Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 340

Chapter 54

sad not sad parting

There is a saying: the morals of the world are coming to an end, and people's hearts feel even more different.Chasing power, power competes for bragging.Loyalty is turned into resentment, prestige is flattery.Flattery is imminent, but it is still hesitant to go.The villain praises his ambition, and the gentleman thinks about his return.I can't bear the turmoil of the same world, and the mountains are high and the huts are built.Close the door and keep my clumsy, and the power can live safely.The snobbery is prosperous for a while, but the misfortune turns over when the time passes.It's better to stay poor and humble, and to walk on the road often frankly.Therefore, Jieran Zhi, Sangong is not easy.This poem was written by Zhan Chu, a minister of the Southern Song Dynasty. He was unwilling to follow his power, and just now he offended Han Yuzhou, a powerful official. He was demoted and dismissed from office, so he had to stay at home.Even so, Zhan Chu also felt open-minded. After all, although Xiao Xiao can temporarily gain power, he cannot avoid the good cycle of heaven after all.Just look at the Nine Heavens Sect, it's not a small success, many characters are fighting each other, all fighting for that "temporary honor and disgrace".

It is said that after Lu Chongxiao had talked with Gongsun Shuxiang, he ordered the other party to greet Xun Jin to come in, and then said rudely: "My lord thinks that your niece and son-in-law are very good, and if you want to accept him as my seat, you must not be stingy. "Xun Jin smiled and said: "Since the leader loves my niece and son-in-law, then just take him in." Lu Chongxiao said to Gongsun again: "Then you will be the envoy of the leader and serve by my side. If you make great contributions , there should be another reward."

Gongsun Shu kowtowed and thanked him for his kindness. After serving the leader to sleep in this way, he led Xun Jin out of the account, and then asked him, "I still have something to ask." Xun Jin laughed and said, "You are now under the leadership of the leader. Serving by your side, what else do you need to ask the Dharma King?" Gongsun Shu said: "I am really not young, and since I have been promoted this time, I hope to marry the Dharma King's niece sooner."

Xun Jin was very happy when he heard the words, but pretended to refuse, saying: "My brother has been promoted, so I should marry a good-looking wife. My niece is not good enough for you." Gongsun said: "Where is the uncle talking?" , my little nephew was promoted thanks to your praise, how could I just give up in chaos and end up disregarding such a great kindness." Xun Jin said again: "Back then you were accompanied by such a beautiful Ji woman, and you were willing to give it to the king of the Dharma. Wouldn't it be a big loss to marry my niece?"

Gongsun Shuzi felt very sad, but this guy didn't dare to offend, so he forced a smile and said: "Uncle is just joking, how could Qin Miaohong be a wife? The establishment of Cuiyuxuan is to make the best use of everything." Xun Jin nodded and said, "It's not in vain for you to think about it like this." Gongsun Shu said: "My nephew will never disappoint my uncle's kindness. "At the end of the conversation, he laughed aloud and continued: "Recently, the Yantian Department has suffered heavy losses. This time, the leader ordered me to secretly investigate Dai Yong's criminal evidence. As long as this guy is punished, who else will be as good as him in the future?" To live up to your expectations."

Xun Jinwei felt that this remark was quite reasonable, and couldn't help showing color, and then smiled and said: "After I have fought with the Xuanyuan sect, I will marry my nephew, so that Dai Yong will not dare to do anything to you , I see that as long as you find out this case, why worry about not being promoted." Gongsun Shu agreed with him, and sent General Xun Jin to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Yun Qifu led the imperial court and the army of the Demon Cult to march again. During this period, there were often delays in dispatching, so there is no need to say much.The two armies rushed so fast that they finally reached the boundary of Xuanyuan General Altar, and Yunqi ordered all the ministries to rest for a while.Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Chongxiao first ordered Gongsun Shu to lead Lu Qiang and Lan Xin to the family banquet, and then called this servant to accompany him, it was no problem.

During the banquet, everyone talked about family relationships, and when the dishes were over five flavors, Lu Qiang persuaded her elder brother to stop the army. Lu Chongxiao laughed and said: "Brother Yu's beard and hair are gray, and he really doesn't have the ambitions of the past. However, the officials coerced us. In fact, such a fight is so damn interesting."

Lu Qiangdeng was surprised, and Gongsun Shu immediately said: "The subordinates followed King Xunfa to pay homage to the leader before, and he was promoted suddenly after just reporting the recent situation of the two of them to him. This shows that the leader attaches great importance to family relationships." Lv Lanxin heard Yan blurted out: "My aunt and I wronged grandpa a little bit earlier..." Lu Chongxiao said with a rough smile: "You have always thought of grandpa as what kind of person!"

Lu Lanxin was cowardly without saying a word, Gongsun Shu then apologized to Lu Chongxiao and said with a smile: "The Hierarch is really taking care of everything, maybe he has neglected your granddaughter a little, so that she has some misunderstandings, this time I can talk about family relationships alone." Lu Chongxiao nodded and said: "This Hierarch is going Let me take my granddaughter for a while, and you can take good care of me here."

Hearing this, Gongsun Shu agreed, and turned to pay homage to Lu Qiang: "My aunt Jiumu has high morals, so I am willing to listen to your teachings." Lu Qiang laughed and said, "The envoy Gongsun entrusts you to behave properly, but you can't do it in old age. It’s worth pointing out.” Gongsun Shuxing sighed, “To tell you the truth, my aunt, it’s really hard for my subordinates to talk to other congregants, and I always feel that I’m a different kind of person these years, but when I meet you, I always meet my elders... "..."

Lu Qiang was kind and comforting herself, and Lu Chongxiao took his granddaughter out of the house for a leisurely stroll. He talked about the blood relationship again and again, and suddenly sighed in disappointment. He waited until Lan Xin asked what happened, and then said: "Your grandfather has spent half his life, but he has never dominated the world. In the end Just a lonely old man."

These words were pathetic, Lan Xin was moved by the situation, and she said comfortingly: "Grandpa, don't think about it like this, Xin'er is your granddaughter, and will always respect you." Lu Chongxiao said: "After all, you are a girl family, I will get married after all." Lu Lanxin blurted out, "Then I...will not marry..."

Lu Chongxiao solemnly annoyed each other, and now he pretended to be sorry and said: "Your father left early, otherwise he would have left me a grandson. If God takes pity on your grandfather, he will even reward you with a great nephew."

Lu Lanxin thought about it, and then she asked: "If grandpa's nephew is a member of the Xuanyuan sect, how will grandpa deal with it?" Lu Chongxiao said: "If we stick to the past, grandpa will not be very lenient, but Now I think about it, even if the old man has a nephew who is the head of the Xuanyuan sect, it doesn't matter, our family just happened to be reunited." Lu Qiang said again: "But the head of Xuanyuan killed my father by mistake... ·”

Lu Chongxiao observed the words and expressions, and already guessed the truth of the matter, but he laughed aloud and said: "If Master Xuanyuan is really my nephew, Xin'er can't hate him, I think he doesn't know the inside story after all."

Lu Lanxin hesitated to speak, but Lu Chongxiao sighed again: "How could the head of Xuanyuan be your grandfather's nephew? If so, even if I fall out with the court, I will not allow my disciples to invade the Xuanyuan sect. "Lu Lanxin said: "Granddaughter shouldn't have kept it from grandpa. In fact... the head of Xuanyuan is really your nephew..." Lu Chongxiao said in a pompous manner: "Such words can't be said indiscriminately." Lu Lanxin said again: "Xin'er doesn't dare to speak nonsense..."

The woman only wished to resolve the dispute between the two parties, so she stated all the facts truthfully. Lu Chongxiao nodded and said: "Very good, very good..." After speaking, she couldn't help being silent for a moment, then continued with a forced smile Said: "My leader is determined to make peace with my nephew. Xin'er will go with grandpa to see your aunt and aunt, and will guarantee this for me."

Lu Lanxin followed Lu Chongxiao back to the banquet, and said to Lu Qiang gently and kindly: "Grandfather just now knows that my cousin is his nephew, so he is willing to stop the war and make peace." Lu Qiang hurriedly said: "That fellow will be me. Born." Lu Chongxiao smiled boldly, and said: "Xin'er hasn't mentioned who my nephew is yet, so why are you so eager to deny it?" Gongsun Shu said anxiously: "It turns out that my aunt has an heir. This is really gratifying, but I don't know who the noble young master is, but the subordinates are easy to serve..."

Lv Qiangdeng felt so remorseful that it was as if she was wearing a mask of frost, she said sarcastically, "What on earth do you intend to do?" Lv Chongxiao said, "I want to make peace with my nephew, so you can invite him to come to the meeting Lu Qiang snorted softly, and said: "Brother really intends to stop the army and make peace, just lead the army back, and this time my child has never fought."

Lu Chongxiao couldn't hold back any more, so he yelled angrily: "You really only care about your own flesh and blood, but who the hell will pay for my son's life!" Cousin didn't know that father was his relative back then, so why should grandpa care about it again..." Lu Chongxiao said: "If you don't want to avenge your father, you are disobeying, how dare you support me like this!"

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