host country

0121 Killing power

Thinking of this, Yu Xian felt a little bit pained.

Even if it is a troubled time right now, how comfortable is he to come and go as a cultivator?But most of his skills are learned from Momen's Art of War.

Yu Xian originally thought that the consumption of this military technique was mana, but he did not expect that it was actually the power of killing.

Wu Qi is a soldier saint, so naturally there is no lack of such things in his illusion.

In the illusion of the girl with the soul, the killing power is seriously insufficient, no wonder all kinds of military techniques cannot be used.

If Yu Xian wants to maintain his strongest strength, he needs to raise an army.But in this way, how can you be free?

It is bound to still be involved in the massacre at the end of the Han Dynasty.

At least before Yu Xian's Taoism mastery, these military skills are still the foundation of Yu Xian's life.

Yu Xian said firmly, "Nonsense, of course I understand these reasons. It's just... just now, I felt that going on like this is not a long-term solution. I'm afraid that before I have any achievements in the art of war, we will be dragged down by these steps. We It's better to disband the part first and take it easy."

When Gong Yejing heard Yu Xian's words, her beautiful big eyes immediately filled with tears.

She looked at Yu Xian with a face of condemnation.

"Senior brother, I thought you were possessed by a demon before, but I didn't expect that you didn't want to make progress and had other ideas!"

Yu Xian was dumbfounded upon hearing this.

I'm obviously a wretched development, how can I say I don't want to make progress.

I heard Gong Yejing continue, "Brother, your ancestor Li Gong was plotted by the great wizard of the Xiongnu and lost his way. That's why he missed the opportunity to attack the Xiongnu with General Wei. In the end, he failed and committed suicide to apologize."

"Before Li Gong died, he was very annoyed and ashamed. He felt that it was because of him that the court's many years of hard work had been ruined. Therefore, it is strictly ordered that future generations must seek out famous teachers and seek the famous art of war. If this art of war If you don’t succeed in your studies, you absolutely cannot learn other art of war, nor can you fight on the battlefield.”

After hearing this, Yu Xian understood a little bit.

Why is Li Su's martial arts so outstanding, but his military art is a bit weak.

It turned out that the will of the parachutist Li Guang was pressed here.

Li Guang missed the great opportunity to defeat Shan Yu because he lost his way back then, so it's hard to understand why he has such a will.

It's a pity that Li Su's talent is mediocre, and all his potential will be exhausted after he finishes learning "Smell the wind and wait for the wind".

As a result, Li Sukong has martial arts skills, but he has a nondescript scout skill, which makes his position a bit awkward.

Thinking of this, Yu Xian couldn't help feeling a little complacent.

He studied under Gao He, as a second-generation disciple of the Mo Sect, and the several military techniques he learned, whether it is "calling the wind and calling the rain", "swallowing smoke and fog" or "spreading beans into a soldier", are extremely powerful.

It is uncertain whether the skill of "Man and Horse Like a Dragon" has been marked with Yu Xian, but the "Eight-door Golden Lock Formation" is definitely a battlefield-level super strategy.

It's a pity that these skills are all in Yu Xiaoxian's body now...

Yu Xian thought for a while and explained, "Actually, I have other plans this time."

Saying that, Yu Xian was going to take off the talisman on his body.

Gong Yejing was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped, "You, don't move around, I haven't believed you yet!"

After Yu Xian knew that Gong Yejing had nothing to do with him, how could he lie to her.

Yu Xian picked up the talisman and said lazily, "I'm hungry, go find me something to eat."

Gong Yejing was a little at a loss as Yu Xian was completely oblivious.

Yu Xian patted the mat and urged, "Hurry up, I'm full, and I have to go out to make money."

Hearing about making money, Gong Yejing's expression softened a bit, which was a bit like Li Su's style.

Gong Yejing was on guard, and ordered his servants to hurry up and prepare food for Yu Xian.

After eating and drinking, Yu Xian swaggered out of his shabby mansion.

After coming out, Yu Xian inquired about Yu Xiaoxian's movements.

This guy only has meager Taoism skills, although he has some military skills, it is a pity that he is not profound.I don't know if I can survive from Dong Mowang's hands.

Yu Xiaoxian's life or death is related to whether Yu Xian will follow Li Su to Luoyang in the future.

Furthermore, Yu Xian was also extremely concerned about Dong Bai's situation.

Without much effort, Yu Xian found out the whereabouts of the little Taoist priest Yu Xiaoxian.

It is said that Dong Mowang didn't care too much about Yu Xiaoxian, and had arranged for the little Taoist priest to listen to orders under Lu Bu's tent.

According to the secret rumors in the market, now that the Kwantung Allied Forces are suppressing Hulao Pass, Dong Mowang already has the intention of retreating to the old capital Chang'an.This matter has already been proved. For example, Dong Bai, Dong Mowang's most beloved granddaughter, was canonized as Weiyang Lord.

This Weiyang County is near Chang'an City.

Now Dong Zhuo was about to go west, but he refused to give up the prosperity of Luoyang.

Dong Mowang has been secretly arranging manpower, planning to move all the people and wealth in Luoyang City to Chang'an.

In addition, Dong Zhuo also asked Lu Bu to excavate the tombs of the emperors and ministers near Luoyang to collect treasures.

Since Yu Xiaoxian was a Taoist priest, he was naturally begged by Lu Bu to take orders under his tent.

In this way, even if there are lonely souls and wild ghosts, there will be a way to deal with them.

Although Yu Xiaoxian's situation is tragic, but there is no danger of killing him.

As for Dong Bai's information, there is not much information. Everyone only knows that Dong Bai was canonized as Weiyang Lord, but the ceremony has not yet been held. It seems that Dong Zhuo feels that the current situation is too hasty, and he is planning to reopen the matter after moving the capital to Chang'an.

"Amassing wealth is important, but one's own strength is the guarantee of all this. Now I am a senior military officer in the Xiliang army, and I am even on the same level as a fierce man like Lu Bu. Then getting back the military power as soon as possible is the ultimate right now. The important thing is to get back the military power, you must first learn a practical military skill, otherwise there is no hope just relying on wind and wind."

"Nowadays, there are many strategists in Luoyang City, but there are few who can preach to me. Only Yu Xiaoxian has several heaven-defying military arts, and he should be easier to talk to. As long as I learn any military art from him, Then, by virtue of my status as a general of Huben Zhonglang, I will definitely be able to get many elite soldiers from Xiliang. With military power, the follow-up actions will be meaningful."

After Yu Xian thought about it, he returned home and asked Gong Yejing to prepare a gift for him, planning to visit Lu Bu.

Gong Yejing still had some doubts about Yu Xian, and was reluctant to prepare.

Yu Xian didn't care too much, he called his trilogy and checked it out.

The private soldiers in Li Su's hands are only one battalion head, about 300 people.

Perhaps it was Li Su who went bankrupt to raise them. The overall condition of these private soldiers is not bad. They are all full of energy and good at bow and archery.

Yu Xian selected a few of them to serve as guards, and then went to look for Lu Bu with gifts.

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