Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 330: Preparing for a strategy is imminent

Chapter 320 Nine

Preparing for a strategy is imminent (1)

There is a saying: Yan Zhao Yan Guo Kui built golden platforms one by one.Zhao Zhi and Zou Yanfu come together for Xin Fang.However, Qing Yunshi, abandon me like dust.Pearls and jade buy songs and laugh, dross cultivates talents.Knowing that the yellow crane is lifted, it wanders alone for thousands of miles.This poem was written by Li Bai in the Tang Dynasty. He deeply felt that there was no way to serve the country, so he lamented that he could not hold back.Yaosi Jianghu is not like this. Although Liu Xiu, Hongjian and other Xuanyuan disciples are sages in the school, they are always squeezed out by the powerful, just like the yellow crane who wants to be held high and has the ambition to wander alone.In the world, no matter how hard it is for a hero, he always has to suffer from the harshness of the world. At this moment, it is a great blessing that his brothers will never give up.

It is said that when Geng Yan found Kou Xun, he led him to greet his brothers, and then led them to the city to have wine. During the banquet, there was a glass of generous wine and five delicacies on the plate.

Geng and Kou inquired about the recent situation of everyone. After hearing this, they couldn't help marveling and sighing, but seeing Geng Yan enviously blurted out: "It turns out that you brothers have already done such a great thing in Jingxiang. It doesn't take long to think about it. They will definitely be famous. Get up." After talking, I was more and more wasted, and after such a short interval, I just continued angrily: "I can only sigh that my fourth brother and I live in the general altar and have never shared a big event with everyone. It is really a bit mediocre... ···”

Deng Yu was very willing to invite Geng and Kou to join the gang, so he solemnly said: "The current uprising trend can be described as a spark, and I think most of the people in my faction only care about crowding out, so that it is difficult for true heroes to achieve their ambitions. You and the fourth brother have always had ambitions. Now that you've got this matter, you can follow me to join the team, and you can make great achievements together, and this life will not be in vain." Geng Yan immediately agreed generously: "Your brother is exactly what you want." Deng Yu smiled and said: "That's very good, we will wait for you. This is already very capable, as long as the brothers are united, it will be better than wasting time in the faction in the past."

Kou Xun didn't say yes or no, he just raised wine to pay homage to all the brothers, and then asked: "I don't know why all the brothers came here this time?"

Cheng Hongjian was worried about the sect, and when he heard the other party's inquiry, he hurriedly blurted out: "The demon sect is eager to attack on a large scale, and the army will be fully assembled within this month, and the main altar will be attacked on the first day of next month. gone."

Geng Yandeng felt chills pouring into his stomach, and couldn't help blurting out in astonishment: "How could this happen..." Cheng Hongjian said: "This matter is true, the faction should be on guard. "Geng Yan said: "My teacher, Elder Wei, assisted the head of the sect to guard the main altar. There has never been much mistake. Earlier, he had sent many disciples to inquire about the news. If the demon sect intends to make a large-scale invasion, the sect should be aware of it."

Cheng Hongjian knew that Wei Detao had turned his back on him, so he didn't know what to say at this moment, Yao Zhenzhen happily took over Tan Lang's conversation and said, "After my little brother and I captured Xiangyang, we suddenly captured many members of the Demon Sect. It's only because of the failure that I just revealed this important matter. The Demon Cult is going to attack the main altar, so how can they easily expose Xingzang." Geng Yan nodded and said: "There is some truth to this statement."

At this moment, Yao Zhenzhen half-jokingly said to herself: "Actually, as long as there is Elder Wei around, the Demon Cult will be considered as a real outcast, and there will be no news about it in the faction." Geng Yan blurted out: "What is this? " Cheng Hongjian whispered dejectedly: "I'll tell you the truth, third brother...Elder Wei...I'm afraid you'll defect to the enemy..."

Besides, even though Hung-chien could speak for himself, he was afraid that his brother-in-law would be sentimental, so he was not very sure just now, but Geng Yan said in a muffled voice, "The master has indeed offended all the brothers, but he is already in a high position, and he is also in charge. How can a junior brother of the sect do such an unrighteous deed."

Seeing this situation, Yao Zhenzhen said to Geng and Kou, "My little brother has taken into account the affection of you two righteous brothers, and has never bothered with this guy. If my little brother is not worried about the collapse of the faction, maybe it will happen." Swallow the truth into your stomach." Geng Yan looked at his fourth younger brother Kou Xun, and immediately asked, "Do you think Master would do such a thing..."

Kou Xun was quite cautious in his words and deeds, so even though his senior brother asked him, he could only say: "Third Brother Quan, let's hear the whole story, let's make some calculations."

Cheng Hongjian stated all the ins and outs truthfully, and Geng Yan heard that Miaohong is also a member of the Demon Cult, and felt that the lump in his chest was hard to get rid of, so after a long while, he said: "Your brother will not pretend False words, but you are all mentioned by the Demon Cult's Wuhui, so how can you be convinced, there is also Hong Hong... Hong Hong is just a wanderer, but she is not a demon in the Demon Cult... "

Liu Xiushen knew that his younger brother admired Miao Hong, now seeing his words and deeds, he said earnestly: "Miss Qin and Elder Wei are very close to my third younger brother. Brother Yu is really heartbroken to hear such news." At the end of the conversation, Zi Gu raised his hand to lightly stroke the other party's shoulder, and continued: "Third brother has always understood righteousness, this time all the brothers and I want to return to the main altar, just to prevent the faction from being overthrown, and we really don't want to make trouble. "

Geng Yan forced his heart to hold back his sadness, and then said solemnly: "Since the elder brother trusts the younger brother so much, I, Geng Yan, will not do things that damage my loyalty."

Cheng Hongjian became more and more sympathetic, so he comforted him with gentleness: "Third Brother, don't be sad, Elder Wei and Miss Qin may... Maybe they didn't join the Demon Cult..." Geng Yan After a haha, he said: "Your third brother has his own measure." Liu Xiudao: "It's best to inform the head of this matter." Geng Yan said: "Recently, the head of the house is not very likely to sit in the general altar, and the younger brother has the right to tell the elder brother's teacher. Elder Zunyan, you can also take this opportunity to reunite the two of you."

Liu Xiuwei felt that it was not safe to do so, so he said solemnly: "The family teacher is upright, but Elder Yuchi is in power, and the disciples guarding the mountain gate followed his orders to stop us outside the mountain gate."

Geng Yan put the wine bottle in a little resentment, and he said even more sadly: "What elder brother said is very true, that Elder Yuchi is greedy for power, and he specializes in teasing girls. If Honghong didn't stop him, I would definitely tear it down. Here comes the thief's veil."

Liu Xiu didn't pay any heed to these words, and raised his wine to respect each other, saying: "Let's put aside the affairs of the faction, it's not easy for us brothers and sisters to reunite, after drinking to our heart's content, just help the faction to take precautions , to live and die together."

Cheng Hongjian really felt the righteousness, and he nodded repeatedly and said: "This matter is extremely difficult and dangerous, and we will help the sect get out of trouble."

After eating and drinking like this, Yao Zhenzhen took Tan Lang's light clothes and said to his brothers: "Everyone go back first, and I will go back to Qiya Pavilion with my little brother to have a look." Cheng Hong Gradually understanding Yiren's mind, holding Xianyun's hand like this, at this moment he said to Liu Xiu: "The eldest brother will lead the second brother back to the camp to make arrangements, and my younger sister and I will return later."

Liu Xiu only said that Jianzhen wanted to visit the hall master of the pavilion, so she asked the pair of wings not to rush back to the camp, and then told Geng and Kou: "After the two brothers return to the main altar, just tell your master to be on guard. Don't leak the news." Kou Xun replied solemnly: "Nowadays, the Central Committee of this faction really has a lot of detailed work, even if Master Wei Elder asks in person, my younger brother will keep his mouth shut."

Geng Yan answered vaguely on his own, and when everyone went back gradually, he couldn't help muttering: "Master, will you really turn your back on the general altar..." Although Kou Xun felt that Elder Wei had betrayed, But Shangzi comforted himself and said: "I'm just waiting for danger, third brother doesn't need to worry too much." Geng Yan sighed: "I hope so..." At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help being silent for a moment, and then continued : "Brother, go back to the main altar first, and then report this matter to Elder Yan, I...I still have some trivial matters..."

Kou Xun flashed his thoughts when he heard the words, and then said: "Little brother knows that third brother and Miss Qin are very close, but that girl is not a member of the demon sect, but she is also a woman of the world." Geng Yan laughed, and said: "Junior brother is usually the most calm Speak less, how can you care about such trivial matters." Kou Xun said: "Senior brother comes from a famous official family, as long as he manages well, he should be in a high position. We are from the same hometown, and we have a friendship with Jinlan. I really don't want to sit back and watch my third brother suffer This drags."

It's not that Geng Yan is ignorant of this truth, but his deep-rooted affection is deeply rooted in his heart, so he won't listen to such words, he just laughed loudly and said: "I, Geng Yan, can't be accompanied by red and red, so I'm a man in vain. What do you need high-ranking officials and rich salary for? In this world, friendship is the most important." Kou Xun nodded and said: "I know the third brother values ​​friendship the most, I think my younger brother is talking too much." Geng Yan laughed: "It's okay."

Seeing this situation, Kou Xun didn't bother to persuade him anymore, so he went back to the main altar first, but seeing Geng Yan going straight to Cuiyuxuan, and finding Ji Ren Miaohong, who was so lingering until the night fell, he finally felt relieved, and turned to embrace Pillowing her jade arms, she said: "Honghong...follow me..."

Qin Miaohong played with the other party's suave cheeks, and even whispered coquettishly: "Where is Geng Lang going to sell me..." Geng Yan said: "Anywhere is fine, even if you are carrying a hoe in the field or going to the deep mountains Living in seclusion in the old forest and hunting is better than setting foot in the rivers and lakes, we just wander the world, if no one can find us."

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