Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 371

Chapter 371 Cloud and Mist Covering Little Chang'an (12)

Chapter 370

Cloud and Mist Cover Little Chang'an (12)

All the brothers entered the city of Denan County, and first followed Zang Palace to the mansion that Wang Feng had plundered, but seeing that the guy in front of the door was drunk, Zhu You immediately ordered the guy to report quickly, and it took a long time before Wang Feng finally arrived. Go out to meet in person, and invite everyone from Jianzhen to the mansion to talk.

After everyone exchanged greetings, Liu Xiu talked to Wang Feng about his intentions, but the other party sighed, "Before, my village was so prosperous thanks to everyone's help, but recently the owner of the village has gone through a lot of battles, and he couldn't mobilize troops. Join the gang." Zang Gong heard the words and said: "Our army has 10,000+, how can we not mobilize our troops!"

Wang Fengdeng felt that the boss didn't mean it, and then he said angrily: "That's all words to scare the officers and soldiers, you are taking the fuck seriously!"

Although Zang Gong didn't say anything, he also showed injustice. At this moment, Zhu You apologized and said with a smile: "Leader Zang doesn't need to think about other things. The Lord Wang and my righteous brothers also have a fateful friendship. How can you not want to extend a helping hand." Wang Feng said in a sarcasm, "Everyone is a deadly friendship. The main reason for this village is that there are 10,000+ soldiers and horses, so his mother will join this group." After talking , then cupped his fists at Jian Zhen and smiled apologetically: "Since all the brothers have come, they must play around for a few days before leaving. The village master should order some leaders to serve him."

Cheng Hongjian had already made a deal with Yi Ren, and even discussed it with several righteous brothers, so he bowed his hands to Wang Feng and said, "Thanks to the kindness of the village master, everyone is going to stay here, but don't bother the leaders of the rebel army." " Wang Fengdui said happily: "Then I will pay less, ouch, a lot of troubles have made my old Wang's head big." worries.

Cheng Hongjian nodded in agreement, and then asked: "May I ask how are the masters of the two divine monks?" Wang Feng said boldly: "Very good, very good, they are the masters of you and Miss Yao. The owner of this village has never been negligent, and now those two old bald... old monks are just spreading Buddhism in Nanjun City, you just have a look."

Cheng Hongjian thanked her with a smile, and Yao Zhenzhen took Tan Lang's lead and said, "My little brother and I attacked the government army earlier, and indeed got a lot of property, and this time we even took some for Village Master Wang." Gu Xiao clapped his hands, and continued: "Soldiers of the Han army waiting in the courtyard, quickly bring Boli in!"

Wang Feng watched the two soldiers carrying a large box of silver ingots into the room, and couldn't help smiling. At this moment, he really wanted to entertain everyone, but Cheng Hongjian refused, saying: "Thanks to the kindness of the village master, but we still have some important things to do, so I will leave now." Already." Wang Feng laughed and said, "Then the owner of the village will not force me to stay." Then he turned to Zhu You and Zang Gong and said, "You two will send these good brothers off for me, and I will give them even more recently. I'll take care of you, if anything goes wrong, the village master will fucking take your heads!"

Zhu You accepted the order first, and then involved Zang Gong, leading Jian Zhen, Liu Xiu, Deng Yu and Geng Yan out of the mansion, but Zang Gong whispered softly: "If Feier and others rescued the owner of the Wangzhai before, How could he be today." Geng Yan sneered and said, "The master of the Wang village really doesn't care about friendship, in this guy's heart, human feelings are probably less than cicada's wings." Deng Yu said to Zhu You: "Actually, everyone was originally Those who want to pay homage to Wang Chang, the deputy village master, and invite him to jointly raise important events."

Zhu Youwei felt that this remark was reasonable, so he couldn't help smiling, and said: "Vice Chief Wang really has some brains." Then he said to Zang Gong: "Leader Zang, go back and rest, I will personally guide the righteous brothers. Zang Gong said solemnly: "I would also like to go..."

Liu Xiu felt moved when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Toadmaster Zang is really righteous." Zang Gong replied: "This leader is also willing to do great things with you heroes."

Cheng Hongjian knew that Brother Yi valued this leader very much, so he blurted out: "If leader Zang really joins the group to do great things, my elder brother will be very happy." His words were full of enthusiasm.

That Zang Palace didn't say any more words, at this moment, he only cared about leading the way, leading everyone to a hut beside the road, and then ordered the gatekeepers to come in and report.Not even a moment later, Wang Chang greeted him with clasped fists and said: "I don't know if you are here, Wang is far away to welcome you!"

The brothers of the family followed each other to salute, and then followed them into the courtyard, but the courtyard was not very big, and the two minions were using their brooms to clean it, while an old man in front of the house was sitting tremblingly on a chair. The old man beat his knees and massaged, as if he was doing his filial piety.

Cheng Hongjian realized that the leader of this team was Liu Xuan, so he approached him immediately to greet him, and then asked, "May I ask who this old man is..." Liu Xuan cowardly smiled and said, "This old man is right here." Master..." Cheng Hongjian was thoughtful, and blurted out: "Since you are a rebel army, you should treat the people so kindly."

Liu Xuan didn't know what to say, and Wang Chang said to himself: "Liu Tou-ling requisitioned a place for me before, but this guy kicked the owner of the house several times, so I punished Liu tou-ling to serve him." , took out some scattered silver from his bosom, and then told Liu Xuan: "Go to the small wine shop next door to buy more wine and meat, and then let me take care of this old man." Liu Xuan hurriedly bowed to the order, Then he took the money and went away servilely.

Wang Changjing led everyone into the house to sit down, Yao Zhenzhen looked at the simple layout of the hall, and asked with a sly smile: "Your village master Wang Feng has found such a good house to live in, why didn't the village master Wang choose a better house?" What?" Wang Chang replied, "I also live in the Shanzhai, and the place here is already very good."

Liu Xiu knew what the other party was thinking, so she nodded her head when she heard the words, and said, "I think the deputy Wang's village master intends to live in seclusion, and he doesn't want to disturb the people." With a sigh, he said: "Most of us green forest heroes are rough people. When we enter Denan County this time, the brothers from the family only care about looting and disturbing the people and snatching those good houses, just like Liu Xuan who was looking for a place to live for me before. They are all going to beat people, so they don’t look like a rebel army.”

Deng Yu was about to win over Wang Chang to lead the army, and at this moment he even let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "Although your army has 10,000+ troops, but others will eventually regard you as worthless troops, so how can you have a good future?" Wang Chang sighed, "I'm thinking that way too." Deng Yu said again, "I'm very worried about this matter, and I'm a little fussy about it, but I don't know whether it's appropriate to say it or not..." Wang Chang said solemnly: "Young Master Deng, just talk."

This is exactly: like-minded people join forces to promote Tang and Wu, and jointly support the great righteousness to rejuvenate the Qin and Han Dynasties.Who am I to ask for a voice with Guiming, and it is too late to know and hate.If you want to know what happened next, let's see the next chapter.

??Chapter 370 Trailer:

After Deng Yu had spoken, Zang Gong immediately said, "I would like to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty!" Wang Chang asked, "Where does this opportunity come from?" Deng Yu said with a smile, "I think there are many descendants of great ancestors in the capital of Zhutian. Now it has been called the Han army, and it will surely win the hearts of the people in the future. The aristocratic family should also give their full support. Why don't the general lead the army into the group, so that he can gain a wife and a son." Wang Changfu asked again: "Can you talk to Wang Fengzhai Has the Lord informed you?"



(End of this chapter)

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