do you know about that Taoist from Heming Palace?"

Hearing what Jia Xu said, Wang Yun's beating heart finally settled down.

What happened between him and Yu Xian?

There are quite a few things, but it's a pity that Wang Yun can't say it.

In addition, before this incident, Yu Xian once showed him a clothes and belt edict.

This made it impossible for Wang Yun to judge Yu Xian's position.

Being able to get the emperor's clothes and belt edict shows that this person is deeply trusted by the emperor.

Otherwise, as long as this thing is spread, I am afraid that even the present day will be in danger. .

But if this is the case, why does the Taoist want to destroy the great man's Guozuo?

At this moment, Wang Yun can't see through his cheap master at all.

Originally, he was complacent about including Heming Taoist Palace, but now his heart is full of bitterness.

But at this moment, the relationship with Yu Xian cannot be admitted no matter what.

He said helplessly to Jia Xu.

"I really can't help you with this matter. That Yaodao and I are just teachers and apprentices with false names, and we don't know each other well at all."

Just as Jia Xu was about to continue questioning, he heard Wang Fang, who was guarding outside, yell, "Sir, the gate of the imperial city is open, let's go into the city now. Don't keep Dong Xiangguo waiting."

Wang Yun said with interest, "The old man will go back to his own side."

Wang Yun got off the carriage.

Jia Xu naturally did not dare to stay on it.

He didn't get the treatment of entering the imperial city in a carriage.

With the palace door opened.

Escorted by Fan Chou and Wang Fang, Jia Xu went straight to the Quefei Hall where the ceremony was held.

The ministers all looked at each other and followed closely.

When I arrived, I was not in front of the palace.

Many courtiers went to the palace in the order they went to court.

As a foreign official, Jia Xu is naturally not so convenient.

Fortunately, the most important thing for Dong Zhuo today is to count his own fate, to see if he has the chance to be lonely.

When the courtiers were seated, Dong Zhuo couldn't wait to have Jia Xu summoned.

Jia Xu went to the Quefei Hall and bowed to Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo said impatiently.

"Mr. Wenhe, you must have heard about what happened in court yesterday. What do you think?"

When everyone heard Dong Zhuo's question, they all focused on Jia Xu.

Those who support Dong Zhuo naturally hope to hear a reliable answer from Jia Xu.

The gang who pinned their hopes on revitalizing the Liu family all looked heavy.

Jia Xu heard Dong Zhuo's words, and said neither humble nor overbearing, "I want to see how the spirit of Luoyang City is."

Dong Zhuo nodded after hearing this, "That's right, I'm going to take you to see it."

Dong Zhuo immediately brought Jia Xu outside the hall.

Seeing that Jia Xu was a scribe, he didn't bother him, so he grabbed Jia Xu's arm and led him up to the top of the Quefei Hall.

When Jia Xu arrived, he was not at the top of the palace, his eyes swept across the city of Luoyang.

Dong Zhuo pointed at the place where he lived, "Over there is my Xiangguo Mansion, what do you think?"

Jia Xu looked carefully for a while, but the expression on his face became intriguing.

Dong Zhuo frowned slightly, and then urged Jia Xu, "Mr. Wen He, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Jia Xu bowed his hands to Dong Zhuo and said calmly, "From the point of view of the following officials, there is indeed a royal air in the Prime Minister's Palace."

Dong Zhuo was overjoyed when he heard this, and laughed wildly, "Mr. Wenhe, you really have a way. Come here, quickly bring the reward I prepared."

But Jia Xu bowed his hands to Dong Zhuo and said, "I dare not accept Xiangguo's reward. I have one more thing to say, I just hope Xiangguo will not get angry."

Dong Zhuo frowned after hearing this.

"What else do you say?"

Jia Xu paused for a moment, and asked Dong Zhuo bravely.

"I don't understand something. I heard that Xiangguo has been living in this palace recently, so I dare to ask, why does this royal air appear in the Xiangfu?"


Dong Zhuo's expression changed drastically.

Then, a pair of sharp eyes looked at his Xiangfu.

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