Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Tigers crouching and dragons swaying Jingxiang (8)

Chapter 320 Six

Tiger Crouching and Dragon Swinging Jingxiang (8)

The instructor surnamed Du bowed down to obey the order, and turned to call Deng Fengdao: "Little thief, don't deceive me that there is no one in Xiangyang. I am General Du Gao. Wait for me to go down and kill you!" Going out of the north gate, he picked up two black iron Hunyuan hammers each weighing [-] to [-] jin, and slammed them on top of Deng Feng's head.

Deng Feng raised his halberd to parry, suddenly felt a little numbness in his wrist, and thought: "This fellow still has some strength." Thinking of this, he cheered himself up even more. stabbing, instantly took away the opponent's life.

The rebels from Zhutiandu's army clamored and shouted again, Liang Qiuci was so annoyed that he was speechless, and the little official beside him cowardly said: "General...you can quickly send the masters from Yantian and Youtian's two tribes to capture This thief..." Liang Qiuci resentfully said: "Most of the Demon Cult's followers have secretly gathered at the Xuanyuan Sect's main altar, and there is no one who is good at fighting among the remaining followers." The little official said: "General, you can call more members of the Demon Cult to besiege these rebels..."

Liang Qiuci only felt that there was some truth in this remark, so he turned to call on Deng Fengdao: "Don't leave the traitor, this general will send a master to take you!"

Deng Feng held his head up and smiled, then waved his halberd in his hand, and greeted him in a loud voice: "You just send people to die, I, Deng Feng, will wait for you to return."

Liang Qiuci summoned ten disciples of the Demon Sect's Yantian Department, and said: "Go and kill the rebels together as soon as possible, and this general will personally beat the drums to cheer you up." He then ordered several generals in the department to say: " Let us go with the congregation of the Nine Heavens Sect."

The generals looked at each other in blank dismay, but they were afraid of offending the official authority, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and urged the Yantian sect to fight together, but seeing that Deng Feng was not afraid at all, he even raised his halberd to attack.The enemy crowd watched and parried, relying on such a large number of people, they can also take advantage of the gap to counterattack.

At this moment, Liangqiu gave the hammer to beat the drum, and the soldiers on both sides shouted to show their military might, but seeing Deng Feng's halberd suddenly turned back into the hook, he rushed the shovel horizontally and strangled the enemy, killing several people in a short time. Demon sect murderers, even if a tiger cannot defend against a pack of wolves, they will inevitably be injured and die.

Several enemy soldiers Xiao Xiaoshang fought with their weapons, Deng Feng turned his horse's head and immediately jumped out of the circle. between.

Liang Qiuci was watching intently, when he suddenly saw Deng Feng throwing his halberd, he stabbed him off the horse, just at that moment, Deng Fengfu threw another halberd, chopping Xiaoxiao's head off.All the enemies were terrified. Deng Feng pulled out the halberd he was carrying behind him, and taught the survivors to retreat in panic.

Deng Fengwei felt that although the wound was painful, it was not serious, so he thought to himself: "Uncle ordered me to lure the enemy, why don't you pretend to be seriously injured now." Thinking of this, he pretended to breathe, and then Said: "Your Jingxiang civil and military are all wine bags and rice bags. Even if they rely on a large number of people, they will not be able to defeat me. The group of birds surnamed Liang hastened to come down and die!"

All the soldiers of the rebel army shouted and cursed. Liang Qiuci saw that Deng Feng was very tired, so he ordered his subordinates in a low voice: "I see that this group of grass bandits are brave but not resourceful, and they have the power to wait until the enemy's anger is weakened. This general Then lead you here to make meritorious service for the imperial court." After finishing speaking, he went straight to Deng Yu and shouted frivolously: "This general will not go to battle, so I will kill you and other grassroots in a fit of anger!"

Not long after this, several officers and soldiers served wine according to the order of the general, and Liang Qiuci sat proudly. Deng Feng immediately jumped off his horse and scolded: "I think I, Deng Feng, have never seen such a shameless rat like you. Hurry up and come out for a decisive battle, get out!" Liang Qiuci laughed and said: "I am such a character, how could I not be able to withstand a few obscenities, you and other grassroots can only abuse, I am dignified to protect the general."

Deng Feng ordered more than a dozen soldiers of the rebel army to keep talking and fighting, and ordered most of the army and horses to sit on the ground, and then lie down on a high dome, thinking to himself: "You guys are clearly trying to treat our army's morale failure, so I will use this to lure you Go to war."

Unknowingly, the two armies have been at each other for a long time. Liang Qiuci only thought that the opportunity to fight was coming, so he wanted to lead most of the troops to suppress Deng Fengyi's army, but a small official cowardly said: "General, wait a moment, there will be a lot of trouble here." Is there any deceit..." Liangqiu Ci said: "There is no deceit, these grassroots are fighting with their lives, and there is no sign of seducing me." At the end of the conversation, he immediately ordered the officers of the department: "Recently, the rebellion has become more and more serious. Crazy, if you don’t win any more battles, the imperial court will punish you, and this general will behead you too!”

Many generals obeyed their promises and led the army out from Liangqiuci. Deng Feng got on his horse and ordered most of the rebels to retreat first. At this moment, they resisted a little before they escaped with their horses and led the main force of the officers and soldiers towards Guyi Town. And went.

??Chapter 320 Six Trailer:

Gai Yan was waiting for the governor to lead his troops to Jiangxia, when Cen Peng suddenly stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, General Gai. We should give up our lives to save and protect the general." After all, I’ve received a lot of anger from this guy, so why bother the general..." Cen Peng said earnestly: "General Liang is a general of the imperial court. If he really died like this, the morale of the bandits will definitely increase. We should focus on the overall situation That's right." Gai Yan sighed: "Since that's the case, Gai will be assigned by the general."

?The two officials and generals had negotiated and decided to go to Guyi Town in such a hurry. It happened that Liang Qiuci was in the midst of the rebellious army. But seeing that guy was ashamed and afraid, he didn't care about face at the moment. He just shouted, "Come and save me!"



(End of this chapter)

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