Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 350

Chapter 350 Vow to Return to Han Mountain and Cast a Loyal Heart (1)

Chapter 340 Nine

Swear to return to Hanshan and cast a loyal heart (1)

There is a saying: common people do not hear the Tao, and their hearts are tainted by the desire for profit.Yang floats outside for entertainment, and China's organic wells are deep.It is said that Lu Chongxiao has long been interested in power. Now that he felt that the plan offered by Gongsun Shu was very good, he couldn't help but show his color, and said boldly: "This plan is also very good." Gongsun Shu said: "Master He is wise and unparalleled, and his subordinates are willing to be ordered to contact the officials to send troops." Lu Chongxiao nodded and said: "Usually, King Youtian liaises with civil servants and generals in the court, but since he has been injured and will be raised, you can take care of it for him."

Hearing this, Gongsun Shu was secretly delighted, and immediately received the token from the leader respectfully. Regardless of the starry night, the dark wind and the cold, he got on his fast horse and galloped to the camp of the officers and soldiers, and turned to ask the soldiers guarding the gate. I went inside to report, but I saw that this guy had been waiting for a long time before he got into Yunqi's handsome account.

Yun Qi accompanied Zhao Cheng'en and Meng Weiji together in the tent, and drank for pleasure by themselves. It was not until Gongsun Shu saw the ceremony that he asked each other: "How is the victory or defeat between your leader and the Xuanyuan sect?" I have a high self-esteem, and I expected to win a big victory."

At this moment, the cook in the camp added new dishes. Gongsun Shu saw that the three people were not drunk, and it hadn't been a long time since the banquet, so he laughed and said, "I don't know whether you want my leader to win or not. Suffering a defeat?" Meng Weiji snorted softly, and said, "Why did you say that?"

Gongsun Shujing cupped his hands towards Meng and Zhao, and then said: "The villain thought to himself, the two should be Meng Guoshi and Zhao Gonggong, the general supervisor of the army. In fact, you are all willing to defeat the enemy for the court, so they gathered for a banquet like this. I really came to listen to the trouble."

That Meng Weiji maintained the demeanor of a master, and he didn't say yes or no at the moment, Zhao Chengen said in a strange way: "Yo, Envoy Gongsun is a fine person, but our family and Master Meng are only here to drink, your leader is wise and powerful, where is it?" You need me to wait for your help."

Gongsun Shu laughed, and then said: "The leader of my family is a bit willful. He saw that some of his disciples were about to be beheaded by General Yun, so he was in a hurry to rescue them, so that he was offended, and let the villain pay for him. No way." As soon as he finished speaking, he bowed to Yunqi, Zhao Chengen and Meng Weiji to apologize, without saying a word.

Zhao Chengen pretended to be a snake, and said: "I am afraid that the Gongsun envoy will not be able to bear such a great gift. Your family leader protects the calf, and I am afraid that he will order Ju Wuba to drive away some animals to cause trouble again." Gongsun Shupei laughed. : "Everyone is serving the imperial court. My young master of the Youtian Department is still the adopted son of my father-in-law. Even if my family is a little unhappy, there is no need to worry about it." After talking, he suddenly sighed and continued: "My family The commotion is about to make those Xuanyuan rebels happy, if the attack is not good this time, the Holy Majesty will probably punish them."

As the commander-in-chief of the army, Yun Qi really wanted everyone to win. Hearing this, he didn't dare to be contemptuous anymore, and sat upright and said: "Since Master Lu is the vanguard in the front, he can't avoid some hard work. Envoy Gongsun has the right to report the situation of the battle to this general."

After Gongsun Shujing stated the situation of the battle, he then said: "Xuanyuan Sect has the advantage of the mountain, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the general only cares about keeping his own army, then my leader would rather lose than lose everything for nothing. There are troops and horses, so the two families should work together to wipe out the bandits, and there happens to be a calculation in the sect, which can help the general defeat the enemy."

When Yunqi heard the words and asked, Gongsun Shu then said: "The espionage dispatched by our sect will report that the Xuanyuan faction still has a few reinforcements, and they will arrive at the main altar in the next few days."

Zhao Chengen didn't wait for the other party to finish his sentence, and suddenly he said complacently: "Our family only knew that the Gongsun envoy had some good plans. It turned out that it was just such a calculation. My imperial army has already heard this letter, and will wipe out this reinforcement." Gongsun Shu said with a smile: "I've heard that Mr. Zhao is a shrewd man, but he only thinks about annihilating the enemy and reinforcements. If he thinks about the rebels coming, he can't even think about it."

Yun Qi only felt that Gongsun Shu seemed to have a good plan, so he ordered the sergeant to give him a seat, and then said: "I was negligent just now, as long as you really have something to worry about, it will be a great service for the court." Gongsun Shu Said: "I am willing to serve the imperial court loyally. In fact, we should surround the reinforcements of the rebels, but we should take advantage of this to lure the rebels from the main altar to go out to rescue them. The main altar of the Tiandu Peak, and the enemy is at a loss, our army will win a big victory." Yun Qi nodded and said: "Such calculations are considered clever, but how can you lure Xuanyuan Qiguang to lead the troops out of the pass? , fell into an ambush by our army."

Gongsun Shu had already thought about it, so he said confidently: "If that guy dares not to help, the hearts of this group of rebels will be scattered, and the reinforcements who have not arrived here will definitely be hesitant if they hear the news. We can also wait. Send someone to contact Elder Wei and ask him to persuade Xuanyuan Qiguang to lead the army to fight."

Yun Qi thought it was true, but Meng Weiji's view of Gongsun's statement was also subtle, so he said to this guy: "The envoy Gongsun is indeed quite intelligent, and the Xuanyuan General Altar is currently under strict defense, you should go and contact Wei Detao."

Gongsun Shu was well aware of the danger of this move, so he couldn't help hesitating for a while, Meng Weiji continued: "Although we are fighting with the Xuanyuan faction, since you are an envoy, if you go to appease the imperial court, the rebels may not What will happen to you, so don't refuse."

As the saying goes, "When two countries fight each other, don't behead them." Gongsun Shuzi also knew this truth well. This fellow wanted to seek fame and wealth, so he didn't make any excuses, but solemnly said: "I am not afraid of death. I wish to be loyal to the imperial court." Meng Weiji said: "The envoy Gongsun has the right to step down and rest, after I have written the document, I will ask you to leave immediately."

Yun Qi also ordered Gongsun Shu to retreat and take a rest, and turned to ask Meng Weiji, "What advice do you have for Master?" But the Xiaoxiao gang from the Demon Sect want to dominate the rivers and lakes, but they don't want to lose their troops, so they don't have the same heart with the imperial court."

Zhao Chengen believed it deeply, and then he sighed, and said: "Master Meng's words are very true. In fact, the Holy Majesty has heard that the Demon Cult has become more and more powerful in recent years, and now it has 10,000+ people. The Holy Majesty was really afraid that the tail would not be lost, so he just called for orders." Then Lu Chongxiao will be the vanguard general, so that guy will lose more soldiers and horses."

Meng Weiji only felt that this campaign would definitely make the Demon Sect work hard, so he solemnly said: "Most of the evildoers of the Demon Sect are mobs, and it is expected that it will be difficult to lead the Jianghu. The Tianzhi gang has won the hearts of the righteous people, and they only care about being loyal to the Han Dynasty, and they should fight first, and the Holy One is also well aware of this." After talking, he looked at Yunqi, and continued: "Although Lu Chongxiao followed the disciples earlier, My son has made some troubles, but he is still helping the court to suppress the rebels, so we don’t have to argue with the Demon Sect, and we can follow Gongsunshu’s plan to enter the army.”

Yunqi had already weighed all the pros and cons, and when he heard what the master said, he immediately nodded and said: "I respectfully obey the master's orders, but with only 30 soldiers and horses, it is still difficult to defeat the Xuanyuan sect's opponents." The thieves are besieged. The Holy Majesty previously ordered the state shepherd here to be assigned by us, and the disciple is about to issue a general order. I also hope that the master and Eunuch Zhao will each stamp their official seals, and that the Yangzhou shepherd should send reinforcements as soon as possible."

These words are also deeply in line with strategy, both Zhao Chengen and Meng Weiji think so.Yunqi immediately drew up a general order, and invited the two men to stamp their respective official seals, and then called Huyan Rongdi to enter the account, and said: "General Huyan will accept the order and go to the State Shepherd's Office as soon as possible, and order Yangzhou immediately. Mu sent the army and government officials to listen to the call."

Hu Yanrongdi led the order, and Zhao Chengen smiled complacently: "If you count the princes of the state and county, you can add 10,000+ new troops, so there is no need to worry about the rebellion." Yun Qi sighed: "That's the case. , Xuanyuan Sect also has no less than [-] soldiers and horses, and we must lure the rebels to the narrow and narrow part of the mountain road, so that we can gather and wipe out all of them."

Meng Weiji still had plans, at this moment he said again: "The Xuanyuan School was founded by the Yellow Emperor in ancient times, and all the people in the school claim to be descendants of Yan and Huang. Although the Holy Majesty ordered us to crusade this time, we did not dare to follow the rebels. The thief is tearing his face, we can just write down the document of appeasement, first mention that the imperial court wants to help the Xuanyuan General Altar get rid of evil, just order that Gongsun Shu to hold this thing, and worship the rebel's mountain gate."

??Chapter 250 Trailer:

? Meng Weiji had such thoughts in mind, but he looked at this fellow and said to Yunqi: "As a disciple leading an army in battle, he should think about how to fight in front of the battle, but sometimes it is better to use some tricks."



(End of this chapter)

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