Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 348

Chapter 348 Sadness and Sadness Parting (9)

Chapter 340 Seven

Sad Mo Sad Come Parting (9)

Let’s say that the Kyushu Ding was made by Yu Dayu who established the Xia Dynasty in the past, and ordered countless skilled craftsmen to melt and cast the copper tribute from Kyushu. According to legend, there are nine Kyushu Ding, all of which weigh more than a thousand jun. "Historical Records" once recorded that Qin Wuwang Yingdang relied on his supernatural power and wanted to show his power with a tripod. However, he was not strong enough and finally died with the tripod.

Ju Wuba, the King of Heaven, is definitely not an expert, he had already bound the tripod with thick and long iron locks, but this guy not only has the strength, he can lift such a huge object, and he can swing it very quickly , just like a meteor hammer piercing the sky.In fact, Ju Wu Ba is the king of the Demon Sect after all, if it is only a quick change of moves, it is not worth mentioning, but this guy can make the Kyushu Ding stand still, and it can also make the King of Qin lose his power. Swing it out, it is even more direct to teach the stone to break the mountain, the strength is naturally extremely strong.

Dai Yong, king of Juntian law, and Xun Jin, king of Youtian law, feared that they would not be able to dodge them, they retreated several zhang away, but the pair of winged wings parried perfectly, and they still didn't show any signs of defeat.

Yao Zhenzhen soars lightly and gracefully, and dances in the snow with slender clouds and steps. When she dodges like this, she will not lose her graceful posture in the depths of the fairyland, and she can also attack several times one after another. , and put on a battle armor to protect her body, otherwise that little girl would have won.After counting so many times, Cheng Hongjian saw the origin of the move, stretched his arms in an arc, grabbed the bronze tripod abruptly, then turned to push Qianjun hard, but threw the heavy object back, making it directly towards the giant. Ba faced the door and turned away.

Although Cheng Hongjian is usually not good at memorizing, he is very savvy when he cultivates martial arts. When he is fighting back, he combines strength and softness in an instant, and uses the exercises described by Xuanyuan Qiguang, Yao Sufeng and Tianzhu Throwing this tripod, the momentum is swift and violent.Ju Wuba suddenly saw that the young man had such strength, he was already discouraged for the most part, how could he dare to resist, he turned his tall body of Zhang Xu Lai to the side, and let the Kyushu tripod pass by, The iron chain couldn't hold it for a while, so the thousand-ton heavy object flew far away, killing and injuring dozens of self-cultivation disciples for no reason.

Geng Yan was originally willing to help Jian Zhen, but seeing this situation, he immediately laughed and shouted: "The majestic king of heaven is a big man who only steals scraps of copper that others don't want as weapons, and this time he even used Du If you can’t hold it steady, go home quickly!” Ju Wuba shouted angrily, “The treasure in my hand is called ‘Jiuzhou Ding’, it’s not such a dilapidated property!”

This guy was really ashamed and annoyed, and the sound of thunder and thunder was extremely loud and loud, just like the roar of a lion made by the Nine Spirits Primordial Saint, which made many people's faces look ashen, and they couldn't help trembling. Cheng Hongjian thought to himself: "So he The weapon in his hand is the Kyushu Ding. I heard that in the past, Dayu ordered the craftsmen to melt and cast nine big tripods to highlight the Kyushu, so they were called the Kyushu Ding. Unfortunately, after the Qin Dynasty destroyed the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, one of them sank into Surabaya. It has been lost for a long time..." Thinking of this, Yan couldn't help asking: "How did your treasure tripod come about..."

Ju Wuba was afraid that others would not believe it, but seeing him bring up the tripod again, he replied in a loud voice: "I picked this treasure from the bottom of Surabaya!"

Cheng Hongjian looked at the tripod from a distance, and after a little scrutiny, he became more determined, and thought: "This tripod is engraved with the mountains and rivers of prefectures and counties. I am afraid it is the lost Kyushu tripod. If it is so, I must not Destroy the treasures passed down by the ancestors."

After all, Cheng Hongjian's nature is elegant, so he secretly cherished the idea of ​​cherishing it, but Ju Wuba only used the Kyushu tripod as a good weapon, but seeing that guy brought up this thing again to attack, he may not be able to cherish the power of such a country Heavy treasure.

Xun Jin and Dai Yong followed Ju Wu Ba to bully him, and Zhu Li Mie also swept from the side. Geng Yan saw that Jian Zhen still hadn't shown any signs of defeat, but he felt relieved, so he shouted loudly again : "I blame me for being ignorant and ignorant. I have heard of bullying the few by the more, but I have never seen such and such. The younger generation admires it!"

This remark was full of contempt, and it was intended to distract the Dharma Kings, but seeing that Xun Jin and Dai Yong turned a deaf ear to it, Ju Wuba scolded angrily: "Let your mother go... ouch , my mother..."

Before Ju Wuba, the king of the sky, had time to refute with insults, Yao Zhenzhen had already picked up a small stone under her foot, and flung it so hard that blood flowed from the guy's nose, which made him scream in pain, and the little girl shyly restrained and said: "I'm not your mother!"

Many people of the righteous way were delighted to see this, Deng Yu asked Geng Yan with a smile, "This group of evildoers from the Devil's Cult completely disregard their decency, what is there to admire about the third brother?"

Since Geng Yan got the help of his righteous brother to build momentum, he became more and more unruly, and he beamed with joy and said: "I admire the thick-skinned old devils of the Devil's Cult. Fortunately, they are quite important in the Devil's Cult anyway. The two sides were originally fighting in front of the battle General, but these few Demon Sect Dharma Kings want to take advantage of their numbers and power to bully our two juniors." After speaking, Fu raised his head and laughed again, and continued: "These old gangsters don't care about the past. I, Geng Bozhao, must admire him so much!" Deng Yu laughed, and said, "This group of evildoers from the Demon Cult completely disregard their own face, so I should really admire it!"

Deng and Geng sang in harmony, and Lu Chongxiao's face turned livid when he heard it. Zhu Limie was already becoming more and more afraid. When this happened, he took the opportunity to back away, and hurriedly shouted and insulted for his leader: "Er Wait for the little chicks to stop making noise, and wait for my God to teach these two dolls, I will definitely tear off the beaks of you two birds!"

Geng Yan suddenly saw that guy avoiding the battle in such a grand manner, he couldn't help showing a little color, and then he smiled and said: "My brother is very strong in martial arts, King Zhu Fa should stop talking, quickly kowtow and beg for surrender!"

Zhu Limiedeng felt ashamed and felt ashamed, but he really didn't dare to fight, so he had to talk back. Lu Chongxiao was sitting majestic, but he thought to himself: "My gods and Dharma kings are all rare masters in the Jianghu. How can they be defeated in ordinary times? I am too vigorous, but this time I met such two young children, it seems that the leader is not very talented..." Thinking of this, he got up anxiously, and said in a rough voice: "You don't have to give in to the younger generation. , hurry up and capture the leader alive!"

Although Lu Chongxiao had not yet restrained himself, giving orders like this, he had subtly activated his mighty internal strength, but seeing the dust around him rising up, like a strong wind suddenly circling, Gongsun Shu immediately shouted loudly: "The leader is super powerful, dominates the world!" , swear to destroy Xuanyuan, and punish all the officials!"

This compliment was quite prestigious, Lu Chongxiao laughed heartily, and the members of the Demon Cult echoed one after another, his arrogance returned, Cheng Hongjian thought to himself: "I only thought that Gongsun Shu was a good person, but unexpectedly he... He actually..." Thinking of this, it is inevitable to be a little distracted.

At this moment, Ju Wu Ba Fu threw a tripod at him again, Yao Zhen Zhen felt that Tan Lang was in a daze, so she hurriedly took him away.Before the little girl could say anything, Dai Yong pushed her palm to bully him, Cheng Hongjian came back to his senses, and he snatched himself in front of Yiren, and then intersected with the opponent's palm, forcing the opponent far away, causing the fellow to vomit Blood, fell to the ground.

Xuanyuan's disciples and Liu Xiu's rebel army hadn't had time to cheer, Ju Wuba had already attacked with the tripod, Xun Jin hid behind the tripod, and then gave another palm, trying to force Hung-chien to take over.

Cheng Hongjian and Yi Ren leaped to the top of the tripod, and the two dharma kings of Yangtian and Biantian claimed their names one after another, so they jumped to the edge of the tripod to fight with Jian Zhen, and Xun Jin, the dharma king of Youtian, also followed suit , Lu Chongxiao secretly felt ashamed, and said in his heart: "Six Dharma Kings have come to these two juniors before and after. If they don't win again, how can I, Lu Chongxiao, give his mother face..."

Gongsun Shu peeped at the leader's expression, he had guessed the other party's mind, and then he said: "This is a confrontation between two armies, it is definitely not a martial arts contest, the leader need not worry about it, just order the disciples to work together to capture and kill these two juniors. "

Lu Chongxiao was noncommittal, the pair of wings had already parried several times, the two sides fought from the top of the tripod to the bottom of the tripod, and then from the bottom of the tripod to the top of the tripod, just in the blink of an eye, Xun Jin called out loudly: "Let's practice martial arts together!"

As soon as these words came out, Dharma King Yangtian rushed towards Jian Zhen with all his strength, and Dharma King Biantian also stood on the iron chain held by Ju Wuba, pressing his strength against Dharma King Yangtian's back. He had the upper hand, so he immediately stood behind the two Dharma kings and exerted his strength from the air.

The combination of these three internal energies makes it extremely powerful, at this moment, Ju Wuba, the Dharma King of Heaven, also launched his gong, and he became more and more unstoppable.It was too late, but it was too soon, Cheng Hongjian only felt that this true energy was enough to fly a long distance in the air, and if he dodged this time, the rebel soldiers behind him would inevitably be killed or injured, so he hurriedly spread his palms and used "Great Qianyuan", he fought with those Dharma kings with his internal strength, Yao Zhenzhen also used his internal strength to resist Tan Lang's back to help him fight.

??Chapter 340 Eighth Trailer:

?Cheng Hongjian is able to use this move, and the internal energy of the whole body is supplied to the edge of the palm along the meridians, just like the beginning of all things, and the true energy is getting stronger and stronger, like six dragons riding on the clouds and raining, but look at the Kyushu cauldron On top of that, both the good and the evil fight each other with their true energy, and the sound of explosions everywhere makes the viewers feel anxious.



(End of this chapter)

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