host country

0206 Guozuo replacement

Yu Xian had the courage to fight this one, because the luck of the dynasty is really a thing that is so strong that it defies the sky.

The fatuous and immoral King Zhou once mentioned a lewd poem in front of Nuwa Empress's temple.

Empress Nuwa was furious when she saw this, and immediately drove Qingluan to Chaoge to take revenge.

Unexpectedly, even such a furious Nuwa was blocked by the luck of the Yin and Shang dynasties.

——"When the empress was walking, she was blocked by this qi, and because she looked down, she knew that King Zhou still had 28 years of luck, and she couldn't make any mistakes. She returned to the palace temporarily, and felt unhappy."

The luck of this dynasty is a symbol of the prosperity of humanity, and even a great god like Nu Wa is helpless if he is played a hooligan by others.

Now that a great opportunity is ahead, how could Yu Xian not fight for it.


The red clouds all over the sky are venting faster and faster, and the venting is faster and faster.

Just when Yu Xian was frightened, all of them suddenly fell into the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

Time seemed to stand still suddenly, making Yu Xian's heart feel empty and uncomfortable.

Just when Yu Xian was at a loss, suddenly a powerful and vast power was transmitted from the Chuanguo Yuxi.

Then a yellow breath shot up from the jade seal of the autobiographical country.

The aura was thick and pure, and just a thin strand gave birth to golden clouds all over the sky.

Then the clouds scattered away with a bang, turning into countless tiny rays of light and flying everywhere.

Yu Xian watched helplessly as one of the golden lights came towards him.

Before he could figure out how to deal with it, the golden light disappeared between his brows.

At the same time, countless people who were desperately rushing towards the palace were also stunned by the vision in the sky.

Confucianist Lu Zhi was the first to realize what was going on.

He knelt down on the ground in tears, and shouted sadly, "Han Zuo, dead!"

Lu Zhi's words caused a burst of panic around him.

Many people also shouted in panic, "Han Zuo is dead! Han Zuo is dead!"

Huo De's luck dissipated, but Tu De's aura shot up from the embers of the flame.

This clearly indicates the operation of the five virtues and the change of God's will.


Zhang Wen, who was on duty in Nangong, watched the changes in the sky in a daze, and the iron mace in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

He was the only one who, in an instant, wanted to understand what had happened.

"It's the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom!"

Zhang Wen murmured in a daze.

Chuan Guo Yuxi, in addition to the above-mentioned "ordered by heaven", the most terrible thing is the word Chuan Guo.

This represents the replacement of Guozuo!

If it is not the descendants of Liu's family who worship the sky in this way, it will mean the end of the Han Dynasty Guozuo.

The new dynasty started its mission with difficulty.


Guan Hai, who was chasing and killing his enemies outside Luoyang City, crawled out of his hiding place with injuries all over his body.

Looking at the vision in the sky, he cried and laughed happily.

"Huang Tian should stand! Huang Tian should stand! Great virtuous and good teacher, Tude luck has finally arrived!"


Just when everyone was panicked by these visions, the golden clouds scattered and flew away.

Many people watched the golden light fall into the eyebrows of some people helplessly.

Lu Zhi's eyebrows also fell into a little golden light.

However, his heart was as if withered, and he didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

Looking at the golden light flying over, Zhang Wen suddenly showed joy on his face.

The previous sluggishness was gone.

Both Dong Zhuo and Li Ru were a little surprised, and they glanced at each other.

They all looked at each other's eyebrows.

Li Ru is also a Confucian scholar who has read a lot of poetry and books. He hadn't figured out what happened before, but the arrival of this golden light made him realize what was going on.

He thought quickly in his mind, and then bowed and knelt down to Dong Zhuo, "Master Grace! The Han family is no longer favored by the heavens! Han Zuo is dead, this is our god-sent opportunity!"


Yu Xian was completely dumbfounded right now.

He just wanted to steal some fire luck.

At most, it is greedy and wants to steal more.

Who would have thought that his sacrifice to heaven would lead to the replacement of Guozuo.

Even if he couldn't figure it out, the fact that the fire-virtuous luck all over the sky had turned into earth-virtuous luck could still make him realize the result!

Yu Xian knew it was a big deal right away!

The reincarnation of heaven, the replacement of kingdoms!

What a terrible thing this is, and what a disgrace to the world.

As long as Yu Xian doesn't want to die, the only thing he has to do now is to run away!

Yu Xian came back to his senses, he grabbed the Jade Seal of Chuanguo on the ground and swallowed it into his mouth, then while Tai Shiling was still in a daze, he directly filled him with a gourd.

Then, without hesitation, he ran away.

Lang Jiang, who was guarding beside him, looked stunned, he didn't know why the national teacher suddenly turned his face and attacked Tai Shiling.

But how could he not see something strange about such an abnormal thing.

He hurriedly shouted, "Master? Why is this so? Let Tai Shiling out soon!"

Yu Xianli ignored him and fled to the north.

Seeing that Yu Xian didn't reply, Na Lang suddenly panicked.

The scene just now was so big, if there is any problem...

Lang Jiang shuddered when he thought about it.

He hastily pulled out his saber and shouted sharply, "Come here! Come with me to capture that monster back and hand it over to Xiangguo!"

Hearing this, Yu Xian turned around without hesitation and let out a gust of wind.

The strong wind blew and swayed, making the entire Zhuolong Garden dim and gloomy.

General Na Lang finally confirmed that Yu Xian was really not a good guy.

He yelled, and a demon soul jumped out of the saber, protecting his whole body, and then chased after Yu Xian with all his strength.

Yu Xian didn't dare to love to fight, so he blocked it a little, and fled directly to the Zhuolong pool.

Arriving at the side of Zhuolongchi, Yu Xian unhesitatingly launched the "man and horse like a dragon" art of war!

Following a flash of golden light, Yu Xian jumped into the Zhuolong Pool!


A washing place for dragons!

Yu Xian turned on the man and horse like a dragon, swimming like a real dragon in it!

The killing power in Yu Xian's Bing Talisman was rapidly consumed.

However, even in such a panicked situation, Yu Xian still had the last trace of clarity in his heart.

Even if you run out of killing power, even if you encounter a dangerous situation!

I can't activate the power of a mother myself!

Even if he can possess endless power, even if he can escape from this imperial city immediately!Can't use it either!

——Because Yu Xian's status as a national teacher must not be used anymore.

Once someone discovers what Yu Xian looks like after he activates the power of one mother, then Yu Xian will lose a natural cover!

Now Yu Xian can sneak out of the imperial city while others are not prepared, but then?

Now there are countless strong men in Luoyang City, how can he escape from the sky when so many heroes are gathering in the imperial city?

Yu Xian's only vitality lies in the changes in his appearance and body after he activates the power of a mother.

If he can use this opportunity skillfully, Yu Xian may not have a chance of surviving!

Yu Xian swam quickly, jumped up from the Zhuolong pool, and jumped onto the shore of the lake.

Washed away from the mortal world, Yu Xian's eyes are full of fighting spirit!

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