Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 343

Chapter 340 Two

Sad Mo Sad Come Parting (4)

Those traitors were all silent, Yuchi Dekai stared at Wei Detao, and asked solemnly: "Nephew Wei, does he have the face to take on this great responsibility?"

Wei Detao forced himself to bear it, so he had to bow and reply: "In the past, the master of the family passed on the position of head to the senior brother, and Detao regarded himself as the respected one..." Yuchi Dekai snorted softly and said "Fortunately, you still know things. Although this elder is usually a little foolish, he also knows that the head nephew is self-denying and self-serving, and my senior brother's last order is really orthodox in our sect. If you dare to go against it, you will be executed."

Yan Xin was hesitant at first, but at that moment he couldn't help but let out a sigh, and said: "What the younger brother said is reasonable, but the nephew who is in charge of the sect is indeed Lu Chongxiao's nephew, I don't know how to make it better..."

Yuchi Dekai knew that senior brother was a human being, and knew that he had no selfish intentions, so he said earnestly and earnestly: "Even though senior brother and I don't get along very well, this time we are both thinking about the overall situation of the faction."

Yan Xin nodded when he heard the words, Yuchi Dekai continued: "I was always wondering, Junior Brother, why did we save Lu Qiang originally, but why she refused to take the medicine and just closed her eyes and waited to die like this." Yan Xin Sadly, he said: "I've thought about it too..." Yu Chide said: "I guess Lu Qiang took into account that she is a member of the Demon Cult after all, and she refused to take the medicine just now for fear of hurting the nephew of the sect leader." Later, he couldn't help sighing, and then continued: "This move is really clear, and there is no such thing as the behavior of the devil's sect. Although the nephew of the sect master is Lu Chongxiao's nephew, he still has a relationship with that fellow. Back then, I After adopting the sect leader with my senior brother, I have treated him as my own, and I, Yuchi Dekai, dare to guarantee my wealth and life, the nephew of the sect master will definitely not do anything that harms the sect!" Yan Xin said with relief: "What junior brother said is quite reasonable, everyone blamed me for not understanding this verse just now, if the head of the sect is changed now, there will inevitably be chaos in the sect."

Many figures in the faction supported the proposal one after another, and no one in Tiandu Palace refuted it. Xuanyuan Qi Guangduan was deeply moved, and he cupped his hands and said: "Qi Guang will never give up, and is willing to live and die with this faction. Get rid of the demon sect, and then choose another head." Yu Chide Kaifu blocked it again, and Xuanyuan Qiguang immediately said: "My nephew has made up his mind, so there is no need for my uncle to persuade me."

Yuchi Dekai had no choice but to give up for the time being, Xuanyuan Qi Guangfu discussed with all the people about retreating the enemy, Wei Detao thought for a while, then walked out of the train and saluted the head, "Your subordinates think the enemy army is powerful, we should The dispatched force and the main force of the dispatch are the horns of each other, and it is the best way to support each other."

Many people felt that this move was appropriate, Wei Detao went on to say: "Liu Xiu, Cheng Hongjian and Deng Yu personally led tens of thousands of volunteers to help the battle. They really should be commended. This time, it is better to ask my subordinates Geng Yan and Kou Xun to assist them. , together with them lead this group of people to leave Tiandu Peak, and support them from the sidelines, and then you will be rewarded for your merit."

This guy really doesn't like Liu Xiu and others, so he used excuses to drive them away, some people in the faction agreed with him, Xuanyuan Qiguang hesitated and sighed, and turned to ask Liu Xiu's people: "Would you like to respond in this way?"

Liu Xiu went ahead to obey orders, and Cheng Hongjian, Deng Yu, Geng Yan, and Kou Xun all followed. Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "Lianhuafeng and Guangmingding are also easy to defend and difficult to attack. You can rely on them If the enemy army is strong, then... let's break through..."

Cheng Hongjian looked at the vicissitudes of life on the master's face, and couldn't help feeling mixed, then he clasped his hands and said: "The disciples came here with the righteous brothers to relieve the worries of the faction, and this time we must fight the devil with all our might." Teach." Liu Xiu also said: "After all, the main altar is our teacher, and I would like to live and die with Xuanyuan."

Xuanyuan Qiguang was deeply touched, he had arranged all kinds of defenses in this way, and just now he ordered everyone to do their own thing, but he led Wei Detao into the back room, and then said: "Someone in the school said earlier that the younger brother has defected to the enemy, I really don't want to listen to it, brother. Before discussing the matter, I want them to stop talking about it..."

Wei Detao seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt, and he knelt down in panic and said: "I think some characters are resentful, so they arranged it like this just now, I dare to ask senior brother to look into it..." Xuanyuan Qiguang immediately helped him and said, "Junior brother, don't do this. , I really don't want to be blamed, I just want to tell you something in my heart." Wei Detao stood up as he said, and sat down with the head of the sect, and said: "Thanks to senior brother for not giving up, junior brother, I will definitely be the heart of the sect."

Xuanyuan Qiguang thought about the past, and then said with loyalty: "In the past, I practiced under the head of the first master, and my younger brother was the best friend to me." Wei Detao interjected: "I once knocked over the inkstone that Master loved very much. I'm terribly afraid, but thanks to my senior brother, I have to bear it for me." Xuanyuan Qiguang said with a smile: "Junior brother was still young at that time. On the way down the mountain, I was suddenly ambushed by many demon sect masters, and I was injured and invincible, if you hadn't helped me with all your strength, Qi Guang would not have survived."

Recalling the past, Wei Detao felt very afraid, so he sighed and blurted out: "At the beginning, my senior brother and I were both inexperienced, and thanks to each other's support, and you were injured just now to help me resist hidden weapons... ··”

Xuanyuan Qiguang looked forward to Xu Wangdetao, so after a while, he said: "Leaving aside the power of the past, the younger brother is really very understanding, not only memorizes all kinds of military classics, but also far surpasses me in the theory of strategy. In fact, the head of the family should have been inherited by you."

Wei Detao still saves others by himself, when he heard this, he felt anxious again, he held his breath and replied: "Senior brother, what virtue and ability do I have? Master." Xuanyuan Qiguang sighed: "Why do you need to refuse, junior brother, in fact, you have enough qualifications, and you also have a strategy in mind. After repelling the enemy this time, I will pass on the position to you."

Wei Detao hesitated and became suspicious. At this moment, he was submissive and didn't know what to say. Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "Although I can pass on the head of the sect to you, I hope that my brother will remember some advice from my brother." Wei Detao said : "De Tao doesn't dare to overstep, but the brother just obeys orders."

Xuanyuan Qi Guangshang had his own worries, so he said earnestly and earnestly: "Junior brother will be the head of the sect in the future, you must put the overall situation first, and you must make good use of talented people. You can't..." At the end of the sentence, he suddenly hesitated After pondering, he continued: "There is really no need to have any thoughts of jealousy..."

Wei Detao was afraid that his senior brother would be blamed, so he didn't dare to take responsibility, but he saw that the servant panicked and argued: "This subordinate definitely dare not do this, I think it was instigated by others, I hope the senior brother will find out..." Xuanyuan Qiguang said: "Actually. I understand that these days you really want to exclude Liu Xiu and others, and you just want them to go down the mountain to defend against the enemy. I really don't want everyone to fight, so I have to assign them like this, but they really have some skills. Think about the overall situation, only in this way can you get virtuous assistants, you must always remember that..."

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