Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 333 The big chapter is ready and the strategy is coming soon and it is continuing to spread

Chapter 333 Preparing for a strategy is imminent (4)

Chapter 330 Two

Preparing for a strategy is imminent (4)

Geng Yan was walking melancholy, he didn't realize that he was waiting in front of the restaurant, and suddenly when the restaurant's companions closed to see the customers, he became more and more annoyed, and immediately spoke out in anger.The dozens of gangsters who were about to leave felt righteous indignation, and one who was surrounded by others said in a rough voice: "Why are you an ignorant master, the shopkeeper rests whenever he wants, and returns his mother!" What a hello!" Geng Yan said angrily, "Stop being so noisy!"

The leading guest had a shaggy beard, and he was quite tall, but seeing what he said, he felt that the boss didn't mean anything, so he shot and pressed the opponent's shoulders.It was too late to say, but it was too soon, but seeing Geng Yan moved his body a little, he first took off the force exerted by the tycoon, and then pushed back like this, pushing the guy about Zhang Xu away.

The shopkeeper of the Sizhong was horrified by the situation, so he approached in panic, and hurriedly made peace with Geng Yan: "Guest officer, don't make trouble, the official you overthrown is Fu Jun, the head catcher here, why don't you hurry up and pay for it?" no."

Geng Yan was feeling very depressed, when he heard this, he said lightly, "These petty officials are either patrolling the countryside or catching little thieves in the streets. How can you be worthy of accepting this son's great gift?"

All the tycoons who had been on the sidelines couldn't hold back, so they raised their weapons to fight, Geng Yan was full of regret, now he showed his fists again, and within a short while, they overthrew the tyrants one after another.Fu Junshi was caught off guard, he was really in a panic, now he saw the gangsters scurrying around, he became more and more embarrassed, he used all his skills, and started to fight with Geng Yan.

Besides, Fu Jun also has good fists and feet, so after more than ten rounds, he finally couldn't hold back, and then he rolled and crawled, and just now he stood up, Geng Yan watched and shouted: "Get out!"

Knowing that he was invincible, Fu Jun had no choice but to lead all the people under his command to escape. Geng Yan waved his robe and walked into the restaurant, and immediately greeted him loudly: "Hurry up and serve the wine!"

The shopkeeper in the wine shop didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly ordered the shopmates to bring good wine, Geng Yanfu said angrily again: "Aren't you afraid that I will give you less money for the wine!" Said: "Quickly change the big one!"

The shop assistant picked up the big silver, and wished he could take three steps into two steps, so tremblingly held the big cup, and filled it up for the guest officer, Geng Yan served the fine wine and drank, and laughed loudly: "Good wine served!"

The shopkeeper in the wine shop hurriedly ordered the back kitchen to rearrange the stove, and after a short while, the shop partner served several delicacies to the distinguished guests.Geng Yan only cared about drinking, but felt that the past was like wine in a cup, it was really spicy and fragrant, and his soul was drawn to his dream of love, but he fell asleep in a daze, locked in the deepest part of his heart, and did not wake up until the next day when the sky was bright , no problem.

Geng Yan heard that it was very noisy around, so he could only lazily raise his sleepy eyes, but suddenly he saw that he was firmly bound to the chair, he was really terrified, he wanted to use all his strength to break free, and felt that the Jianjing and Huantiao acupoints were also blocked , had no choice but to say bitterly: "Who dares to tie me up!"

As soon as this remark came out, several gangsters laughed one after another, and Fu Jun couldn't help but mocked lightly: "You bunch of birds were so arrogant last night, now you're getting up again and fighting with everyone!"

It turned out that after these ten or so tyrants passed by, they watched in the dark, until Geng Yan was drunk, and then re-entered the wine shop, tied him with thick ropes, and then sealed the acupuncture points, hoping to wait for him to wake up and humiliate him .

Although Geng Yan felt helpless, he still put on his face and said: "You were defeated last night, and you used such tricks, you can't be regarded as a hero."

The dozen or so gangsters were all clamoring, Fu Junjing slapped Geng Yan's big ears in the past, and shouted: "You have no face to call yourself a hero. I should have taken you to jail, and I want you to be good." If you have suffered a lot, hurry up and call my brothers a few times, Grandpa, maybe you will be spared!"

Although the corners of Geng Yan's mouth were cracked, he was still unafraid, and immediately said haha, "Wait, my good grandson... Come and call my grandpa..."

Hearing these words, those high-ranking men in the world immediately threw their fists and kicks into action. Geng Yan couldn't move, so he had to hold on. After a long while, he finally took a breath and forced himself to say: "There is something that will kill your grandfather. ..."

The display cabinets and store companions in the wine shop already received a lot of wine money, so they couldn't bear it at this moment, and they were afraid that people would disturb the business of the store, so they immediately made peace with each other.

Those gangsters didn't want to kill anyone, but they finally felt that they lost face. Fu Jun grabbed Geng Yan's skirt and said in a rough voice: "Whether you accept it or not!" Rin said unyieldingly: "Your grandfather has never obeyed, if you want to take my life, let it be."

Looking at the situation, those heroes in the world couldn't help but look at each other, Geng Yan burst into tears and laughed wildly, then continued sadly: "I, Geng Yan, don't want to live anymore, if you don't send me Geng Yan on the road, wait until I recover , I will definitely cramp and skin your bunch of birds, don’t hurry up and do it! Come on... Come on!"

Many tyrants in the Jianghu became more and more horrified, Fu Jun held up his face, and retorted bitterly: "You boy dare to talk hard with me!" While speaking, he immediately picked up the seat beside him, and slammed at Geng Yan.

??Chapter 230 Trailer:

?Geng Yan was about to be punished, Xuanyuan Qi Guang said earnestly: "Although you are not the disciple of the head of the sect, I also know that you are a good boy. I will not punish you this time, but I will definitely learn from it in the future. " Geng Yan thought of Fubai with emotion, and then said: "The demon sect really wants to attack on a large scale, and I hope the master will take precautions..." Xuanyuan Qiguang sighed: "I already know..." Geng Yan Yan hesitated for a moment, then continued: "My lord...you have to be careful of your tutor..."



(End of this chapter)

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