host country

0149 King Ba Zhizuo

Early the next morning, Yu Xian woke up early.

He was thinking about how to fool Li Su and help him find the fox bone, when he was summoned by someone outside the posthouse.

Yu Xian came out to take a look, and the person who came first bowed his hands politely, and then said loudly, "The Prime Minister has ordered that today the court ceremony will be held to discuss the matter of moving the capital. Daoist Yu, please go together."

If Yu Xian had ignored it before, but now Yu Xian is still waiting for the position of the national teacher, so he can only say, "Since it is summoned by the Prime Minister, I naturally have no reason to shirk."

After finishing speaking, Yu Xian looked at the man and asked, "May I ask what your name is?"

The man was quite talkative. At this time, the official business was over, and he said with a smile, "I am the master of the Xiangfu, Tian Jing. I heard people talking about the power of the Taoist priest yesterday. Tian thought that since the Taoist priest can Blocking Lang Zhongling's five-color divine light, he must have practiced for many years, and his age is already high. When I saw him today, I realized that the Taoist priest is so young."

In the practice world, youth is not a very good label.

Yu Xian immediately let out a long sigh, pretending to be vicissitudes in his tone, "The old Taoist cultivator is always angry, and it's just a common thing to not look old. The landlord made a mistake."

Tian Jing was a little surprised when he heard that, "How old is that Taoist?"

Yu Xian didn't dare to tell Gao Li, "I'm over 100 years old."

Tian Jing was in awe of Yu Xian now.

With these hundred years of cultivation alone, it's no wonder that Li Ru's five-color divine light can't be shaken at all!

Yu Xian said to Tian Jing, "Let me give my followers some instructions."

Tian Jing said quickly, "It should."

Dong Zhuo is moody. Although he said something good yesterday, there is no guarantee that something will go wrong today.

Yu Xiande ordered Guan Hai to take care of him in advance.

Yu Xian found Guan Hai who was eating happily, and said to him, "Brother Guan, I have something to go out for."

After hearing this, Guan Hai raised his head vigilantly.

"Why are you going?"

Yu Xian explained, "I found a way to go to the palace, maybe I can find something."

Guan Hai asked suspiciously, "The palace is heavily guarded, what can we find?"

Then he said, "Besides, you are about to run away, who I count on will inherit the will of the great virtuous teacher!"

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Don't run, don't run. After a while, you will quietly follow me, and when I enter the palace, you will guard the door. Once something happens to me inside, you will come to meet me !"

Guan Hai listened with displeasure on his face, and finally said reluctantly, "Okay, I'll follow you for a while."

With Guan Hai as his backup, Yu Xian finally felt a little more at ease.

He went out, joined Tian Jing, and walked towards the imperial city together.

Along the way, Yu Xian pretended to inadvertently inquire about Dong Zhuo's affairs, but Tian Jing's tone was tight and he didn't disclose anything useful.

Yu Xian originally planned to use this as an excuse to ask about Dong Bai's affairs, but now he can only give up.

Outside the palace gate, Tian Jing went out to show his face, and the carriage continued on its way.

It was not until the main hall was approaching that Tian Jing brought Yu Xian out slowly.

Many officials who came and went were full of resentment, but unfortunately, when they saw the Dong family's banner on the carriage, they didn't dare to say anything more.

Tian Jing explained to Yu Xian in a low voice, "The matter discussed by the court this time is very important. Even many old guys who said they were sick at home have come. They are all at odds with the Prime Minister. Be aware of it."


Yu Xian responded, and then asked, "So the news of moving the capital has already spread?"

Tian Jingting nodded, with a disdainful smile on his face, "Yeah, don't look at the righteous words of these guys, in fact, more than half of their family property has already been sent to the west. Now everyone is impassioned, why not do it?" Nice guy."

"I see." Yu Xian nodded.

Tian Jing apologized, "The Taoist priest is waiting here now, I'll go in and see what's going on. If the prime minister has something to do, the Taoist priest must not back down in front of those court officials."

Yu Xian smiled and said, "Don't worry. After so many years of cultivating Qi in the poor way, is he still afraid of a group of people who run around like dogs?"

Yu Xian closed his eyes and waited outside the hall, his heart beating a little.

At this moment, people came to wait outside the hall one after another to be summoned.

Yu Xian looked up and saw that they all looked like civil servants.

Yu Xian didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but unexpectedly, a civil official in his thirties who looked gentle and refined saw Yu Xian waiting here in a Taoist robe, and took the initiative to ask, "Could it be that Your Excellency is Yu Xian, Taoist Priest Yu who blocked the five-colored light yesterday."

Yu Xian was not surprised either, it would be strange if any secret could be kept in Luoyang Palace.

Yu Xian cupped his hands and said, "Exactly, I don't know which one is your Excellency?"

The civil servant smiled gently, "I'm not talented Xun You, but I'm Gongda. Now I'm temporarily serving as the servant of Huangmen in the court."

Yu Xian let out an "oh", and didn't pay attention to it at first, but when he figured out the identity of the person in front of him, he was startled, "Are you Xun You?"

Xun You is Cao Cao's mastermind, the real king's assistant!

Did not expect to meet here.

Xun You didn't expect Yu Xian's reaction to be so strong, he frowned, "What? The Taoist priest has heard my name?"

Yu Xian fell silent.

Although people are silent, they are fighting fiercely in their minds!

The guy in front of him is definitely a first-class talent in this era, wouldn't it be a pity if he missed it?

But a person like Xun You is not easy to fool.

Seeing that Yu Xian had stopped talking, Xun You took the initiative to chat, "This time the Taoist priest came here, it must be for the purpose of moving the capital. I heard that the Taoist priest persuaded Xiangguo to go west yesterday because of some specious things. I Seeing the extraordinary demeanor of the Taoist priest, I think the wisdom of the Taoist priest should not be so shallow."

At this time, Yu Xian also remembered some things about Xun You.

This guy Xun You is a faction loyal to the Han family. He usually doesn't show off his mountains and leak water, but this guy has a very righteous idea.

After Yuan Shao raised his troops, the gentry children in Luoyang City applauded and geared up.

Xun You said to Wu Fu, the captain of the Yueqi school, "Although Dong Zhuo has countless strong soldiers, he can't take all the soldiers and horses with him. After all, as long as the opportunity is right, Dong Zhuo with many soldiers and generals is just a man. .When the time comes to deal with him, all you need is a bs. Yuan Shao's mobilizing the crowd like this, I'm afraid the plan is not small."

Wu Fu had always trusted Xun You, and his clan brother Wu Qiong was Dong Zhuo's confidant, so under Xun You's instigation, he secretly decided to assassinate Dong Zhuo.

As a result, the assassination failed, Wu Fu died, and Xun You was also arrested in prison.

Now that you know that Xun You is a diehard loyalist of the Han Dynasty, this first impression is easy to win.

All right, I'll continue fooling around.

Yu Xian looked deeply at Xun You, and said earnestly, "No, I'm afraid the allied forces outside the pass will be scattered like birds and beasts. It's not difficult for you to understand the truth."

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