Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 369

Chapter 369 Cloud and Mist Covering Little Chang'an (10)

Chapter 360 Eight

Cloud and Mist Cover Little Chang'an (10)

All the brothers in the family were astonished, Liu Xiu was silent and silent, but seeing Liu Yan's anger was like Lei Xing, at this moment he blurted out and scolded: "Gou Guan'an dares to kill my second brother!" Deng Feng said: "Then Liangqiu sent someone to hand over the battle form. The letter mentioned that Liu Zhongming was stubborn and refused to sever his blood relationship with your family, so the officials sent his head and asked General Zhutian to surrender as soon as possible, otherwise "..." Deng Chen feared that Liu Yan would be extremely angry and dangerous, so he solemnly said: "Don't say any more..." Liu Yan called Deng Feng again: "Speak quickly!"

Deng Feng felt indignant early on, and he didn't care about his uncle's instructions. At this moment, he said bitterly: "Liangqiu gave that bunch of birds saying that if you don't surrender again, you will lead the army to chop off your head and use it as a chamber pot!" Liu Yan Jing shattered the table next to him, and said in a rough voice: "Everyone will kill and rush to Wancheng to avenge my second brother!"

Liu Xiu immediately grabbed his elder brother's wrist, and then said to stop him: "All the brothers swear to hate each other, brother has the power to wait a moment, I will lead a few brothers to invite heroes from the green forest to join the group, and then attack Wancheng " Both Deng Yu and Geng Yan persuaded him in this way, but seeing Liu Yan's anger, he said: "You have never killed your relatives one after another!"

The two looked at each other, and Deng Chen lamented sadly: "I think I, Deng Chen, have passed away many relatives one after another, and my good wife Liu Yuan is still alive..."

Liu Yan restrained himself a little, but said in a rough voice: "Your family has also lost so many relatives. If you don't send troops immediately, you will capture Wancheng and give his mother the face to worship those brothers who died!"

Deng Chen looked resolute, and he said solemnly: "Although I hate the enemy army, you have no chance of winning now, so you will only add casualties. As the commander of the Han army, we should put the people of the world first... "..."

Liu Yan's silence became more and more sad, and he didn't know how to care about it. Deng Chen said earnestly: "My brother has always been generous and righteous, and he is determined to revive the Han Dynasty. All brothers in the family need you to lead them. If you only know how to take revenge at this moment , it is because of personal abolition of the public..."

These words were so enlightening, Liu Yandeng felt stunned, and at the moment he couldn't help but annoyed: "If my brother-in-law hadn't persuaded me so much, I would have almost missed a major event... Alas... Missing my second brother My younger brother Liu Zhong is a man of duty, but he was still beheaded by the officials, so it is better to follow me and wait for the incident..." At the end of the conversation, he just wiped away the tears on his face, and continued: "But my two My younger brother is also an upright man, he would rather die than disobey his ancestors, if the leader does not avenge this, then his mother will swear not to be a human being!"

That Liu Yan's strong words were full of hatred, and the Zhijiao brothers felt the righteousness, but seeing Liu Xiu regained his heart, he said with relief: "Brother, you have the right to be at ease, and most of the soldiers and horses of the Green Forest Army are dead Resting in South County, it is really not far away from us, and the deputy head of the village, Wang Chang, is not waiting for idlers, so it is expected that he will be able to persuade a hero in the village to come and join the gang." Liu Yan said: "Then the third brother will pay a visit to this hero first. .”

Liu Xiu immediately greeted Deng Chen, Li Tong and Deng Fengdao: "I will lead a few righteous brothers to contact the Green Forest Army. Brother-in-law, brother-in-law and nephew Deng Fengxian must help my brother guard the spine." Deng Chen said: "Uncle Wen just Be at ease." Liu Xiufu further assigned: "I will prepare a little gift, the second brother, third brother, seventh brother and younger brothers and sisters quickly pack up, and after waiting for an hour, everyone will meet outside the south gate, follow me to contact the green forest hero As soon as the words were finished, Deng Yu, Geng Yan, and Jian Zhen agreed one after another, and then went their separate ways.

Cheng Hongjian took Yi Ren back to the residence on horseback, just as he was packing his luggage, he couldn't help sighing with concern, Yao Zhenzhen asked about it, and Cheng Hongjian blurted out sadly: "I am not my father's flesh and blood, I was more like my father before." He cut off the relationship, I don't know if the court will harm him..." Yao Zhenzhen said softly: "After all, Daddy has a lot of old friends in the court, if he spends more money, it is expected that nothing will happen Lah." Cheng Hongjian felt relieved, and then said, "I hope so..."

At this moment, Yao Zhenzhen turned around and said, "When we pass by Xinye, we should get some money from home and give it to the leaders of the Green Forest Army." Cheng Hongjian said as if he had realized something. "It's time to prepare some generous gifts with the friends from the friendly army." Yao Zhenzhen said shrewdly and with restraint: "Little brother gave gifts to the leader of the Green Forest Army. Don't mention that the money was taken from the family. Grab it."

Cheng Hongjian went in without knowing, and then asked: "What is the reason?" Yao Zhenzhen said: "Many generals of the Han army are willing to revive the Han Dynasty, so they don't care about small money." Cheng Hongjian nodded and said: " That's right." Yao Zhenzhen continued sweetly: "But most of the leaders of the Green Forest Army are there to make a living, they see us earning a lot of benefits, so they are tempted to join the gang!"

Cheng Hongjian hesitated for a while, before saying: "Then you are encouraging these people to rob..." Yao Zhenzhen said with a pleasant smile: "The village master, Wang Chang, knows the general situation well. , after the Green Forest Army joins the group, you can ask him to restrain him and not allow his fellows to plunder the people."

Cheng Hongjian nodded, and then said again: "Although I don't have a close relationship with the deputy village master Wang, I always feel that he is upright. This time, the brothers of the family are going to the Green Forest Army camp. of."

Yao Zhenzhen looked at Tan Lang's expression tenderly, and then she smiled unknowingly, and then poked Xianyun's hand, making a gesture to brush towards Tan Lang's laughing point, Cheng Hongjian smiled and avoided it, and then Yun Chong slightly brushed back, but look at those pair of hands Bingyi frolicked and picked up his luggage, so he got out of the courtyard, and then he rode his horse and drove the carved chariot to the south gate of Jiyang City to meet all the brothers.

??Chapter 260 Nine Trailer:

?Liu Xiu didn't pay attention to the words, but looked at him and said to the strong man in the lead: "You are a tall and handsome man, why do you rob me and ordinary people here?" The strong man in the lead said angrily: "Are you ordinary people!" Liu Xiu said again: "Dare to ask a good man's name?" The strong man at the head said proudly: "My leader's name is Zang Gong, and I will punish you for being rich and heartless rats!"



(End of this chapter)

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