Hongjian Yupan

Chapter 323

Chapter 320 Three

Tiger Crouching and Dragon Swinging Jingxiang (6)

After all, Cheng Hongjian was born in a high-ranking official family, so he was familiar with court affairs since he was a child. At this moment, he pondered for a while, and then said: "Officials and local forces often have their own ideas, and they don't often help each other. Liang Qiu Ciru wants to ask for help. , I want to report quickly, but the imperial court has always acted slowly, even if it sends troops to help, it will inevitably take time, and my rebel army can take this opportunity to attack the neighboring small counties quickly." After speaking, he paused for a while. After a pause, he continued: "After all, our rebel army is not fully prepared. If we don't lure the Xiangyang defenders out of the decisive battle, it will be very difficult to attack."

Liu Xiushen thought so, and said to everyone: "My brother's words are very reasonable. Earlier, Liang Qiuci did not send troops to rescue Xinye, and the officials in the small counties near the left would know that there is no hope. We will send troops to attack like this. There will be no delay, but in the future, if someone is willing to surrender, all brothers in the family must treat him kindly, and must not commit suicide in vain."

Li Yi echoed everyone, and Li Tong sighed, "Liang Qiuci can't shrink back, so how can everyone lure the enemy..."

Liu Yan felt that what Hongjian said was reasonable, so he appeased Li Tongtong: "All the brothers will avenge you sooner or later. Since my sister-in-law Boji made an engagement with you, Liang Qiuci also killed my relatives, so I will be the first to attack him. A few small counties, and then take the dog's head." Li Tong sighed lightly, and said: "The younger brother is entirely up to the elder brother to decide..."

Liu Yanfu was relieved for a while, and turned to drink a cup of wine, and assigned all the brothers to rush to the city the next day, but seeing so many heroes vying to be the first, Cheng Hongjian thought of a good strategy to lure the enemy, but did not say anything.So when the banquet was over, Yao Zhenzhen went straight to discuss with Tan Lang and said, "I was trying to figure out a way earlier. In fact, my little brother can choose some smart ones from his shopmates, and ask them to pretend to be refugees and sneak into Xiangyang, spreading some lures to the enemy." your words." Cheng Hongjian said joyfully, "You're still smart."

Yao Zhenzhen subconsciously rejoiced, and then she said with high spirits: "Little brother, just reward the shopmates, and want them to publicize how cowardly Liang Qiuci is, and how the rebels are bluffing. I think there are still people outside Xiangyang who want to fight, If you want that guy to only say that our rebel army has won consecutive battles, they are all slack."

Cheng Hongjian nodded when he heard the words, and then Youyou blurted out, "This move is really wonderful, why didn't my little sister mention it just now..." Yao Zhenzhen jokingly said: "If people mention this during the banquet, Others may see that my little brother seems to be under my command."

That little girl's sweet words were full of emotion, Cheng Hongjian actually felt sorry for himself and said softly: "Little sister is doing it for my own good. Since you mentioned it like this, I should act like this." Yao Zhenzhen smiled sweetly and said: " For this incident, we did not mobilize many troops, if we really lure Liang Qiuci out of the city, my little brother can enjoy a great achievement all to himself."

Cheng Hongjian pondered for a while, and then said: "As long as we defeat the officers and soldiers, that's enough. However, my brother-in-law Deng Yu is willing to take care of me and is eager for merit. I might as well discuss it with him."

Yao Zhen nodded sweetly, and then said: "The little brother, let's find him now." Cheng Hongjian smiled and said, "It's not too busy..." Yao Zhenzhen asked, "What?"

Cheng Hongjian looked at Yi Ren passionately, and then said with affection and tenderness: "Little sister is the most beautiful, I want...to kiss you first..."

Yao Zhenzhen lowered her head with restraint, while Cheng Hongjian took care of Yi Renchun's smile and took Yi Renchun with her on the trip, thus finding Deng Yu and discussing important military affairs.

Deng Yu was about to accumulate achievements, at this moment when Jian Zhen presented this strategy of luring the enemy, he felt the righteousness, and then said: "It's rare that the seventh brother misses your second brother, so we will earn a gift from Liangqiu Come to the decisive battle, but also cooperate with the inside and outside, and attack Xiangyang for the main force of our rebel army."

All kinds of idle things are not annoying for the time being.But it is said that Cheng Hongjian and Deng Yu dispatched many insiders to Xiangyang, so that they only preached that Liang Qiuci was as fearful of the enemy as a tiger.In just two or three days, these words had spread to the ears of the officials, and Liang Qiuci was annoyed and frightened, fearing that the court would punish him.

The rebel army of Zhutiandu had already taken down several cities with few soldiers and few generals, and turned to recruiting soldiers with food, and they had tens of thousands of troops before they knew it.On this day Liu Yan gathered all the brothers to discuss the matter, and said angrily: "Liangqiu gave this group of birds back to his mother to hide in Xiangyang, and I want to personally raise an army to attack."

Li Tong immediately led his cousin to agree, and Cheng Hongjian persuaded him again: "Although our army is several times larger than Xiangyang's soldiers, most of them have been recruited recently. If we attack like this, we will definitely lose a lot." Li Tong said: "You and Brother Deng Yu can't lure the enemy, so we can only attack Xiangyang by force, even if there are some losses, we should be fearless, if we really delay, there will be no guarantee that the reinforcements from the imperial court will not arrive."

Cheng Hongjian felt that this was inappropriate, so he blurted out leisurely: "Actually, we shouldn't just focus on capturing cities and lands when we make a move. Since those people have come to join our brothers, we should try our best to save their lives... ···”

Li Tong was eager to kill his enemies, at this moment he said rather angrily: "As the saying goes, 'Compassion does not command soldiers', if everyone is like you, it will be a big deal for us to wait for the rebels to return his mother!"

Cheng Hongjian was speechless, but Yao Zhenzhen actually took up the conversation and said: "Sun Wu, the sage of soldiers, once mentioned that 'the whole army is the first priority, and the second is to destroy the army'. My little brother wants to protect the righteous army, which is really in line with the essence of the art of war." .”

Hearing this, Li Tong could only laugh aloud, and said, "Yao, I know that Miss is partial to Brother Hung-chien, but if you speak like this, I'm afraid it will delay the important matter."

Yao Zhenzhen looked at Tan Lang prettily, then smiled sweetly and said: "I only hope that my little brother wins the battle, of course he has the overall situation in mind. Although Liang Qiuci has never led an army to fight, that guy may not have such thoughts, this time If it is a strong attack, it will be a bit disadvantageous."

After hearing what everyone said, Liu Yan still wanted to attack Xiangyang by force. At this moment, Liu Xiu appeased Li Tongtong: "Brother Yu, I would like to avenge you, but Xiangyang has been easy to defend and difficult to attack since ancient times, so we will hold on for a while. The rebel army will be in danger."

Li Tong sighed sadly, and then said: "I only hate that my relatives were slaughtered, and recently my heart feels like a knife. If I can't avenge this great revenge, I would rather be killed." Liu Xiu said: "Brother, don't seek such short-sightedness. , even if you don’t speak, Brother Yu should avenge this vengeance, but if you want to attack the enemy, you should always keep yourself safe. I have made plans now, and I think I can defeat the army.”

Cheng Hongjian asked, Liu Xiu then continued: "Liang Qiuci doesn't know our reality, everyone might as well send a young general to lead some soldiers and horses to fight, and this young general should have a good face and be well-equipped with both civil and military skills. "

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