Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 386

Chapter 380 Six

Jianghu Banquet Joke Crown (2)

Then Liu Xuan bowed his head and showed his color, and said in his heart: "If I hadn't told my father-in-law about the situation of Xuanyuan Sect, how could there be such a good plan now, and it's not in vain that I have been walking with Zhu Yu frequently recently."

Although this guy was so thoughtful, he did not forget to flatter him, but he said to himself: "It's all thanks to the great blessing of the village master, so my father-in-law came up with such a good plan." Wang Feng boldly said: "Then Yes!" Turning back to Zhao Meng, he said: "The first two important things have been done, if anyone dares to refuse to accept, everyone will have a fucking fight..."

After all, Wang Feng was afraid, so he didn't have enough confidence, but looking at Zhao Meng, he said: "At that time, the owner of the Wang village can invite Liu Yan to come to discuss matters alone. The original leaders of the Green Forest Army are all here. By waiting for you, you are coercing that guy to honor Liu Xuan as emperor."

Wang Feng took it for granted, and then ordered his minions to call Zhu Tuan and a dozen or so cronies and leaders into the account, and then said in a rough voice: "We green forest heroes come to join the group, nothing more than to make a lot of gold and silver, and more importantly, to run If we have a good future, we cannot let others ride on top of us."

Cheng Dan and Zhang Ang were also among the trusted leaders, and when Zhang Ang heard this, he couldn't help but echoed first, and then said: "The troops commanded by Liu Yan are not as large as ours, everyone should have followed them. If you fight, let your mother be at ease!"

Cheng Dan knew that Zhang Ang still hated Geng Yan, but he didn't take it too seriously, and he blurted out after hearing the words: "Everyone is brothers from the Han army, so we definitely can't do the fire fighting, it's just that Liu Yan's group is too strict in military discipline. , it would be uncomfortable for us brothers from the Green Forest to listen to them."

Wang Fengshi didn't want to quarrel with Jian Zhen, Liu Yan and Liu Xiu, so he had a laugh and said: "The two are brothers of the Han army. If they really fight together, they will not be in harmony with the morality of the world, and will make others laugh. The village master is thinking that since everyone wants to revive the Han Dynasty, then they should appoint a green forest hero as the emperor, so that all the brothers in the family can be at ease!"

All the leaders in the tent agreed, and Wang Fengfu said boldly: "Our brother Liu Xuan is very loyal, and he is also a bloodline of the Han royal family. I want to make him emperor, and all the brothers will not follow?"

Many leaders felt that Liu Xuan was very easy to play with, and they also obeyed the words of their own village head.That Wang Feng felt happy, and saw that Zhu Tuan hadn't commented yet, so he said: "Touzhu Zhu is now the brother of the hero of the green forest, so he should follow us to make Liu Xuan the emperor!"

All the leaders in the tent followed Wang Feng and stared at Zhu Tuan, but this person was still thinking silently, thinking to himself: "The leaders in the tent must make Liu Xuan the emperor, even if I, Zhu Tuan, don't follow, it will be useless... ······································································································································································································································ He cupped his hands towards Wang Feng and said: "Since all the leaders have this intention, I...you must obey..." Wang Feng said openly, "Okay!"

The leaders in the tent were all very pleased, Wang Feng wanted to take advantage of the words and Zensheng to support Liu Xuan, but he wiped his forehead unconsciously, turned to look at Zhao Meng and said: "You are so fussy and noisy, hurry up and tell everyone Leader."

Zhao Meng bowed to the order, and then recounted his own plan, and asked the leader of the tent to act according to the plan, but Zhang Ang agreed first: "As long as we leaders mention Liu Xuan, the brothers of the Green Forest Army will seal him up." Be emperor."

Many leaders followed suit one after another, Liu Xuanzhi looked embarrassed, and said to himself: "It's all right for me to ask the Lord Wangzhai to be canonized as the emperor, but you and I are both leaders, but you will come to canonize me... "

Just as this guy was thinking about it, Zhao Meng said to Zhu Yu again: "I have to trouble Leader Zhu to walk more among the disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect, and ask them to return to the branch altar." Zhu Yu sighed and said, "Zhu will do his best. ..."

Then Zhao Meng smiled, and then said in a sly way: "The main altar of your faction has been severely damaged, and Liu Xiu is the head of the school for the first time. Many disciples may not be attached, and the altar master of the branch altar only needs to return to the old place. They are doing their own thing. If Leader Zhu really lobbied for us like this, it would be unreasonable."

Zhu Yu was deeply disdainful, so he blurted out: "It seems like the local forces in the court are supporting themselves, and they are going to take the

This kind of activity is introduced into the rivers and lakes..."

Zhao Meng laughed and said: "I know that you care about the righteousness of the same family in the past, but the so-called "righteousness" includes both big righteousness and small righteousness. The friendship of your sect is small righteousness, and loyalty to the Han Dynasty is great righteousness. .”

Zhu Yu still didn't know how to speak, Zhao Meng continued: "Others will be emperors, and the Green Forest Army will not agree, and will only fall apart in the end. Only when my son-in-law becomes emperor, the leaders will help protect the Han Dynasty. Leader Zhu helped Liu Xuan ascend the throne , it is the Baohan family, and it is righteous."

After hearing about it, Zhu Yu felt that the advantages and disadvantages were exactly the same, so he could only sigh and said: "I will do my best..."

Wang Feng ordered the chiefs of the tent to act according to the plan, and everyone was ordered to retire, and then they each made their own arrangements. In just three or two days, Liu Xuan's great benevolence and righteousness were widely spread in the army.


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