host country

0204 rainy

Yu Xian slowly came to the door of Wang Li's room, and gently pushed the door open.

Wang Li had been busy for the past two days, and was falling asleep from exhaustion.

Yu Xian aimed the silver gourd in his hand at Wang Li, and silently recited the formula in his heart.

A ray of light flashed by, and Wang Li, who was sleeping soundly without any warning, was put into the silver gourd.


Wang Li was sleeping, and suddenly felt palpitations, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he was still in his clean room.

Wang Li wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Can't help secretly resenting, old thief Dong is used to making trouble out of nothing, so why did he choose to sacrifice to the heavens in Zhuolong Garden, and now he has suffered an innocent disaster.

When he woke up, the drowsiness on his body slowly dissipated.

Looking out through the crack of the window, I was drowsy, and I couldn't tell what time it was.

Wang Li simply got up and walked out of the room slowly.

He stood on the steps and looked up, but he couldn't tell whether the sky was still dark or there were overcast clouds.

Just as he was frowning and thinking, suddenly a gust of wind blew up, bringing Wang Li a chill.

Wang Li shivered, and went back to his room to add some clothes.

After walking two steps, Wang Li's heart sank. It must be raining.

If it rains at this time, there is absolutely no chance to clean up the altar.

And once the cloudy and rainy weather continues until tomorrow when the heaven is worshipped, the auspicious day that I chose will become a joke.

Wang Li didn't bother to go back and change his clothes, so he just stood in front of the steps, thinking wildly while observing the sky.

Not long after, the rain began to patter in the sky.

Wang Li's heart also seemed to be covered with a thick cloud.

Just as he was at a loss, he heard the door next to him slam, and Yu Xian came out slowly.

Wang Li quickly saluted, "The national teacher got up early."

"En." Yu Xian replied, and said, "It's not too early, it's almost time."

It turned out that it was almost time.

Wang Li had a sad look on his face, "National Teacher, after this rain, I'm afraid the altar will not be able to keep up with the progress. What can I do?"

After hearing this, Yu Xian said, "Forget it, I don't care too much now, let me go and have a look with you."

"This..." Wang Li hesitated when he heard the words, "Tomorrow's sacrifice to heaven will mainly depend on the national teacher. The three-day fast is already considered simple. If you still go out for a walk, I'm afraid you won't be able to let God feel the sincerity of the national teacher. If you sacrifice After a few days, the national teacher will not gain much, so what should I do."

Wang Li's words were euphemistic, but the meaning was basically expressed.

Yu Xian said with a smile, "It's okay. If you make a mess tomorrow, it will be disrespectful to God. I'd better accompany you to see it."

Wang Li breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, "Okay! This official is in a state of confusion right now, and it's a good thing to have the help of a national teacher to make detailed inquiries."

The two were talking, and Shen Yue rushed over in a hurry.

He looked at Wang Li and said anxiously, "Tai Shiling, the rain will probably drag the repairing of the altar a lot. The altar was repaired with new mud before, and it will be damaged after it rains."

Wang Liqiang pretended to be calm, "It's okay, I will go there with the national teacher to have a look later."

Yu Xian added on the side, "If it really doesn't work, you have to report back to Xiangguo as soon as possible. In case the matter is imminent, Xiangguo will trouble you again."

Wang Li hurriedly said, "It's the extreme, it's the extreme."

The three of them didn't bother to eat breakfast, and rushed straight to the Zhuolong Garden in the rain.

On the way, a small official under the Zhuolong Supervisor came with some coir raincoats and put them on for everyone.

Wang Li rushed to the altar in a hurry, and saw that the place filled with new mud yesterday, washed by the rain, began to flow out of mud.

Wang Li's forehead was covered with sweat, and he kept mumbling, "What should I do, what should I do?"

Yu Xian helped out with an idea, "Taishi Ling, don't be in a hurry. You usually observe astrology and don't know much about common affairs. You see, we won't be afraid of rain when we wear coir raincoats. If you want to come to the mud platform It's the same. You can ask people to find more grass mats to spread on the altar, so that no matter how heavy the rain is, it won't have any impact."

Wang Li was startled when he heard this, and then overjoyed, "Why didn't I think of that!"

Wang Li hurriedly urged Shen Yue, "Hurry up, go get someone to find some straw mats to cover this altar. If there is anything wrong, you can talk to Lang Zhongling yourself!"

Shen Yue listened to Wang Li's words seriously, so he had to send people to search for straw mats.

This thing is rarely used in the palace on weekdays, and in the end Shen Yue asked Habayashi Wei to find some hay from the fodder they fed the horses.

After Shen Yue was busy laying hay on the whole altar, Wang Li breathed a sigh of relief, "I hope the master's method will work, so that we don't have to worry about the altar being destroyed."

Yu Xian reminded in a low voice, "Although this is the case, I am afraid that there is no time to organize it. If Ming Xiangguo and Lang Zhongling ask, how should you explain it?"

"This..." Wang Li's heart sank suddenly.

He looked at Yu Xian as if asking for help, "National teacher, I have been working hard to prepare the ceremony for you, you have to find a way to save me!"

An evil smile flashed on the corner of Yu Xian's mouth when he heard this.

Then it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"You'd better tell Xiangguo in advance. This is a natural disaster, and I can't blame you."

After hearing this, Wang Li said nervously, "It rained during the heaven sacrifice. That's why I chose a wrong day. How can you blame me?"

Yu Xian laughed.

"You are Tai Shiling yourself. How should you explain this matter? Don't you just look at your mouth? For the rain, it may be a problem on a good day, or it may be that there are people in the court who are not worthy, and God does not want to enjoy it." The sacrifice I'm waiting for."

When Wang Li heard this, his eyes almost popped out.

It's hard to know how many ministers and ministers will be affected by Yu Xian's light words.

But at this moment Wang Li had no other ideas, he could only let Yu Xian point out and send someone to report back to Dong Zhuo.

When Dong Zhuo heard about Taishi Ling's reward, he was really furious.

He immediately asked people to take down all three men in the court.

For a while, there were many discussions between the government and the opposition, and the situation suddenly became tense.

Under Wang Li's apprehension, he finally waited for news from the court.

Dong Zhuo is obviously quite taboo about offering sacrifices to the heavens. It is said that he seems a little worried that the uncoordinated virtue will happen to him, so he no longer cares about these things.

Hearing the news, Wang Li was both disappointed and relieved, "That is to say, Xiangguo may not come tomorrow?"

"Probably so." Yu Xian said perfunctorily, "Other civil and military officials probably won't come either. Who would be willing to take the initiative to join in such an unlucky event? What if the heavens are angered?"

Wang Li looked at Yu Xian with some shame, "It's all my fault that I'm not good at learning, and I miscalculated the day, which made the national teacher unable to sacrifice to heaven in a glorious manner."

Hearing this, Yu Xian laughed and said, "What's the matter? Even if no one comes, we don't have to pay attention to other people's comments tomorrow, you accompany me, let's go to worship heaven! You should go back to sleep early, I will call tomorrow morning Yours. When the time comes, I will have to rely on you, Taishi Ling, to read the sacrificial oration for me."

Wang Li was grateful and blamed himself and went back to his room to rest.


Yu Xian stood in Wang Li's room for a while, and saw a light flash from the mouth of the gourd, and Wang Li appeared on the couch again.

He was in a trance for a while, and opened it hazily.

Yu Xian greeted him with a smile, "Tai Shiling, it's time for us to sacrifice to heaven."

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