Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 335: Preparing for a strategy is imminent

Chapter 335 Preparing for a strategy is imminent (7)

Chapter 330 Five

Preparing for a strategy is imminent (7)

Lu Qiang was very happy when she heard the words, so she praised her without saying a word, and Gongsun Shu thanked her, and then said: "My Dharma king heard that you and your miss were assassinated by Yantian sects before, so he was really worried day and night. This time Dharma king will go with the holy master. The general altar of the Xuanyuan Sect sent their subordinates to pay a visit first, and offer some supplements to you and Miss." Lv Qiang solemnly said: "It's not that the Yantian Department wants to assassinate us, I've heard of the Yantian and Youtian Departments before. There are some festivals, and we must not engage in any more aggressive activities in the future."

Gongsun Shu thought to himself, and then sighed pretendingly, as if he was very sad. He waited until Lu Qiang asked about the reason, and then said: "I will tell you the truth, my subordinates are often worried about our sect." Lu Qiang asked, "Why?" Gongsun Shu Fu Youxing sighed: "The people in the religion exclude each other, there is really no sense of fairness, and although people in the Jianghu regard us as a demon religion, the people of our God religion should not be willing to be depraved, and we should do more good deeds in order to hope On the right track."

Lu Qiang only said that this guy stood upright, so she nodded her head in approval and said, "You are indeed one of the few people who understand in the sect." Gongsun Shuxin said: "I have heard that this aunt prides herself on virtue, and she does not want to follow the sect. I think she is a well-deserved reputation, if she is valued, why not worry about having no way out in the future, this time it is better to give it a go." Thinking of this, Yan's face became more and more sorrowful, and he continued: " The subordinates have always heard that you have a noble character, so even if you are punished this time, you don’t want to lie about it. The future of our sect is really worrying." Lu Qiang asked, "What is there to worry about?" Gongsun said, "Dare you please?" Lao Ping retreated to the left and right, and my subordinates are a little fussy." Lu Qiang immediately ordered Hu Sheng to leave the house, and then said: "All my closest relatives are here, and the messenger Gongsun only cares about words."

Gongsun Shu solemnly accepted his obeisance, and then said: "This subordinate was originally a loyal queen, but my father's loyalty to the Han Dynasty caused the family to fall. Ambitious, I hope that this religion can enter the right path, and it can also help the world and save the people."

Cheng Hongjian only knew that the other party was a righteous man, and he couldn't help admiring him secretly. Lu Qiang asked, "Who is your father?" " Cheng Hongjian blurted out, "So my dear brother's father is actually the Shaofu of Gongsun!" Gongsun Shu asked, "This virtuous brother, has he heard of my father's name?" Speaking of Wang Mang's usurpation of the Han Dynasty in the past, only your father and Da Sikong and He Wu risked their lives in the court, so that they sacrificed their lives..."

Gongsun Shu showed his color slightly, and then said sadly: "In the past, the old thief usurped the Han against the sky, and my father helped and protected the great Han society. It can be said that he swore loyalty to the death. I, Gongsun Shu, often think about Gao Yi, and feel that I have insulted the ancestors. Lu Qiang nodded and said, "Although the envoy Gongsun is in the sect, he is quite loyal and courageous. I don't know why you joined the sect?" It's a coincidence, fortunately, everyone in the sect says that you are old and venerable, but in fact, not all of the sect is full of treacherous people."

Hearing this, Lu Qiang couldn't help feeling deeply relieved, Cheng Hongjian cupped his hands enthusiastically towards the guy and said, "My little brother's name is Cheng Hongjian, I wonder if I can get acquainted with my brother?" Gongsun Shujing looked at him for a while, and then asked him He said: "Are you Xuanyuan's disciple who defeated the official army in Lulinzhai?"

Cheng Hongjian smiled, and Lu Qiangci praised: "Don't look at this child who is young, but he is really good at fighting." Gongsun Shu immediately echoed: "Your old words are very true, I have heard of them recently The Hung-chien brothers are very good at fighting, first they led the troops to repel the encirclement and suppression of the government army, and they also defeated the Yantian Dharma King Zhu Limie, and the future is boundless."

Cheng Hongjian gave a gentle smile, turned to look at Yiren with pity, and blurted out leisurely: "If my little sister and all the brothers hadn't been very caring, there would be no way of winning. Brother Gongsun really deserves the prize." Huan said: "Brother Hung-chien is not only well versed in culture and martial arts, but also so generous, it is really rare."

Cheng Hongjian was highly praised, and he felt that the other party was really a kind and righteous man, so he hesitated for a moment, and then he replied in harmony: "Brother Gongsun loves you so much, little brother... I don't know how to speak. "..." Gongsun Shu laughed, and said: "Although I, Gongsun Shu, have devoted myself to my religion, I have always respected the famous and upright heroes the most. The Hongjian brothers don't have to be too modest." Cheng Hongjian even said that he was ashamed, Gongsunshu pretended to be chatty, and asked again: "May I ask Brother Hongjian how he got close to the seniors of our sect?" Cheng Hongjian was waiting for a truthful answer, Yao Zhenzhen took Tan Lang's words happily and said: " This is a bit of a long story.”

Although Gongsun Shu was suspicious, he didn't ask any more questions. At this moment, Lu Qiang suddenly said, "It's not easy for Gongsun's envoy to come. Help my elder brother attack the Xuanyuan sect?" Gongsun Shuxin said: "This is a sect secret, how can this aunt ask about it in front of outsiders..." Thinking of this, he had no choice but to pretend to be a snake and said: " This subordinate is going ahead according to the order, and I don't know how my Dharma king will arrange it, but the congregation of the headquarters will gather here soon, and the Dharma king will come to pay a visit, and the subordinates can also help to inquire."

Lu Qiang only felt that there was some truth in these words, but she was silent for a while, and then said: "The envoy Gongsun is resting, if there is anything, I will send someone to call you."

Gongsun Shu left at his command, and Cheng Hongjian sighed suddenly: "It turns out that there are also many good people in the Nine Heavens Sect. Compared with some people who claim to be righteous, they are indeed much better..." Yao Zhenzhen asked with a sly smile, "Who do you think is good, my little brother?" Cheng Hongjian said, "Brother Gongsun is a righteous man, and my grandmother and Miss Lu are also very good, and the group of guards from the demon sect At first, it looked a little fierce, but recently it has restrained a lot."

Lv Lanxin revealed her pity, Yao Zhenzhen said softly to Tan Lang: "Master Grandmother and Lu's elder sister are very good people, those guards are under the supervision of Master Grandmother, they will restrain themselves, and that Gongsun Shu said Not necessarily a good, good person.”

Cheng Hongjian was startled when he heard the words, and then blurted out: "How could it be..." After talking, he couldn't help pondering for a while, and then continued leisurely: "What Brother Gongsun said just now... You really show your loyalty..." Yao Zhenzhen said: "That guy is eager to show how noble his character is, but even if his words are nice, he may not be kind."

Lu Qiang thought it was true, Lu Lanxin looked at each other and talked happily, not to mention envy, she said to herself: "Brother Hung Chien is always so tender, but it's a pity that in his heart, I came from the Demon Sect after all, Ruruo... Ruruo..." Thinking of this, she didn't dare to have much expectations, and Gu Jingshu tasted the wine in the cup.

But he said that Gongsun Shu got Qiyage, so he invited Hu Sheng, Lu Lanxin's guard, to have a drink at the wine shop.There is no need to say more about how there was a mingling of wine and chips during the banquet. When it was time to enjoy ourselves, Gongsun Shu continued: "It's really late for us to meet each other. This time, there are still some valuable things in the next residence. Brother Xian, just take them." Sheng pretended to make an excuse and said: "I have received your generous gift before, how can I take my brother's property now?"

Gongsun Shu laughed, and then said: "We are all brothers in the sect, so there is no need to refuse like this. If brother insists on declining, then you can distribute it to the guards next to you."

Hu Sheng laughed heartily when he heard the words, and said with a rough smile: "My brother is still arrogant. If there is anything I want to take care of in the future, then just talk." Gongsun Shu thanked him with a smile, and then said: "I really have something to ask." Hurry up and tell me, brother." Gongsun Shu said, "That Cheng Hongjian is a disciple of the Xuanyuan School, and the little girl next to him seems to be the eldest lady of the Tianzhi Gang. Are you so close to my aunt?" Hu Sheng said: "They saved our aunt and the granddaughter of the leader, and they also led people to meet with my aunt from time to time."

Gongsun Shuwei felt that there might be something strange about it, so he raised a glass of wine and said: "Although my younger brother has never done anything under my aunt's account, I would like to know about her old man's past. Please tell me more carefully. Recently, I have been serving you with all my heart.”

Hu Sheng had already received generous gifts before, and he didn't realize that it was difficult, so he stated the truth of what he knew, and Gongsun Shufu asked again: "Brother, do you know who Cheng Hongjian is, come and talk to me Did you meet my aunt?" Hu Sheng said: "We guards don't know about it, but that kid surnamed Cheng treats him very respectfully, and our aunt even gave him many generous gifts one after another."

Gongsun Shu thought about it for a while, then laughed, and said: "These are all trivial matters of our superiors, and they are not of great importance. Let's have a few more drinks." In this way, when he was full of wine and food, he helped Hu Sheng into his own residence to rest for a while, and then took out his belongings to take care of it.

Hu Sheng's fellow took a short break, then left and left. Gongsun Shu had already figured out the way to be the boss, and at this moment he thought to himself: "I think it's my Gongsun Shu who has tried his best, so that the poor god wants to give me a good chance to be promoted. If I don't take it this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to turn around again. The leader is coming soon, and Xun Jin's fellow will accompany him, so I might as well meet my Dharma king halfway, and then take this opportunity to meet the leader and establish a great power Your contribution." Thinking of this, Yan couldn't help being complacent, so he urged his horse to gallop away.

??Chapter 330 Six Trailer:

On this day, the Devil's Cult and the officers and soldiers stationed for a while, Yunqi ordered the soldiers to capture several devil's cult culprits named evil, intending to behead them for punishment.Not long after that, Xun Jin, king of Youtian law, came to beg for someone, and Yun Qi invited him to be seated, and then said: "It's not because I don't show favor, there must be some rules for the dispatch of the three armies, how Naier and other congregants often disturb the people, this You will be punished accordingly."



(End of this chapter)

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